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Posts posted by Gornn

  1. Its common sense that BW should of created a Fail Safe system with this....how did they not expect people to not try and log on their characters while its happening? Of course its dumb, Im not saying it isn't. This would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED if BW had created this correctly, and not allowed anyone to be on their characters. These are the SIMPLE FACTS.


    I think the fact that you care is what fails.

  2. What is the rationale behind introducing MORE armor reduction debuffs in 1.3? (Pyrotech Merc/Gunslinger).


    In PVP armor reduction is beyond broken with Pyrotech PTs routinely killing healers in two hits. It seems to me this is a mechanic you would want to move AWAY from instead of towards? Particularly in the case of Mercs/Commandos who receive the debuff passively; at least the GS change is a CD.

  3. The patch is coming up sometime in July, so chill. The devs are fixing minor bugs and stuff in their weekly patching but all major changes to the game wait until the major patch, otherwise we'll have what happened in RIFT when one day of every week was unplayable because they rushed to get stuff out then promptly screwed it up and had to spend all day trying to fix it. BW is sending out major patches every couple of months. It takes time to get everything ready and all those people that are leaving just don't realize that, hey, wait it out. This game has huge potential and BW is getting it on its fit finally. With 1.3 and 1.4 we should see major changes that will fix most issues. These patches are coming out in just the right amount of time in my opinion.


    The fact is the patch and server transfers aren't even linked. The post on server transfers said they were startign on June 12th. It has nothing to do with 1.3...the poster was just confused and/or didn't read the server transfer post before shouting "fiiiiiiiiiiiire"

  4. reposting:


    I totally understand and agree with how you're doing naming changes in transfers; and what I'm suggesting might not be feasible and it might be too much work. However I will explain why I am asking for it.


    Here is the scenario.


    I am transferring a character to a server. His name is PinaColada. However, there is already a character on the server named PinaColada. However, my character is level 50 with 7 days played. The character on the server is level 1 with less than one hour played. BUT because I am transferring *I* need to change my name.


    I think there needs to be a way for the transfer mechanic to take this into account.


    I have 53 days, 13 hours of play time on my main character.


    If somebody is playing a character actively on a server, I can totally accept that. However, if a name is sitting as a placeholder on a level 1 I really should get the preference. Or if a character has 2 or 3 hours of playtime, it should default to a played character.


    I would hate to lose the name; but I can lose it if someone is using it. I know it might be extra work and I know it almost 100% isn't going to happen.


    But if I have 1284 more hours of time played in the game than the guy who's played for an hour who already has the name on the server...let me keep it.

  5. I totally understand and agree with how you're doing naming changes in transfers; and what I'm suggesting might not be feasible and it might be too much work. However I will explain why I am asking for it.


    Here is the scenario.


    I am transferring a character to a server. His name is PinaColada. However, there is already a character on the server named PinaColada. However, my character is level 50 with 7 days played. The character on the server is level 1 with less than one hour played. BUT because I am transferring *I* need to change my name.


    I think there needs to be a way for the transfer mechanic to take this into account.


    I have 53 days, 13 hours of play time on my main character.


    If somebody is playing a character actively on a server, I can totally accept that. However, if a name is sitting as a placeholder on a level 1 I really should get the preference. Or if a character has 2 or 3 hours of playtime, it should default to a played character.


    I would hate to lose the name; but I can lose it if someone is using it. I know it might be extra work and I know it almost 100% isn't going to happen.


    But if I have 1284 more hours of time played in the game than the guy who's played for an hour who already has the name on the server...let me keep it.

  6. The accuracy figure on your damage screen in the character sheet is "basic attack accuracy". If you switch to the 'tech' tab you'll see "special attack accuracy" which is a base of 10% higher than basic attack accuracy. At 100% 'basic attack accuracy' you'll miss 5% of the time with your auto-attack but hit that same person 100% of the time with your special attacks like aimed shot, charged bolts, etc (anything that isn't your basic attack). If you didn't care about missing sorcs 5% of the time you could drop down to 95% basic attack accuracy and hit everyone else who isn't a tank 100% of the time while missing sorcs/sages 5% of the time.


    There are tanks and they do have defense stats though so there's always that.


    I definitely have a better understanding of how accuracy works now after investigating it further based on everyone's suggestions.


    Are you sure it works this way? Most of my attacks such as the ones you mentioned are "ranged" according to my abilities tab. Would they not fall under the ranged accuracy? I moused'over the tech accuracy and it specifically says "technological attacks." like shock charge, sab charge, and freighter flyby.


    Speedshot, aimed shot, etc are all ranged.


    So basically it seems to me like I need ~ 100 % even in pvp. Bleh.

  7. But wait. If we're talking about never missing wouldn't you need 105% accuracy at minimum? BEcause every class has a 5% defense chance. At 100 accuracy wouldnt you still miss 5% of the time? on your mainhand?
  8. How much accuracy do gunslingers need for pvp? I know their tech attacks have a higher chance to hit, but aren't most of their attacks ranged (speed shot/charged burst/aimed shot etc) and therefore subject to defense chance or 5% or more?


    I am just trying to figure out how low I can take my acc without gimping myself and I haven't seen much on the subject. TIA

  9. There should be some small perk for having a high legacy.


    For example...for every ten levels of legacy you are above an unlock it costs 10% less? Or even better, for every legacy level you have above the level of unlock, you gain 1% off.


    So if you wanted to buy rocket boost and you were legacy 58, you'd get them for 1m creds instead of 2.


    Just something to acknowledge the...well I don't want to say how much time I have on my main, but its enough to make me cry. So something nice would be nice! :)

  10. I was going to make some snarky comments but...eh.


    Hoping there's going to be more in 1.3 than what's being promoted. 'cause as a previous poster said, adding features that should have been in the game the whole time is not that big a deal.


    Say 1.3 comes out June 15th. If 1.3 comes out June 15th, June 15th would have been a great day to release the Old Republic.

  11. I don't think this person understood the topic.


    Say he has a DPS set and decides to respec to heals. He has to go grinde a Battle master healing set to obtain the Warhero set. You can't just trade any Battle master piece for the set you want at the time.


    The system sucks.


    I think you're right but thats okay.


    You're right it sucks big time. And it makes no sense. Your dps to heals analogy is an excellent one.

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