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Posts posted by Calhan

  1. Hello!

    Is there a possibility to make the season companions EXCLUSIVELY able to use ALL the different weapons they bring with them along the season? Why don't you point out ONLY the season companions with the ability to use ALL KIND OF WEAPON, especially the weapons with "bindings" to the companion-character. For example is it nice that I as player can use a named weapon from PH4-LNX, but I have no history with this weapon as maybe has PH4-LNX because the weapon got a name from her.

    Also this change may be a further reason to play the season, if you i.e. want to use PH4-LNX as your companion, but wielding a lightsaber oder an assault cannon or sharp shooter rifle or, or, or. This may bring more variety to use the season companions. You got "millions" of types of weapons in this game, vibro staffs, vibro swords and more and they all have restrictions for the players if they can use them (i.e "Needs a lightsaber to use it" when your ability also allows you to wear other weapon types), and there are not so many "normal" companions that can use them. So I think it is worth a thought to expand the weapon abilities ONLY for the season companions.

  2. Hello!

    I am not speaking english as native, so I hope you understand me.

    My question is: Why is there no possibility to ONE-CLICK the companion gifts to the limit existing in your bag to level a companion. It is EXTREMELY BORING to click x-hundred times one and the same item and HEAR ONE AND THE SAME LINE from the companion a million times (felt).



    • Like 1
  3. Hi!

    Sorry for my bad english, but I am forced to write here to (hopefully) get an useful answer.

    I want to know the ACTUAL credit limits for my bank, my legacy bank and the guild. I remember there was something in the nearest past, that smthg was changed, money over the limit will not longer disappear it will go your mailbox and other things.

    Any helpful answer is welcome.



  4. Hallo zusammen!

    Ich finde im Netz leider nur "veraltete" Daten zu den Credit-Obergrenzen. Da ich mich aber meine, erinnern zu können, dass vor gar nicht langer Zeit IRGENDWAS mit den Credits geschraubt wurde (u,a,, dass überschüssige Credits nun in Deinem Postfach landen, anstatt verloren zu gehen), wüsste ich gern, wie die AKTUELLEN Grenzen für ABONNENTEN aussehen.

    Freien Himmel!


  5. Can I see the objectives at any place? In the good old times they were shown on mouse-over, but today I find them nowhere.

    Surely it's competition, but when the 8 Medals are part of the Season-Objectives, they should be reachable for everyone, maybe not easy, but reachable. In Warzones when I defend a pole I got my medals with defeating an attack or two, today with the same scenario i get FOUR Medals over the time. The same when I play on attack and my fingers are in constant motions on the keyboard -> most time FOUR Medals. I'm 50 years old, my best times are in the past, so these changes in PvP, which is imo also the best way to get the 100k conquest points, are frustrating.

  6. Hello!

    I'm German, so my english maybe seems ugly, but I hope to send the message.

    Why does EA ruin PvP for casuals? The change to differntiate Arenas and Warzones was long overdue, but the change of the medal objectives or timer for players who defend a place (yes, these players are also important, not only attackers!) is awful. If you are a casual or mediocre player, you have NO CHANCE to reach the 8-Medal-Line (Objective in the PvP-Season to fullfill the 4/4 weekly). This EA should overthink or it will separate the playership as more as it is now already.

  7. Are you serious right now?


    I did 3 missions of new story content with bonuses and reached 100 in under 40 minutes.


    Get your stronghold bonus already and stop whining.


    This is the least of this patch problems.


    Yes, I am serious. Not everybody is on AddOn-Day at the point of the new content, BUT a guild member. And as that I want to support my guild with fleet plans. And therefore I need the 100k.


    I hoped for some suggestions, how to manage the 100k "as best" (with "old" content).

  8. Hallo!


    Ich habe in den letzten Tagen vermehrt festgestellt, dass sie viele Dinge, die Sammelberufe (Plündern, Archäologie, etc) abbauen könnten, nicht abbauen lassen. Allein in CZ-198 habe ich mindestens 4 Stellen, wo Metalle oder Kristalle zwar sowohl auf der Karte wie auch "live" angezeigt werden, nur lassen sie sich nicht looten.


    Haben noch mehr Spieler dieses Problem?

  9. Naja, ich denke aber schon, dass er dann merken wird, dass ein Herrscher "ohne Untergebene" (bzw Unterlegene) sehr schnell allein dasteht. Oder hat dessen Gilde jetzt für beide Seiten das Spiel gepachtet und die sind froh, dass kein "Fremdling" mehr die Gildenschiesserei stört ?
  10. Is it wished by the devs that you cannot define the Swoop-Racebar on your own needs ? I either can't remove the new icons in the "normal" bar 1 ( no, it's not the temporarily bar, it,s YOUR bar 1 (with maybe your keychanges FOR THE GAMING, not for the swoop)), nor can I get the race icons from somewhere new, because if I move them, they disappear. :mad::mad:
  11. Hallo zusammen !


    Ist es irgendwie möglich, die Swoop-Rennleiste zu bearbeiten ? Oder wird da einfach nur die 1. Schnellleiste mit selbst definierter Tastenbelegung und nur anderen (allerdings wohl nicht verschiebbaren) Icons übernommen ?


    Eine temporäre Schnellleiste ist es jedenfalls nicht, die würde meiner Tastenbelegung dafür nicht entsprechen.


    Falls jemand helfen kann, wäre das toll.





  12. Es funktioniert über "Token verloren" (anmelden ohne Eingabe eines Security Keys), dann auf neue Handy runterladen, installieren, Security Key über "Mein SWTOR" wieder hinzufügen, dann gibts 2 Einmalpasswörter per Mail, anschließend den hier auf der Site generierten Code in die neue Installation eintragen und fertig, alles läuft.
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