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Posts posted by gsrce

  1. ok I have corrected the coordinates for the republic anchorhead quest.


    To Get Rakgoul Pandemic: 5 (republic):


    Just outside of the spaceport entrance are screens that can be interacted with. The cutscene gives you the buff "Informed".


    North of the spaceport at 1769, -3621 is a crashed escape pod. Clicking it gives you the buff "Attacked".


    East of the cantina at 2356, -3668 there is a medical crate. Clicking the crate gives you the buff "Exposed".


    The combination of these three buffs gives you the buff "On The Trail". This buff lasts 1 hour, does not persist through death, and is removed if you leave the planet.


    Go to the Containment Operations Console located at 1825, -3262 to pick up the quest "Tracking the Origin".


    In addition, here are the 12 wreckage pieces I collected.


    Dune Sea
















    The quest then updates to recover the infected risp.


    the reward for completion is this.


    Any idea where the risp is?

  2. How do you get behind the cantina for Imperial?


    Edit, nm, it's not behind the Cantina for Imperials, that's wrong info.


    Alright, at Mos Ila, the medical crate is to the left of the big crash with the ramp. Around 618, 2910 on the world map.


    Has anyone found any of the twelve pieces of wreckage yet?

  3. the cords are off for republic, but its the same, north of the space port and just behind the cantina for the other.


    How do you get behind the cantina for Imperial?


    Edit, nm, it's not behind the Cantina for Imperials, that's wrong info.

  4. Who is tweeting this because it sure isn't Stephen Reid, the community manager. I also don't see anything from Courtney Woods, Joveth, Michelle Archer, or anyone else so either you've been duped, you're full of it, or I'm just not seeing who you're talking about. In other words, give us a link.


    I can verify it's there, look harder. (On Stephen's)

  5. I think that those that support or deal with bad quality control from BW are the minority here. Yes issues do happen, but this is recurring and systemic.


    Yup, this is why 25 of the 30 people in my guild quit. They've lost so many customers at this point and they just keep making it worse for themselves.

  6. First, the 1.2 patch goes live for "15 minutes" a day early, preventing probably thousands from playing until thursday, then on friday they screw up another patch preventing everyone from playing on friday.


    As many have said before, the technical people working on this game are horrible.


    All of their technology is outsourced to India. They don't do any of this stuff at their American offices, what do you expect?

  7. lol they broke it .......



























    Captain Jean Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Enterprise!


  8. you're ignoring his mechanics if youre dying that fast. He almost always starts off with an immediate incinerate, which destroys anyone. you have .5 seconds to interupt his cast before a shell is launched. He does it approx every 12 seconds.


    Dont go in with 2 melee dps.


    Why should a group be forced to take certain classes?


    We tried to do this with two melee and a Jug tank and couldn't get any better than 50% on the first boss. The fight has way too much going on for a melee group to be able to complete it on HM. We wiped for hours and ended up going into the red for durability twice before just giving up.


    (Everyone was in almost full Rakata)

  9. It appears to me they removed the chests all together along with all the scavaging, arch, and such not a single resource is to be located. What is the point of a pvp area if there is nothing to fight over?




    What's the point of this area now?

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