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Posts posted by Saban

  1. well unlucky.... btw here's suggestions for u readers i made my characters last name as an NPC's name so now my last name is Dorne as i have maried her in game now i can role for new characters as children of them as she talks about children. Winning!!!!


    I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad. :(

  2. Before you open a new topic, try to know and understand what is going on. Waste of a post = deleted and ignored


    As you were lucky enough to get in 2 days ago, several others, myself included, have been waiting, not so paitently, to get in.


    They are releasing new people to the servers for 3-4 days straight now, don't you expect your server to fill up and there be ques to get in?


    Also this being the release of the game, as stated in several other threads, servers will be at their peak, everyone and their brother will be on 24/7 for the next 3 weeks. Get use to it.


    Well, waiting for 2 over hours to log in is kinda annoying. And this is not even the prime time! I started logging in around 2:30pm CET and I'm still in the que. Perhaps, instead of picking an already full server you should have picked an empty one - I mean of course you and your brothers.

  3. Queues are good. They aren't exceptionally long at the moment anyway, but the reason they're good is because it guarantees a healthy server in the long run, and not ghost towns like half the WoW servers are at the moment. I rather wait 30min to get onto my server, then finding out 6 months from now that I'm on a dead server.


    The que on Tomb of Freedon Nadd was 2000 long at peek hour yesterday, took my friend over 2hours to get in. Did I mention that it happened after he had a CTD ? I think they should really think about server splits.

  4. Can I join your group?


    Oh wait, I can't get access to the game, nvm, gg Bioware, great launch LOL


    Game launches on the 20th of December, this Early Game Access, which was started as a reward for fans who pre-ordered the game.

  5. Ugh, nobody is hating anyone for speaking different language. The problem is that 3 big communities picked this server as their 'home', this relates to very long ques (over 1 hour yesterday). And while it can be annoying to see people denying writing in English in /1., it is not as annoying as having to wait 1 hour to log in - and to make it clear, if one of the communities will not change the server or Bioware will not split the server, it's going to bug the hell out of players.
  6. Just don't get people started on




    in the EU community, EGA will become less of a problem :)


    I'm bored @ work, a little exchange of opinions will keep me from falling asleep. ;)



    Be glad to know that ITALIANs ppl choose TOFN as OFFICIAL ITALIAN COMMUNITY SERVER.



    Figures the hour wait I had to endure on the second day of EGA. I really hope for a server split before official game launch.

  7. So I've been wondering about the server which are already full in prime time - e.g. Tomb of Freedon Nadd - are they going to be split on the 20th ? Or perhaps the cap is going to be rasied? Because honestly, the hour wait I had to go through last night was quite annoying, to say the least.



    Ps. Sorry if the question has already been, but the search button seems to be gone

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