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Posts posted by Meeporized

  1. Well "theoretically" there are Force sensitive Droids or at least a race called "Shard" in wich those with a connection to the force were indeed using Droids as a means to do all kind of things (including the ability to speak) by using various Droids as a Host. They called themselves "Iron Knights".

    They had Light/Darkside guys too so well yeah Droids would totally work if there wouldnt be those really weird things with "blah companion blah engine blah mimics blah" you know all that stuff no need to elaborate it again =)


    I sadly think this Togruta species is not really all that "cool" because we already have the similar looking Twi'leks altho they are in no way related to each other. I rather hoped for a species where they could be a bit more creative but maybe thats too much for the "engine" ;O

  2. Hey genius? It does make a BIG difference in the first 30-40 levels. I just levelled a new 1-20 powertech (already had a vanguard at 50+), and 1-20 was absurdly awkward without unload.


    This is actually my main reason espacially since 90% of the player base is playing the game Solo at least thats what i've noticed the past few weeks playing the game again after a while. The only stuff they do in Groups is h2/4;FP;OP thats about it :/

  3. Ich sag jetzt einfach mal garnix, aber von wegen kein DMG :D


    Schaut es euch bis zum Ende an !





    der uploader vom video bestätigt aber selbst das der gunny zurzeit noch schlecht agiert.


    Was auch lustig is der angeblich bugfix von diversen skills.....wenn ich mein aimed shot mache seh ich immernoch oft genug den cast dann den schuss und kein dmg output bzw. sehe keine zahlen und kann auch nicht direkt 4,5sek nachdem ich den schuss abgegeben habe meinen trickshot aktivieren. Es passiert nichtmehr so oft wie vor dem angeblichen bugfix aber noch immer zu genüge.


    Aber im allgemeinen ja mache ich immernoch ordentlich schaden auch wenn ich nen anderen skillbaum benutze gut zu merken wenn man inner OP is da sieht man schon wenn der Boss gegen Enrage is das man als Gunny recht schnell dicken Burstdmg raushaut z.B.


    mit 3speedshots -> aimed shot -> illegal mods -> paarma charged burst und dazwischen nach eigenen ermessen das die energie leiste nich leer wird "cool head" einbauen (achja bei set equip gibt illegal mods sogar noch 10 energie dazu welches ich nicht besitze alleinschon von der ästhetik her) das haut schon massig dmg raus wenn man dann noch guten crit und surge wert hatt (surge is die sagenumwobene übersetzung für WOGENWERT -.- )

  4. also das man die nich losschicken soll während einem Raid is eine gerechtfertigte sache, aber wieso soll ich die nicht losschicken (selbst bei 10k zuneigung dauern die meisten missionen um die 30 minuten und epische missionen sogar bis hin zu 2stunden 30min) wenn man im endlvl bisher doch eh nurnoch raided und hardmode fp's durchklatscht und die dailys meist inner 4er gruppe wegen den H4's ;)


    Nun sagt wann soll ichse denn los schicken? wenn ich all das oben genannte nicht mache?

    Also garnich hmm dann verkümmert mein Mats bestand und ich steh doof da weil ich nichtsmehr craften kann z.B. bio o.ä. ich kann zwar looten aber diverse sachen kann man einfach nich looten :)


    Mal so nebenbei wenn man in einem Gespräch is funktioniert das doch auch?! =o


    PS: ich werd sowieso nie wieder hier reinschaun also mir egal was ihr antwortet =)

  5. I like the idea of changing "Ilum OWPVP" in general altho some things seem obviously wrong but its a good start to give maybe BIOWARE something to work with.


    to all:

    Well YES there are pros and cons in the said #1 post but well thats how the gaming industrie works, you have your pros and cons bring the idea to your boss or else ^^ and instead of talking this idea down they call in a conference etc. see if they can improve this idea and make it possible or say nah nothing of the said things will work.


    For now i see just people saying YES it works and NO it wont work...where are the people who say thats a good idea but has a lot of flaws lets talk about how we can improve this theory and make it better/ballance it or whatever.

  6. Well as i see a lot of people complain about its beeing to hard.


    I formyself still think theyre easy im using 2nd grade Armor / Shields / regenerator

    well yesterday i got the Rendili Hyperworks Beam Generator wich seems like a lvl 4-5 one? but before that i used a lvl 3 one and then i got Grade 4 Beam Charger Grade 3 Missile Magazine and since the last 3 Missions i bought this "overcharge" blaster thingie wich is very usefull.


    From what ive seen a friend of mine did not knew that while your not shooting your shields refresh faster wich helps in certain situations.


    For how i play: Im using Barrelroll (Space) and W,A,S,D always as if i would play X² or 3 in Hardcore mode and instead of Evading most of the Blastershots it looks more like "Dancing through the Stars" hence i finished about 10 hours ago the "Impossible Sector lvl 50 gear 5 mission with this setup you see up there and having succeded with the Main Mission and 1 Bonus mission leaving the space with empty shields and 80% of my Hull.


    Well yes it is in some ways Hard but if you see they shoot at you (wich you obviously see ^^) right before they hit you do a Barrelroll and press W,A,S,D at the same time so you can easily evade most of the shots.

  7. Well im dissapointed in this regard since i knew there will be just 2 Factions.


    Im playing a Smuggler/Gunny on a non RP Server but playing like i would play a Smuggler in the StarWars Universe...


    Since the beginning im shifting between 50-350 alignment because a lot of answers for Credits are "evil" where i actually dont care as long as i get my credits.

    One good thing about it is i can use so far any crystal i found for my blasters but other things like clothing relics w/e is simply useless for me wich i actually think is some really good aspect of the game becuase why would a non Force user use a Jedi Relic, altho from the logical point it would be good so i can maintain a "balanced" fight then.


    But beeing inbetween both factions like i feel right now even if a lot of missions try to force me to do something for "free" wich im not proud of after, id like to see a Spacestation where only Bountys/Smuggler would have access (yes excluding Agents because Agents would have do disguise themselfs either as light/dark side so they would not count as neutral)

  8. If it's plasma, where does the matter come from? Do you carry a canister of gas on your back that gets ionized so your hilt can spew out it's plasma?


    Straight from Wookipedia

    "The lightsaber mechanisms were contained within the hilt. High levels of energy generated by a high-output Diatium power cell was unleashed through a series of focusing lenses and energizers that converted the energy into plasma. The plasma was projected through a set of focusing crystals that lent the blade its properties and allowed for the adjustment of blade length and power output. The ideal number of crystals was three, though only one was required."



  9. well i dont use a lightsaber only my lovely blaster pistol <3


    But from what i read now.....a weapon is made to battle/fight not to stand out of the crowd.

    This is how it is in real history and the same for most fiction lore....


    some different "styles" were mentioned before like whips made of laser....yeah that has been there but it is not a Light"saber" as someone else said.


    The link with the "e*****" heh awsome but try to swing your lightsaber in a "whirlwind" around you i bet youd cut of some of your limbs then ;o as i said, it is meant to fight (or if you want to protect something ^^)


    I like the idea of changing colors etc. it is something we need much more variety the thing about the hilts of a lightsaber is true too we could need much more of that too it would finally give the "crafters" between us something to thing on what were going to craft hence making them craftable as an example.

  10. well im LvL 40 / Arms at 360.

    I tried over the past week (excluding New Year time ^^) 2things


    1st "Skill Barrel 17 / LvL 40 / 300skill needed" where i REd 4 and got my Blueschematic and then i made exactly 34 in total till today and got no purple one yet.


    2nd one was a "Huntsman Blaster / LvL 38 / 280skill needed" wich got into a "critical Huntsman Blaster" after 9 times REing, i stopped counting at 40 after not getting a purple schematic out of it mainly because of the wasted time and mats for now im loosing much more money then im able to make thus i just stopped and doing no crafting at all for a while except gathering mats and adding them into the 2nd bay at my bank

  11. I do really like this idea, since i tend to stay in a Cantina and listen to all songs for a while and have a guildchat whatever and sum up a bit "rest time" (yes im not rich espacially since Armscraft pours money out of my pockets with all this idiotic REing but you always have 100creds for Jukebox!!! ) and i barely see anyone getting in to the Cantina area and just "staying" there and listen to the music and have a little chat or so.


    Well im playing on a german server and saw till pre-launch about 3 people actually doing something in the Cantina even if its just standing infront of the Jukebox :o

  12. My point was what you call "inflation" i call normalization and once the economy normalized around a level 50 player base the entire economy will shift and slicing would become obsolete as other sources of income become more profitable.


    I completely understand the concept of a "print money" button but when that button can only produce a set amount no matter what then why would it be worth investment if there are other areas of growth that have a much higher potential for return?


    Slicing only appears to be a "print money" button now because there is no market for:


    - augments

    - high end crafted items

    - high end materials

    - expensive vanity items

    - mods/ship items

    - companion items


    The current market population is almost exclusively leveling characters and the initial wave of level 50's that are more than likely the foundation of the initial wave of raiders.


    My whole point is that the market isn't MATURE enough at this point to make such a rash decision and all economic theory points to an eventual decline in the value of slicing as most people view it.


    edit: i'll grant that BW has access to the actual statistics and my conclusions are based on personal observation but I just find it highly unlikely that 2 weeks could be enough time to determine the overall effect slicing in it's previous state would have had.


    Thats one good reason why they should've waited to see if it really needs to be fixed.

    Nothing against the CB's or whatever (ever told them Jawa tunikas are nailed to the bottom when they move? ;D ) but in a CB' or OB you cannot simulate the real starting of an economy since people know all that stuff will get deleted anyway. So the 2 Weeks wich were actually really painful to establish an economy at all (with all the things going on right now) are way to less to decide to nerf it furthermore. I mean yes there were people getting a load of money from it but a friend of mine never had Slicing and used only Treasure Hunting and did net by now at least 3x the amount of Creds than i did in my 5 days with Slicing (i got around 300k if you deduct all the money i had to invest in Investigation and Armstech)


    So i think the nerf is not as bad as people make it to be but its more like it got "over"nerfed now excluding everything else because a lot of people got angry about it ;)


    btw yeah i know the Chat one might be a bigger case i just wanted to say that this balancing thing shouldnt come that early.

  13. I do agree for most of the stuff said from TO but why do we need to nerf something if there are far more important things to be done instead of balancing...... for an example a friend of mine is still not able to speak in all chats


    besides Slicing via missions is now a much more more sink than the other "gathering" skills becuase i cant even sell the items to compensate the mission price (i just get a box full of money wich is far less from what i paid to get it) only sometimes, wich means not always, ill get a schematic, and here it depends on what this schematic does because the market is flooded with various useless schematics almost everyone already has vice versa "i'll get another arrow into the knee" *cough* and slicing as a gathering skill ... well i was on tatooine and my slicing skill was already at 300 mostly trough gathering on taris and doing augmentation missions. But then theyre already greyed out and yield if im lucky 500 creds.... killing enemys is by far much more profitable than using slicing at all.


    So the nerf aka the balancing of the skill slicing in my eyes went wrong.


    btw did you noticed that a lot of missions not related to slicing also got a slight longer mission time?

  14. to OP:


    you also have to consider the time it takes to actually GET 1 Diplomacy mission.

    Well i think i throw 250 Purple ones for 10k on the market everything under that goes for like 2-5k and im not talking about only Diplomacy since i get misions for more than just Diplomacy actually my whole BankAcc yields more scavenging and archeology missions than anyting else and besides that i never got a Slicing mission yet from it.


    Since my 5 Days of Slicing and no im not rich since i play the non "greedy" way and i did net around 300k in this whole time using slicing because i dont run around and hack everything possible to maximaize my income.... well on highlvls yes credits are valuable wich is good but the whole economy system at this point of time is utterly crap.


    Espacially since half of the items in the Market are stupidily sorted.... try "finding" something in the Investigation Mats.... meh instead of nerfing things i'd rather would've seen them fixing things wich are easier and wont stir up dozen of players.

  15. easy answer.... a lot of the gathering points on the World Map are way under you skill (at least im at taris and my scaveng is at skill lvl ~190ish and the gathering points require just 25-50 wich is "greyed out" meaning you wont get experience points for that specific skill.

    Though you get resources wich may still be usefull for your crafting profession


    edit: duh got ninjaed :D

  16. Warum muss überhaupt eine Abkürzung dafür her? Klar, wenn ich etwas für 10 Gold 15 Silber und 48 Kupfer verkaufen will macht das vielleicht Sinn, aber im Star Wars Universum gibt es nun einmal nur noch Credits, keinerlei Unterteilung. Wenn ich also was für 200 anbiete weiß jeder, auch der RP-Char, das ich 200 Credits meine und nicht 200 Sicherungsbolzen für R2-D2.


    genau das hab ich auch gedacht und gestern schreibt mich tasächlich einer an und fragt was ich mit meiner Zahl meinte denn der wollt mir Silica's andrehn anstatt credits vieleicht wollter mich auch nur verarschen ka war mir egal die Silicas hätt ich gern genommen aber abzocken muss ich nich unbedingt.



    Außerdem was regt ihr euch denn auf ? Ich will doch nur ein Symbol haben aus ästhetischen Gründen.


    Ich will halt luxus haben und um Abkürzungen geht es ja garnicht das $ oder € is keine abkürzung es ist das Währungssymbol welches ausgesprochen wird Dollar oder Euro und geschrieben halt als Symbol.

    Ihr schreibt doch bestimmt auch überall wenns ums Geld geht 22 € und nicht 22 Euro bzw 22 Eur. o.ä. und wenn doch dann allerhöchstens bei Check sachen denn dort wird alles ausgeschrieben und das benutzt bestimmt kaum einer von euch. :w_tongue:

  17. Hiermit erhebe ich Cardigan aka Meeporized, Anrpsuch auf das Einfügen des Creditsymbols für den Ingame Chat.


    Wenn man im Chat schreibt das man etwas tauschen/verkaufen was auch immer möchte und es sich bei mir zumindest immer um Credits dreht mir dieses andauernd ausgeschriebene wort der "CREDITS" almählich auf die , na ihr wisst schon, geht.


    Es muss doch eine Möglichkeit geben per einfachster Tastenkombination das Creditsymbol ins Spiel einzubauen bzw einzufügen.


    Ich weis ich habe mich kurz gefasst mit den Argumenten aber das kommt daher das ich doch lieber den rest des Tages nutzen würde und ein bisschen "Pre"zocken


    PS: Absolut kein Plan wo man diesen Vorschlag reinbauen könnte (nein ich war nicht in der Beta bzw konnte nicht dran Teilnehmen und ergo den Vorschlag schon früher zu bringen :p )

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