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Posts posted by InnerPieces

  1. Interesting little thesis, however, and this brings us back to this non topic you and the other continue to bring up...what does any of this have to do with SGR's?




    I happen to think in-game, player to NPC sexual relationships are a huge waste of time and resources... heterosexual or otherwise.


    You claimed a successful game designer should cater to its fan base. I simply explained what the fan base is.


    My point was these games were spawned from games based almost entirely on story. It just so happens a percentage of the fan base want that story to include some sort of "romantic" relationship with NPCs. Given that BioWare has a solid history with providing exactly that I believe it is "common sense" they include it... despite my thinking it is a complete waste of time and resources. Not unlike this debate.

  2. To answer the question posed here about purchasing Rise of the Hutt Cartel:


    We'd like to clarify that Rise of the Hutt Cartel will be available for purchase through SWTOR.com/buy only, and there won't be an option to purchase it using Cartel Coins.


    Then there won't be any chance of BioArts obtaining any more of my money.


    Thank you very much for the clarification and especially the specificity! It is refreshing.

  3. Your previous post on this matter was fiction. I was not off topic as you introduce this into the thread. I agree more with what you have writen above accept for the final paragraph. In the previous post you didn't mention non-disclosure agreements. That adds a new wrinkle. Btw, continual introduction of information to cause confusion into an arguement so that one wins is not a sound way to argue. I would possit that you should have stated that we were entertainging the whole example in light of non-discosure agreements. In this case we do not know if EAware uses those. If they do and information is leaked then the leaker is the one responsibile not the complany. The OBE line of excuse is still in play. The game is not set in favour of the consumer it's set in favour of the buisness because the ultimate authority rests with the consumer, the "win button" so to speak is to stop supporting the product and go with the competition. :cool:


    I apologize. Your previous posts insinuated you were well versed in the industry of business and I mistakenly assumed you understood the Non-Discolosure Agreement to be a standard practice in business pertaining to information control. That is why I did not spell it out in the previous post. It clearly wasn't fiction (since explaining further helped you understand the point).


    Just as I assumed you understood the inner-workings of Public Relations, you assumed I intentionally withheld that information as some sort of tactic to "win" a pointless debate on the internet. You would also be mistaken. I could further assume you mentioned this as you did as a tactic to sidestep the fact you now understand where I was coming from and to negate my argument. I won't do that, however. Suffice it to say the point was made. Either you understand it or you don't (and by you I mean anyone reading this). Clearly, you understood the point even if you do not agree with the conclusion.


    By the way, the last paragraph was an opinion. You don't have to agree with it. You also cannot tell me I am wrong in what information I choose to use in order to decide whether or not I wish to do business with a company. Well, you can tell me that but it will make no difference. I also understand that many people do not care what a company says or does. That doesn't make me incorrect, either.


    Have fun.

  4. No. Management doesn't NEED to do this.


    They do if they wish to build and maintain a positive impression on its customer base. As I understand it, the entertainment industry is fueled by the customer base and the customer base's impressions are a large part of what encourages the customers to give up their money. The last time I checked, the video game industry is a part of the entertainment industry. Therefore, "common sense," would dictate that in order to remain successful a company in the entertainment industry must keep a generally positive customer impression. That sounds like a NEED to me.

  5. Your view is NOT a real world view. Now I will admit that EAware is not the best at being clear. Their communications department and puplic relations department needs some work. But, when manangement changes and other staff leaves, most companies hold the right to nolonger honor "plans" voiced by said parties. This is what is usually know as OBE (over come by events). SWTOR is a clear case of OBE ( on a daily basis it seems). :cool:


    That is true. A company can change their plans on a whim all they want. Technically, EA can shut the doors tomorrow and pull the plug on the servers and has every right to do so. They cannot, however, expect the customer base to be happy about it.


    Actually, most companies have these things called Non-Disclosure Agreements with employees prohibiting them from talking about projects and such. This prevents the employees from making promises about products and services in the event a change of direction takes place. That is actually how the real world of business functions, for the most part because most companies seem to care about their public image. Either way, it is not my responsibility to keep up with an employee's employment status and weight whether or not any promises they made should be held to the company. It is the company's responsibility to control the flow of information from their employees. In the company can decide to do whatever they want. In the end, I get to decide how I feel about it and whether or not they handled the flow of information properly or not and whether or not I would like to continue conducting business with that company. Since the company has not come out and said "We are changing X direction" I can only assume they still intend to pursue X direction and when they suddenly do not, I view that as misleading and it leaves a negative impression on that company.


    Your statements were that a company cannot be held accountable for the promises made by their employees. I disagreed with that statement. Let's keep it on track. Just as a company can change their mind on a whim, I can also decide to hold a company responsible for the mismanagement of information.

  6. Oh come now, you can certaintly make a reasonable assumption based on basic common sense. You can base your theory on relative gaming experiences throughout your gaming life.


    This is my 5th MMO in the last 9 years. Prior to that, I'd been gaming since the initial Atari VCS days. One tends to develop a certain...feel...for what standard gamers preferences are over such a period of time. Being, after all, a standard gamer myself.


    One can come to a reasonable conclusion, for example, when faced with a question regarding what players want, and what players need.


    Its all common sense, one does not need inside track info, nor be proficient in the Force to understand such things. :)


    This said, I have no interest in trying to convince you of anything. I'm simply asking that players see these things from all PoV's. There are always more than just 2.


    This would be true and make perfect sense if all games were the same. Unfortunately, there are this concept called a genre and within these genres there are different expectations. MMOs actually began as MMORPGs which are basically evolved forms of MUDs that were blended with classic pen and paper role-playing games. The most important aspect of a MUD were player statistics coupled by story. The most important aspect of Role-Playing games were story coupled by player statistics. Therefore, common sense would tell me that in order for a MMO to cater to its base in its purest form, developers should cater to developing story and player statistics.


    The raids, PvP, and other aspects are additions based on the other game styles you quote: Atari, for instance. They are technically secondary aspects based on the history of the genre. They have, over the years, become the dominating force of many games as more generalized players joined MMOs and have, therefore, taken over a large portion of the subscriber base. However, these concepts have nothing to do with the origins of MMOs.


    Therefore, common sense really doesn't apply as there is no real commonality between the various styles of play. Well, other than player statistics. If that is the case, then the only thing they should be developing should be mechanics designed specifically to raise player's statistics.


    Interesting. Based on your claim of "common sense," there should be no story at all. There should only be a hack n slash grind to increase numbers. It doesn't really sound like much of an MMO. It sounds far more like a console based FPS. I guess they should have designed this game like Modern Warfare, in that case.


    My point? Common sense is neither common, nor a sense. This is not a single player, or even multiplayer shoot em up, hack n slash game. Those games have their own genre. This genre (and especially this title) is a story driven adventure game with aspects of role-playing (mostly player created). If that is changing, I can be okay with that. I'll just go play something else. It's really not that big of a deal.


    I simply prefer it when people make sense in their arguments. Not "common sense." Actual sense.

  7. BTW, living on promises made by employees that no longer have any say whatsoever in the day to day operations of this game or company, or for that matter, that are no longer employed by said company, epitomizes lack of logic.


    Just sayin'. ;)


    It is absurd to think I, as a consumer, hold the responsibility of knowing who specifically works for a company and keep up with their employment status. When an employee speaks regarding a company's business practices or services, they are speaking for the company. Once that happens, it becomes a statement of the company and not the person. If that employee is suddenly let go and there is a change in that promise, then it is up to the company to clarify the issue. I do not care who works for BioWare. When I see a statement by an employee I care about 2 things. 1) they work for the company and 2) their position within the company. That's all that matters. Before you start with the nonsense that a company cannot be held responsible for the statements of their employees, let me assure you that is how it has worked for decades. This is why companies have things like Public Relations departments. More often than not, general employees and even those in the middle management positions are prohibited from speaking to the media regarding anything related to the business. It is vitally important for most companies to control their public image. Therefore, they have Public Relations departments who disseminate information to the public. Back to the employment issue, it is none of my business, nor my concern whether or not a particular individual has been let go from their job. If BioArts was doing a reasonably good job with their Public Relations, they would know who says what and when. When a change in direction occurs, they should be able to spell it out for us because, as I've correctly pointed out, statements made by employees are bound (by customer perception) to the company. To state it is our responsibility to track what has been said by whom and weigh that against the person's continued employment with the company is ridiculous when one considers the real world.


    Just sayin'... :rolleyes:

  8. the Valient Jedi armor meanwhile, is literally EXACTLY WHAT JEDI PLAYERS HAVE BEEN ASKING FOR..


    Which is exactly why it's insulting they are charging $12 for them. But, that's a different argument for a different thread.

  9. Ohhh, I will be so mad if the BM gear hits the shop (though I actually called that happening as soon as they announced it was being removed), because I'm currently making decent money on the orange shells I can make.


    Yeah, I used to make decent money off speeders too. :D

  10. Oh, and no. The armor pieces we've got today are not in the OP. They weren't shown ever before.


    Oh, my bad. I didn't look at it in the store. I saw someone else's screenshot of it and /faceroll'ed. I think they posted the outfit from the character select screen. I should've looked at it myself. The point remains... though maybe it's more disappointing since it's not even that robe. LOL

  11. the real sad part was people were buying them up... lol


    I apologized for you initially, but I mis-read that and thought you wrote you bought them. So I apologize for my carelessness. LOL


    I guess it's kind of like the gambling thing we discussed awhile back. It's like preying on human weakness. Makes it even more pathetic, in a way... I don't blame them. I'm just not cool with it.


    In completely related news, I found out (intentionally removed to avoid violating the TOS) just dropped it's subscription and became B2P. I don't know if it's worth it, but I might be willing to drop the $15 there instead to find out. I've heard good things about it. It'll probably end up just like the Cartel store in 6 months though. XD


    Ever the optimist:

  12. ... same reason why when I stopped at the store earlier the "Christmas donuts" which are just normal donuts but red and green were twice the cost of the normal ones sitting next to them


    That's sad...


    (I apologized for you initially, but I mis-read that and thought you wrote you bought them. I guess it's kind of like the gambling thing we discussed awhile back. It's like, preying on human weakness. Makes it even more pathetic, in a way)

  13. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/22517-bioware-livestream-q-a-coverage livestream. You can see the QA notes though instead of watching it (it's at the very end so not worth watching).


    "If it does well on the market place, we will do more."


    Hah.... I forgot all about that.


    I wish they'd chosen a well known canon race so it would actually do well. I guess whether or not we get real Star Wars races depends on how well the pseudo-book-only-Star Wars race does.


    Thanks. I can't stand it, but it's what I asked for. So, thanks.

  14. the expansion is cheaper than the holiday speeder so I fail to see what the complaining is about


    The fact they place less value on the "expansion" than a holiday speeder should be a clue as to what will actually be included in the "expansion." If a robe or ridiculous holiday speeder has a higher value, that's... you know... kinda scary.


    Maybe the point is: $12 for a robe or speeder is too much if an entire planet-full of quests and 5 character levels isn't even worth that much.

  15. It will be $10 for makeb

    probably $15 for cather

    $10 for character recustomizations

    $15 for dual spec unlocks

    etc etc etc


    By the time you piece part together a real expansion, people will be nickle and dimed out of $100+ dollars. The funny part is at each release they will be sitting on the forums going "GEEZ WHINERS ITS ONLY $10"


    ^ prediction for 6mo from now.



    Perfectly said... except....


    $20 Character Transfers


    (remember those free character consolidation transfers we've been waiting on for 8 months or more)



    Isn't this exactly what people were so concerned about happening with the introduction of the F2P option? If you ask me, the Hutt Cartel has already risen and is kicking our butts.


    But then, I'm still curious why a speeder or the Jedi Robes re-released today cost as much or more than the "expansion?" Most of the purchasable outfits cost as much or more than the "expansion." It's a rhetorical musing, really. It's just another sign that the above quoted statements are the future of this game.


    I just think it's a sad state of affairs when one outfit has a greater value than a planet-full of quests and 5 more character levels.





    Can someone show me the quote where they state the Thundercat race will be purchased by subscribers, please? I neither want a Khajiit nor do I doubt they will charge us extra for it. I'd just like to see it.

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