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Posts posted by Jimpha

  1. It's funny how whenever a thread about this appears, the detractors rush in with hyperbole and senseless arguments to rail against it. Here's a hypothetical situation:


    You and Bob both work for the same company. Your job each day is to complete a specific task. That task requires everyone to pull their weight. Everyone gets paid unless the team fails the task. Everyone on the team contributes to finishing the task, except Bob. Bob slacks off all day, takes 3 hour lunches, and basically fails to contribute in one way or another. In this situation, would you want option 1, a complete free-for-all where there is no accountability? Or would you want a company-provided tool to track people's hours so you know your other teammates are doing their share?


    If your answer is "option 1", you are full of it. Having a meter does not mean everyone 'abuses' it. Tanks and healers are instantly held accountable the second something goes wrong. DPS shouldn't get a free pass. If you are being a detriment to the group, even in a pug, even if unintentional, you should be held accountable.


    This proves my point a little more, though that's not what you wanted to do. In that job, they'd have a boss/manager/supervisor (ie, Raid Leader) watching said employees, and if Bob wasn't doing his job, or was slacking that bad, his *** would be gone.

  2. Just out of curiosity, what would a "good raid leader" use as a gauge for telling who is pulling their weight? Why would any "good raid leader" completely ignore a quantifiable unbiased metric if it were at their disposal? I mean... if raider A and raider B both are equally prepared for a raid, execute the fights flawlessly and strive for min/maxing their gearsets - then they would appear to be equal in your eyes. However, raider B is absolutely dead last when you take a look at the meters because his uptime % on the boss is abysmal and his rotation is way our of whack.


    I don't get why meters are always an eyesore for some members of the raiding community - it is merely a tool. When used properly it can only benefit the raid group, and when competition is introduced, it actually makes people try harder than they normally would.


    In that "other" game, I was tank since it started. And aside from having to watch just a few cooldowns (I only used 2 or 3 addons in that other game, and none had anything to do with combat). If you learn other classes, you get a feeling for what they're doing, and when they're doing it. If you just see auto-attack going off, you know they're not doing much. If you see certain animations, and know what their visual is, you can gauge quite well how they're doing. I had a few who didn't believe me, and ran damage meters a few times, and at the end of the fight, based on gear and animations, you can tell who's pulling their weight, and who's not.


    Damage meters when they first came out in WoW were a good thing. It WAS a way to see who was pulling their weight (Still didn't use them), but sometime after BC came out, it wasn't to gauge who was pulling their weight, but it was nothing more then a way for people to "show off their e-peen." Which wasn't a good thing. You had people ignoring basic mechanics of fights, pulling things they shouldn't, and breaking CC just to get their dps and overall damage up high. DPS meters at one point were useful yet, but anymore, even in this game, are nothing more then another way for people to play stupid.


    Case in point, though not raid or ops, warzones are a good example. You have people just fighting in the middle of nowhere, not defending nodes or attacking the huttball carrier. Just so their damage is highest at the end. Anything that'll show off overall damage or dps, hurts the group more then it'll help it.

  3. No thanks.


    Reason; In that other major MMO out there, there were a lot of people who absolutely HATED auction parts of the auction house (Yeah, I know...) Me, included. Usually when you go to the auction house/GTN for something, you usually need it right then and there, and having to wait up to 48 hours to get it (If someone forgets or just doesn't put a buyout price) really sucks, especially if that's the only one of that item in there at the time. There's nothing wrong with the GTN as it is, save for a few minor changes maybe, but otherwise works just fine.

  4. I was out doing my dailies. As a tank I can do all the 2 man dailies, they just take awhile to do. So I got to thinking, and game up with a new legacy perk.


    Emergency Distress Beacon:


    Basically, it would call all your companions to you to aid you for, say 5 mins or so. It wouldn't be able to be used in pvp of course. And the cooldown would be rather long. Say 12 hours, even maybe 24 hours or so.

  5. But I q up, and it takes like 4 to 5 minutes to find a group? Come on, fix it now, it takes too long.


    Yeah, I see this complaint A LOT! As a tank, I'll tell you why it takes so long, DPS are generally stupid/retarded, and 80% of them are Marauder.

  6. If they said something in chat, right clicking their name will give you the option to report them. That sends all chat logs to the reps to look over. It basically does do everything you said, you just don't see it being sent.


    As for the guy above me, ignore him. He's not too bright.

  7. I really hope they don't. Early versions of recount were okay (ie, vanilla WoW), because people knew how to use it, and not go overboard trying to top it. As for other addons that are in WoW now, they're there to make the game where you don't have to think. I only used like 2 addons, as a warrior tank, raid leader and guild leader since day 1 of WoW. As long as you pay attention, you'll know everything you need to know without an addon telling you. So no, please no addons in this game. It turns people stupid. Like the scoreboards in Warzones. People are more worried about topping the damage on them, then actually doing the objectives.
  8. Pushback simply means, that when casting certain things, in this case channeling, that if you get hit, you'll lose time off your channeling. Talented, it just means that you won't lose any channeling time, and DOESN'T mean that you can't be knocked back. Even talented, being stunned, knocked back or knocked down will stop the casting.
  9. Anyone remember your first set of T4? How you struggled through hours of Kara and wiping and getting screamed at on vent by your ahole raid leader to have the right and privilege of running around Shatt showing it off? You worked your butt off for that gear, and it really meant something.


    Where is that in SWTOR?


    The gear itself is nothing special here. You can earn the best the game has to offer in a matter of days, and what you get just doesn't look epic. There is no sense of accomplishment at all, and not just with gear. This sensation of blah just permeates all aspects of this game.


    I love Star Wars, and I love Bioware. I am just not in love with this game. It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, an MMO. Within 3 weeks of launch I had a 50 AND a 35. (I was on break between semesters, don't start the no life crap.) The immersion just isn't here. I never find myself jumping out of my seat because I finally downed an insanely hard boss or finally got my trade-skills maxed out or finally made enough money to buy that crazy mount.


    Sadfaces for the lack of drive, and the lack of anything to have drive for.



    After Vanilla WoW, there was no "jump out of my seat" factors. They game steadily got easier and easier, by now, it's way too easy. Yes, so is SWTOR, but it's newer and funner for me right now (Played WoW since beta, and SWTOR since beta). So who knows, SWTOR is easy now, maybe BW will wise up and making it a bit harder. As for the aesthetic of gear, I was never a fan of WoW's end game gear looks, nor SWTOR's either. I rerolled in 1.2, and am loving my level 14 chest piece better then the level 50 HM Operation ones.

  10. I could care less for your apparent lack of intellect, i don't presume to know more than them with their so called metrics data, i do however know something, as a long time mmo player, the often disastrous effect of sweeping balance changes, which in most cases are reverted months later, yet these mistakes are repeated. I'm sorry , but blindly trusting developers as you say is flawed, are these the same devs that created the balanced classes from the start ? and then found some needed rebalancing ? heh



    And you don't seem to realize that, to balance classes for both PvP AND PvE, will NEVER, EVER happen. It's impossible to do, because of how a computer can handle a boss in a raid, and how a human is going to handle fighting against other human players. The guy you quoted is quite more right then you. The developers do know more of what they're doing then the players. It's the players who get effected and aren't OP anymore that complain that the "balancing" screwed them, because they can't do easy mode anymore.

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