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Posts posted by Heliotic

  1. So I must ask, why is an item with a hugely requested feature (THE EMERGENCY ONE DOES NOT COUNT) only available to those with Security Key vendors? The physical key costs 4 dollars plus the shipping and taxes, the App costs nothing but requires a smartphone (and contrary to popular belief, not everyone has one!).


    Because they want people to use a security key.


    The more people who use a security key, the less they have to spend on recovering accounts from people who 'somehow' got key loggers on their machines despite being security experts.

  2. If/when they allow server transfers, come on over to The Swiftsure or The Fatman.


    No problems finding groups. VERY populated. I play on The Swiftsure, and I can easily say that the caliber of people who play on it seem to be a notch above in terms of helpfulness and politeness. Republic side, anyways.


    The people who want LFD would have trouble finding a group even if every zone had 200 people in it.

  3. I don't think you understand how the internet works.


    Step 1: I connect to the server in Sydney. My lousy broadband and the fact that I'm just south of perth gives me a ping of about 50.


    Step 2: The proxy server's high speed connection reroutes my messages to to the US.


    Step 3: The game server replies are sent back to the proxy via the same high speed connection.


    Step 4: The proxy server replies to me. All in under the blink of an eye.


    All in all, I get between 50 and 170 ping. Which is better than the current ping of 400 to 600, isn't it?


    Even if you're right about it never falling below 170, that's still better than current pings.


    It's unacceptable to open Australian servers. The majority of people interested in the game in Australia already have the game. They're already established on US servers and we know for a fact that it's pretty costly to operate Australian MMO servers. There's a reason why there's no AU based WoW servers. There's a reason why Sony closed their Pirates of the Burning Sea AU servers. Too costly.


    As I said, even if you're right about 170, I'll take that over the problems locally hosted servers would cause AND 170 is still a lot better then current pings.


    Congratulations, you have no idea how TCP/IP works.


    I currently get 170-200 ping to TOR servers [via a direct connection, no magic servers needed] and the only way that will actually get any lower is if the servers are physically moved closer to us.


    (Unless your 'high speed internet' can somehow break the speed of light.)


    PS: The reason that using an SSH proxy to connect to wow made things seem faster was because of the TCP algorithm they used.

  4. Everyone trying to claim that all the money went on 'voice acting' is completely detached from reality.


    They could hire 100 voice actors for 50k a year (which is very high for that sort of job) and have them sit around doing nothing for 5 years and it would still only cost 25 million dollars in total.


    Did they do that? No. They would have spent much less.

  5. Yet the game felt tremendously empty.... I may be forced to call for a lie, again...


    Although i would love to believe that my dear SWTOR is doing great, common sense and game region counting and difficulty to find groups when we would easily do, wont support this claim.


    I agree that EA executives would definitely be violating federal laws just to make SWTOR look better.

  6. Log into SWTOR, hit auto run, then spam C (or open/close your character sheet) you can do this with any window but character sheet is the most pronounced.


    This coupled with the horrible raid frames that rarely update properly, is this all caused because the UI redraws the entire screen each time a new window opens?


    I don't want to alarm you, but the entire screen is redrawn at least 30-120 times a second depending on your hardware.

  7. In most other MMOs I've played, trash mobs give trash loot or cash, hard mobs give uncommon items or cash, elites drop rare items or cash and bosses drop rare, epics and cash. However In this game I get more greens and cash out of elites and champions than anything else.

    I would expect that when I go up against an npc called "CHAMPION" I would at the very least be guaranteed a rare item but that's not the case at all. I've dropped quite a few champions and for all my troubles I'm usually awarded a green item and some cash.


    Quite often those champions are the end of bonus quest chains.

  8. Our sorc put in a bug report when it happened and apparently this was something people had been reporting even before that. This bug has been around.


    tbh I'm not sure why I said I was amazed that it wasn't fixed, because I'm not. EV is still buggy after all.


    As I said, companies prioritise based on how often something as been reported.


    If it's only been reported by a few people, they will rate it a low priority fix compared to stuff which gets reported by a lot of people.

  9. This is why you have beta testing.





    Hahaha. What? How do you report bugs if there is no bug reporting system?


    There are -always- bugs in live software. Not having a bug reporting system is like sticking your fingers in your ears and shouting LALALALALA.


    I like the fact that we are given a direct (although one way) channel to the devs so we can at least be sure they have heard our complaints.

  10. Oh for the love, it's been reported by at least by 20 members in our guild alone so I am sure there has been plenty of others.


    We ran it tonight and had the problem but as it was mentioned, he can still be killed and the bugged clones mopped up after.


    Bioware (like any other software development company) would triage fixes based on how many people have reported the issue.


    Just because you know it's been reported already is no reason not to report it yourself, it will give it a bit more visibility.

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