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Posts posted by Nanok

  1. Hmm crit may be the thing i didnt factor in. When i was talking about waiting i was refering to... for example waiting on global cd to pop ravage +scream or stuff like that. I didnt mean u wait 5 sec with gore off cd.. allthough in raid situations u may actually want to wait on battering assault to make sure u can 3xmasacre plus scream...


    Is your askmrrobot profile updted ? I wanna model it based on your stats and see if the results differ.

  2. I've actually done the math on this but not on my home pc atm.

    Basicly it comes down to this:


    To even consider the energy relic as better u need to asume youuse gore on cooldown. That makes 4 gores per minute.

    4.5 sec window for a proc.


    For the energy one to be better than the elemental one you need 2 procs /min to be inside gore. That has a really low chanse of happening even with 4 gores per minute.


    Considering that to actually have a good rotation u always wait with gore for other cooldowns it's allmost 100% chance u wont get 4 gores per minute wich diminishes the chances of getting 2procs inside the gore window even less.


    U should use the elemental one.period . :-)


    Edited some spelling

  3. yes and in my calculations i assumed a raid setup where i would always have 20% armor pen from jugg or similar debuff.


    so thats the reason for 1- (0.2 + aditional pen)


    is it wrong ?


    edit: not sure why yours is hiting that low. i am sure that without armor pen the formula above holds true .. so 35% is the actual dummy armor. i have picked up the formula from this thread .. so ..

  4. so... some simple math without any actual testing to try to back up my claim that energy might pull ahead.

    (gonna use marauder ability names coz its been some time since i played sentinel)


    from what i understand from testers in this thread the proc is around 6 seconds for mercs and such.

    since a carnage mara has many hits per minute i suspect the proc happens even more often since its got 4.5 sec cd, but for the sake of calculating a worse case scenario lets assume 6 seconds, so a max of 10 procs per minute.


    assuming no crits all the way the elemental one would do:


    210*10 = 2100 dmg per minute


    for the energy one:


    280 * (1 - 0.35 * (1 - (0.20 + P)))


    raid setup with 20% armor pen from other classes,

    a hit without gore will hit for


    280 * (1 - 0.35 * (1 - (0.20 + 0))) = 201.6


    a hit with gore will do 280


    you can use gore a maximum of 4 times per minute. if only 1 proc is affected by gore the total dmg would be :


    9*201.6 + 280 = 2094.4


    if i get 2 procs affected by gore


    8*201.6 + 2*280 = 1612.8 + 560 = 2172.8 which is greater than the elemental relic dmg by 72.8 per minute.



    so .. if i get 2 gore affected procs per minute the energy one becomes more effective.

    real question is ... how many procs will actually be affected by gore... that's what i was going to try to test.

    if any1 has any info on this plz let me know. also plz correct me if i have made any mistakes or made wrong assumtions.


    ps: sorry for the spelling .. i just woke up :)

  5. hi all,


    nice thread :) gz to all contributors.


    i am still bugged about on thing that i wasnt able to find around here.


    i've seen alot of ppl recomend DG elemental relic for marauders/sentinel ... but what about our 100% armor penetration every now and again if we are specced for carnage/combat ? did any1 do the numbers on that ? would that bring the energy one ahead of the elemental one ?


    i dont want to make assumptions so i am just asking if one of u math wizzes would take the time to look at the cd on that ability and crunch the numbers for it.


    so carnage marauders / combat sentinels : elemental or energy relic ? (assuming a raid setup with 20% armor pen always up)

  6. playing dps jugg is a pain.

    i should know .. i play one.


    first of all you should not expect to be top dps. second of all expect to pe outdamaged by lowered geared merc,powertechs, snipers and even sorcs.


    i am currently full campaign augmented and i parse around 1600-1800 on dummy. in a real fight that isnt stationary i get around 1100-1200 tops. zorn and toth are actually worse.


    u are asking if it is enough. i would say no. you will end up beeing carried by the raid. the other classes will have to make up for the 3-400 dps that you are missing to not hit the enrage timers.


    in full rakata you will prolly parse around 1400-1500 on dummy if u are fully augmented. also u NEED the main hand. that makes alot of diffrence.


    jugg dps is verry random ... if you dont get ravage procs ... u may aswell be dead :)


    personally i have started leveling up a jedi sentinel in frustration with jugg dps. if u seriously dont like tanking ... and dont mind droping the jugger, i suggest leveling up a diffrent dps class. ranged is very good and favoured in this game across all encounters and ops.


    good luck

  7. Kephess is the new Kael'thas. Bonus points to the devs if he opens the new fight with "Denova was merely a setback!"


    this made my day !! really :)))) rofl


    anyway .. i'd say its a rally high chanse of beeing kephess. he isnt really as iconic as malgus or revan and if u watch the ending denova cutscenes..:


    empire - dread masters: kephess was just a vessel. the vessel is damaged. the vessel can be repaired.


    republic ... well on republic side he sits right there next to the dread masters and actually speaks with u ... so obviously denova was just "a setback" (tm ... blizz) :)

  8. 3. The generic form people get saying "Thanks for the bug report, but don't expect to hear back from us..." is frankly inappropriate customer support. In every software house I have worked over the years, cases are attached to bugs and once a bug is fixed the customers who logged the bug get notified (sometimes even automatically) that their bug is fixed in a given release. What you do is frankly dismissive and rude, it makes it seem like our concerns are not important and that your customer service people have more important problems to deal with than deal with customers. Combine that with a tendancy for some of your customer service people to be dismissive makes for a very hostile customer service experience frequently.


    For a concrete example of what I mean by support being dismissive, recently I logged a case that I just finished a random operation (again) and didn't get black hole comms. They replied with something to the effect of "make sure you are using the system right and if not log a case with these many pieces of information that you don't likely have access to anymore and in the mean time I am closing this case.


    On the one hand they should have all the information they need in that case to look at it: the character I logged it from, the time I logged the case and the logs should be sufficient to search on. On the other how difficult is it to update a case with "can you reply with the following information" and /leave the case open/ since the issue is obviously not resolved yet instead of just dismissing the person as not worth the support person's time.


    Hopefully the above is constructive and specific enough to make my feelings known. To be clear, I love the game and it has been relatively bug free compared to other MMO's first years but the lack of appropriate communication both on bugs and support issues make it feel to people like the game has no attention paid to it and makes people feel like there are more problems with it than there might actually be.


    i loled when i read this.

    the last time i used the "bug report" feature i was told to reset my phase. i was talking about using the ship to travel from on planet to the next. i even wondered if the guy actually read my message or just told me some random thing to do.

    he also " closed" the bug report. maybe I wasn't clear enough in my initial report and that made him miss the issue, but in that case i would have expected him to request more info. the second ticked i submitted regarding the issue was closed without an answer. that was actually better than some CS representative showing me he has NO idea what i was talking about by replying something completely unrelated to my bug report.

  9. Hello,


    Considering that a dps juggernaut benefits from strenght, why does the dps set for juggernauts have guardian armorings in them. the set for marauders always has the armorings with more str than endurance. why isn''t it the same with juggernaut dps set. This has been happening since columni... and at first i thought it was a bug .. but now .. it must be some design decision. why make this decision as juggernaut dps isnt "overpowered" in pve anyway.


    thanks in advance for any answer,


  10. Please do not make the mistake that most other new mmos made.

    Most other mmos out there waited with server merges until it was too late.

    These games need comunity... comunity is usualy a hard thing to "find" even with high population on the server. By the time most other games decided to merge servers it was too late and allready lost over 50% of subscribers due to the fact that they were playing on empty servers.


    DO NOT wait like other games. on Bloodworthy there are 25 ppl on the fleet at peak times... at least from what i saw... and this was a high populated server. these ppl will probably soon quit as there isnt much socialising going on... not much raiding either .. and it is hard as hell to get a grp going.


    Please be smart and do the right thing. give this game the chanse it deserves.




  11. they said it won't make the cut in 1.3. so... i am guessing it is in the works.


    allthough by the time they get it out .. it will prolly be too late for this game.


    i cant even put into words how disapointed i am with the fact that the game is dieing ... but what can i say ...

    BW wake up and smell the roses.. by the time u decide to merge servers ... half of the current population will be gone due to the fact that they are on servers where they barely get a grp for a FP.

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