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Posts posted by Synystar

  1. At least it had a social life, thats what mmos where, i stopped playing once they added levels...

    I met some of the most friendly and optimistic gamers in that game, who where not hogs when it came to looting, to be honest, it was a second life you could live at the click of a button.. Make your own way.

    Waiting for the Emulator now as i'm really quite sick of playing such games like wow, rinse and repeat on raid bosses and stand in stormwind or UC just isn't my thing.

    Rather walk into a cantina and tell stories of the bugs i've encountered or how that gorax actually scared the **** out of me.

    SWTOR has no time spender, you do the raids and wish to never do them again...you have nothing to look forward to or any challenges to obtain.

    if they spent five years designing a SWG2, i'd definately play, and probably pay double of this games worth, as within the first month, i've seen every nook and cranny this game offers..

    No one is really social, which i believe makes the MMO genre.

    FYI- came from atari and such games, where it was more about gameplay than elegance, and for its era, SWG had great graphics, i remember looking at it when it was still in development, when there WASNT as many people playing MMOs', and looked in shock and awe in every planet i visited, weather it was empty or thriving with player cities, that game had a feel that still to this day, even an incomplete emulator still seems to grasp. I like the feel of logging in and doing as you pleased, could be nothing, could be extraordinary... this game only allows really two options, PVP or PVE, the space is there for a filler.

    -TO kobe many people just stood at the shuttles just to talk to people... i actually never met a guy complain about his wait, just duel and share stories, but it probably wasn't your game if you couldn't use your imagination.

  2. Blue; isn't that the idea behind DEVELOPMENT? its going in alpha not beta or live, I'm still so excited to do something like design my home and rebuild my scripts, instead of sitting in the station and doing nothing because i've done everything this game has to offer... fun.

    The emulator is being done right, with the time involved that's needed to make everything and find/fix bugs before its released, I'm waiting my turn in that game now, thought i'd wait and play this; but this isn't even what i'd call an mmo.

    Galaxies was a second life, one where you had a ton of different options on what to do when you log in, so why would you need to roll alts? it wouldn't make sense, it was a way of capping players on what they could build.

    I'm actually building new armor models for SWG, which i will release after the game is complete, who cares if space isn't in; that wasn't all the game had.

    I'm not a big fan of graphics, but gameplay, that game had it before they went and messed it up, i would of subscribed much longer too if the hadn't screwed it; infact, i'd still be playing it, i log onto the emu servers daily just to chat, enjoy being back in the world, and helping with bug fixes, that ARE fixed practically immediately.


    -SO before you say its broken, the codes not even finished, and i don't think you have a idea what you're talking about.

  3. sorry to say, but everythings fixable; the game ended in pre-cu for me. And everyone i ran into had the POI badges and did bother with them, it was just not your type of game, and to say there isn't many players? hell my last name is a low pop server in swg, and i'm constantly being asked if i was that one jedi... you get it? even after years, and i mean years of being out of that game people still remember me; that shows that people still have very fond, player filled and social memories of either defeating me, dueling or me just hanging out, they even remember my armor store! I liked the choice that if i felt like PvPing, i could, if i wanted to craft with a challenge, i could, if i even wanted to just chill in a cantina and talk to the entertainers without any pressure of leveling, i could.

    That game, as far as now, is far gone, but it kept me so enticed even when people complained about the combat, there was always something new to do, we often made open-world pvp where ever because we could; i would still play that game today if it was reverted to the pre-cu form, back then they really had no idea what to do with it, but i would of added more furniture,houses,armors..and so forth. that is why i'm anxiously waiting for the EMU to reach its alpha, then its finished product because those devs rewrote the engine so they can rework it as it once should have been, sick of these cookie cutter MMOs' forcing you into only combat situations instead of dealing with what a MMO should be, social.

    -To be honest, i have two 50s' and can no longer level anymore, and i have tried, its just a copy of my last character with a different story and different crafting professions, but still the click and go crafting, same PvP, same everything. Very bored of it; that is one of the reasons i skipped wow, i LIKE to be unique and not look the same. And thats' why i'll skip this until something catches my eye, and i can tell you with the artists working on this game, its definitely NOT the armor or this 1.2 patch that takes away from even the stations to be full.

    So before you go on about this game, watch and see, people will get bored and leave, the wow kiddies will stay though, cause most the armor looks like it came straight out of it.

  4. So this is what i think:

    -Knights like scuba diving in the 50s?

    -Trooper is advanced maybe... couple thousand years, but other than that, looking like you came directly out of clone wars.

    -Smugglers when did you get a sand person to design your outfit?

    -Sage, lol, when are you going to get on your knees for me?

    -Agent, Actually not bad other than you look like your advertising cheerios.

    -Warrior, Meh, better than the current but still, looks like a set i've seen from wow....

    -Sorcerer, Looks like a set out of a familiar game...D3?

    -Bh not bad

    Sorry, only one looks like its out of star wars, and that would be trooper, clone wars to be exact. I don't wanna play Star wow. I wan't Star wars.


    Nuff said, certain that this theme-park ticket is one i wish i never bought, think i'm going to leave before the clowns come.

  5. Player housing to place all my trophies and invite twi'lek ladys' to twirl there lekku 24/7 in my house, if they stop, i cut there heads off and place them on a pyre infront of my floating lava mountain and let my krayt dragon pet eat them, then send my krayt to attack and kill all republics, any survivors i'll throw my new sabers in a "sweeping" motion to crit all for 17k.

    Sound fair? ALL of the changes i want will actually change this game drastically from its petty state.



  6. okay, reading through this thread... I know many of you where not around for pre-cu, you look at swg after life support, before, it was still thriving.

    1.7 million comes up alot, that was in december, the month it opened.

    Many of you have no idea what MMO meant, just what it means now. And it ain't anything for me.

    -as for roles, yeah choose either healer,dps or tank. Don't actually Roleplay, cause that seemed to vanish some where when wow opened its doors.

    -for those around for SWG pre-cu Patch 14 to be exact, that game was getting to the point of awesomeness, just needed some form of fixes, i've never played such a great game, other than EQ1, if you looked at it like a grind, you werent living or thriving in the world at all.

  7. I'll agree 100% with subtrance; no mmo has offered me the same memories as i've gained in SWG-precu. I still hold on to my jedi pictures, my bounty hunter ones... you get the just. I've never been in such a great, friendly community ever like that. Everytime i look back, i honestly miss it; alot. The emulator just announced that they are going into there alpha stage, so i'm switching my sub over and paying more for it just to play that game, to keep the servers live.

    -Wow had a decent community, if you raided or pvp'd

    -crafting was decent in wow, it gave your another thing to do, this game doesn't really give the option, as its just easier to click on your companion and do it.

    -swtor has no economy what so ever.

    -swtor just straight up feels like the NGE, which pisses me off cause that is the ONLY reason my group of friends left SWG and now SWTOR alike.

    -I still talk to the group of people i played on tarquinas with.

    - I dont talk to anyone who i played wow with, and i really don't care for the people in this game either, they are just there for the name of MMORPG, You don't need to interact with any, to be honest though, i met two friends here that i started talking to, and they played swg and agree with me.

    -If bioware was smart, maybe take over the license and open up a few pre cu swg servers, you'd bring in at least 200 people i know, who did start playing this game and left already, and keep them there, cause i'm absolutely sure if they just kept adding new schematics, attempted to do a few balances, fix the pool system, everyone i know would STILL be playing. Every time i talk to them its always SWTOR isn't swg, so i quit. And i'm already bored, so i cancelled my sub and i'll wait for the emu Alpha :)

  8. youll win no fans here though you are correct.By summer this will be antoher MMO floating at 400 to 500 k subs. . They missed the demographic and made a single player lobby game with online features. it loses its flavor faster then a piece of 10 cent bubble gum.


    i like that analogy, I'm trying my best to keep positive about it as bioware is a great gaming company, i just have a feeling that LA (smed) might have gotten his head into this one thinking it was still a good idea. But yeah not interested in the player lobby at all.

  9. No and yes, the speed that they are loosing subs is rapid at this moment; and with 1.2 they are making it so we all don't have to leave our ships, only to train and gather gear.

    Ive seen guilds with 500+ mmo players cancel there subs, i've been forced to join other guilds who are following suit; mark my words, by mid September next year they will be down to their 500k mark, as this game has no real Umph to keep a player playing.

    This is coming from someone who experienced many mmos' i've been around the group since opening of EQ.

    This is just like the NGE of swg, where the subs dropped drastically due to the fact of simplicity. The only reason it worked for wow was because it brought a "kid" feel to it; Where most star wars fans are much more older, and want to make their own legacy... not follow 8.

    With the open date of diablo 3, subs will drop here

    With GW2 around the corner, subs again will drop here.

    To make a star wars game have the feel of star wars, it almost HAS to be open-sandbox, if not it will just feel like another console game. I loved the richness this game has, don't get me wrong. But its just missing the ball with one-click crafting, Illum being really brutal, and the WZ grind being very intolerable. I couldn't care much for a pet system. Just don't feel a game where you stand in the station, i like to explore and have the feeling of seeing something new, not having boundaries or invisible walls get in my way. Really lacks the ability to be an individual, with its cookie-cutter specs and such, a good reason as to why i didn't enjoy wow as others' had.

    but yeah, sick of looking for new groups of players, only to have them leave and either wait again for a new MMO or play something else. For me i'm going to wait, who knows maybe bio-ware has HUGE plans for this game yet and 2 years down the road it might be viable.

    -Oh, and yeah i'm playing currently, writing this while standing in the station. as i don't feel like leveling a third 50 in the same zones with the same quests. 50 marauder, and a 50 commando. My sub ends in the middle of april, then i will decide if i want to stay or not, but with diablo coming out, i highly doubt i will stay.

  10. it was a social game, not a single player game. I agree it needed more work. but as far as crafting goes, what are you comparing it to? it took time finding the best quality resources.

    died after the first month? thats' an exaggeration. DO remember that at that time, there wasn't as many people playing MMOS all together, it was still fairly new design. The emulator is still being built, weather or not people are playing it, the forums are alive. your judging something that IS NOT complete.

    -This game has no social value what so ever.

    -No real crafting.

    -Space on rails? REALLY? (not to mention custom ships... LOL)

    -A very aggressive community, one that came from WoW i'm sure.

    -People are already leaving front right and center


    -No skill needed what so ever, i can play this game completely ********d and roll my face on the keyboard and still slay baddies.

    -FAR to, and i mean FAR to casual for it to be any fun. same old wzs' same old instances Different *******s every time.

    **on a side note, made a good story and a good single player game, i just finished my third fifty, didn't feel the need to group... and ive got all my PvP gear done. tell me to level another? SORRY, sick of the same old planet rotation. I do like the combat dont get me wrong, i just don't like the cookie cutter feel to it.

  11. SWg was great pre-cu, you lived a second life, one you HAD created, a legacy YOU made; to me thats star wars.

    i've already downed all hardmodes to date, none of which had any difficulty. The crafting is brutal, i'm a crafter type mmo player and don't give a care for playing WZs' till your mind bleeds out. I don't like the one click craft.

    -if they worked more on content than switching the combat and professions; or making more schematics, swg still would be alive. look at the emulator, even in its uncompleted state they still have a massive player base so they continue working on it.

    I skipped wow based on the fact that it was linear, i liked the fact that i could explore areas in SWG whenever i wanted, instead of a leveling system that forced you into going to planets you never liked, like voss. I'm not a cookie cutter mmo player, and coming here i thought i'd enjoy being in the star wars universe again, but i was wrong.

    -YES this had a great start, but your dealing with players much like me, into thinking they could enjoy the theme. My ENTIRE guild of hardcores is gone, canceled subs... which was like 250 people. sadly i'm seeing this everywhere, people asking for server merges, this game won't last more than 3 years. then go F2p for another six. If they didn't try turning galaxies into this, i'd probably still be playing.

  12. i agree, growing up in the great swg spoils; where you had a second life, to standing in republic fleet hoping i get asked about my gear... that everyone else has is lame.

    i`m going to d3 until a good sandbox mmo comes out, which by then i`ll probably be retired and have it as my life :)

  13. Yesss, now that it has a release date i`ve done a sub cancel here; i`ve been playing beta and the game is straight up.... AMAZING.

    just wondering who will be playing diablo.

    my bnet name is Prostatus. Add me!

    later swtor; wasn`t long before i grew out of this game.

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