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Posts posted by shdwklown

  1. WoW Happened to " real" gamers , you said it yourself

    the cause of the number of complaining posts isn't due to a lack of said " gamers" but do a an increase of WoW carebears now gaming . those real gamers are here ( for how long no one can say) but theres another 1.2 million carebears aswell . the math says those real gamers will send 1.2 million carebears to the forum to whine and complain ALOT .

    this was the death of SWG ( all those nerfs and changes to appease the carebears( and other games that make drastic changes so a Creature handler can go toe to toe with a commando or BountyHunter Like really if you want to PvP take a pvp class ffs ) and hope the " real gamers" stick around to actually playtest on the test server ( cause carebears will whine about that aswell) and make bug reports that are more then " Commando Killed me 1v1 !!! this shude nvar happen I R Dancer/Doctor"

    Anyways you see what i'm saying Gamers still play games but Carebears pay the bills


    That really isn't a carebear, as you describe it. That is more of a whiny entitled punk who doesn't know how to play any game, let alone this one. A carebear is simply someone who doesn't want to PVP, which doesn't necessarily make them any less of a gamer than you. Me personally, I enjoy PvP as much as the next guy but I will stick to the blue servers, thanks. I had my fill of getting trained with giants by bored SKs back in EQ, thankyouverymuch. Sure it was funny, but I have better things to do with my time.


    Seriously though, "real" gamers are still around. The problem is those of us who cut our teeth on Meridian59, UO and EQ have grown up and have other priorities now. I have a teenage son who has been raised playing video games, and has a healthy respect for "oldschool" gaming. There are members of the younger generation who have been brought up in a similar fashion, the problem is there are probably twice as many who only know about the current gen of gaming. It is just a product of the technology as it sits today. When we were growing up and knocking around the Plane of Hate, it was with like minded people. Dial up was all the rage...go go 28.8 modems...zomg 56k how amazingly fast!!! *cough* EQ didn't have the press that WoW did, and full graphic 3 dimensional MMOs were in their infancy. Now, they are everywhere and it is "ok" to play them. For the most part. Unless you RP, apparently having any inkling of creativity in a game setting is still taboo.

  2. The next class nerfed will be the next one the community decides is "OPed", then after that one is nerfed, it'll be the next one viewed this way. No one ever wants to wait and see if different tactics work or what not. Who ever is beating them is obviously OP, and if people complain about their class they obviously need to L2P. this is how MMO PVP works people. If I don't always win, it must be some OP class. If I always win it's because I'm uber and you suck.


    Exactly. Why would anyone learn tactics or attempt to counter what someone is doing in a fight. When instead they can simply go to the forums, throw a temper tantrum and let the devs solve their issues.


    Rock: Nerf paper, scissors are fine.

  3. So last night my friends and I ran Directive 7 for the first time. The 3 of them were 50 and I was still 48. At the first point of a new Codex entry I simply made mention of it. My friends said they didn't receive one. Later on in the flashpoint I got another one and they hadn't received it either.


    So I was wondering since Codex entries give you exp and you no longer gain it as a lvl 50, does it prevent you from opening new entries? Like I had said it all our first times going into that particular flashpoint. If so I'm guessing this is some sort of bug.


    Anyone else encounter this issue?


    I noticed this myself when I reached 50. You still get the codex entries, however you no longer receive the notice for it displayed across your UI. I think there's a preference option to turn it back on. I'll dig around and post if I find anything.

  4. At no point were people qq rage quitting with the initial point of this post, people were simply stating bioware is severely lagging on fixing the problem with marauders/sentinels and the fact they have the time to do all this other **** when something so basic as a class functions become optional is a valid complaint, again, doesn't matter how good the game is, bugs usually mean you have to deal with issues of interaction with the environment, instead, as marauder/sentinel you must cross your fingers and hope just to interact with your character, that is a major problem.


    Here is the problem I have with this line of reasoning. You believe that it is horribly broken, when I know based on people that I play with that it is not broken for everyone. So the solution here is not to rage on about how much you want this fixed, instead you should be gathering data and passing it along. Vague imagery about skills not working doesn't help solve anything. You need to provide specific details about what you were doing, when you were doing and what the net result was. Dumping that into a forum post is probably not the best way to help either. Send an email to their tech group, if there is one (I haven't checked) that way the info is logged to a ticket and they have a better point of reference.


    Yelling at us doesn't solve your problem, and I'm guessing it doesn't help you feel any better since your issue still isn't resolved.

  5. Oh well in that case its OK!


    No really, its limited to every character on one server so only most of the gaming expierence is ruined with a cheap system that could have been easily corrected by allowing one to chose to have a Chiss with a different surname than a Human...I guess that means its a good idea afterall.


    It doesn't have to be a surname. I see a lot of people running around with their name on one line and then the legacy name on the next.


    Generic Character Name

    The Generic Legacy


    You have options tied to the legacy, and you can use them in any way you choose. The facts here are that you are griping about one part of this. You could make two characters as Sith Pureblood, then make a few more. The purebloods could have Name + Surname and the others could have Name, then The <legacy name> on the 2nd line. Or you could simply not have the legacy name displayed at all. There, now you have all your toons with different races/origins tied up neatly.


    Holy crap...options...what is this world coming too?


    Good lord, they add a new system in to provide something to do post 50 (well, 30ish but you get the idea) and people go bonkers over how fail they believe it is. Hell, we haven't even received the meat of the product yet. It has only been a month, breath people. They probably released early, which I might add was a request by a vocal portion of this very community. So we received a game with some systems not quite ready for prime-time and some bugs that are frustrating but not completely game breaking. Taris was, but hey they got that fixed fairly quick.


    Have some patience, provide constructive feedback and lets hope for the best. Or, you can unsub go over to the GW2 forums (wherever they may be, have they put up official forums yet? didn't think so) and then scream about similar nonsense when that game is released. Every MMO that comes out has its share of issues, invariably everyone jumps ship within the first month and misses out on what eventually becomes a respectable game. That or the devs freak out, make sweeping knee-jerk changes and completely ruin their love-child. Here's to hoping BW Devs fix things instead of destroying everything. Illum changes be damned...

  6. What up to a fellow dev. Yeah, I'm not bashing Bioware or the devs, believe me. I'm just saying it's a sign of the times that we as consumers have to expect stuff to not work. As devs we get rushed by management who got rushed by upper management who got rushed by the board who got rushed by the parent company who got rushed by their investors. The alternative is Quake takes three years to hit shelves and WoW takes five.


    Btw, Taris was fun last night. Fun like an anal probe... :/



    I hear ya, not only are they being pushed to get the product out by everyone you mentioned but their fans are going bonkers about it as well. How many threads were created in the months prior to the game's release crying for it to be released. Now that it is here, we have to suffer through a number of bugs that leave some of us scratching our heads. "How did that make it through a QA cycle?"


    Having been through my share of production installs, I know that there are times when the question is asked "Is this something that will be a "game" breaker?". I don't design games, the term "game breaker" is just something used by a lot of devs/leads/managers. I digress, if the answer is "No, there's a work around or it shouldnt' be a huge impact" then we move forward with the code as is. This is on release night of course, something is found during testing after the code was promoted to the live environment. If the answer to that question is "Yes" then things are backed out. I'm sure those are the times when BW says "we had to push back the install a day or three".


    People have to remember that TOR, and other MMOs for that matter, have a lot of moving parts. Sometimes you fix one thing, and then discover that it broke 5 other processes that you didn't realize were related in any way. Then you need to back out your fix, in dev (hopfully), and then go about finding a fix that doesn't cause more problems.

  7. Well I'd have to say that a launch eight years ago is too far out to compare to one today. To many things have changed in the industry, culture (of the industry), and economy alone for there to be a fair comparison. Agile development is the new religion, as are short, bursty dev cycles, rampant outsourcing, high turnaround, and rushed deadlines. When WoW was in development we had 6-12 month cycles for small projects, let alone massive undertakings like a MMO. Companies' release dates were typically, "When it's ready." Not so today.


    I'd say poor coding and mismanagement is definitely an issue here, but that's more a sign of the times than a Blizzard > Bioware issue. Unless you've been in the industry the past 10 years (13 for some of us), you just don't know the whole story. Now bear in mind I'm not saying this is OK. Quite the opposite. I come from the days when software worked at release. Hell, most everything did. To have even 2% buggy code back then was a near fireable offense. I'm just saying times have changed... mostly for the worse.


    EDIT: I don't think any of the release date bugs were game-breaking. For people to keep saying that is ridiculous. The fact that some of the people stating this are level 50 and have been for some time proves that. For how do you get to be level 50 if the game is broken?


    How many recent high profile MMOs have released without bugs? Everyone keeps towing the Rifts line, but everything I read about that release was huge queues, little if any end game, and an overall stale gaming experience. I don't recall any other recent MMO that released without issues. That isn't really a justification for the current state of TOR, I would have liked to see a more fluid release personally. I ran smack into the Taris issue, and still do not want to step foot on that planet even though I know it is fixed.


    It isn't like BW is just ignoring everything and using the whole "plug my fingers in my ears and merrily chant la-la-la" approach. They are fixing things, some issues take longer to fix than others. It may seem like a simple fix to you, but trust me when I say that it isn't always simple on the other side. I am a developer, and I know first hand that the "easiest" fixes are usually the most annoying to root out and correct.


    I know things are frustrating right now, I have had my share of "scream at the monitor" moments of issues within the game. At this point though, I enjoy the game and feel it is worth continuing to support it while they iron out the bugs. Bioware does have a window to work with before my support starts to wane. I will not be around at 1 year if a lot of the issues are not resolved before then. I'm sure that I'm not the only one on that particular boat. However, I am not ready to just pull my sub after one month. They're making fixes, you can't just dump updates into a live environment. Not without testing first, in all honesty I think BW needs some new QA testers. Because the ones they have now, do not know how to do anything beyond what is written on their testing script. That is painfully obvious.

  8. If I dont get anything from my next 4 battlemaster bags, I'm unsubbing too.


    Screw this ****. I spent sleepless nights grinding to 60 and now I get **** for it.


    They changed how the battlemaster bags work with the 1.1 patch...you're not going to get a gear token anymore.




    Battlemaster Gear Tokens have been converted into Battlemaster Commendations, which can be used to purchase any Battlemaster gear. This allows players to purchase any piece of gear instead of requiring them to purchase the piece indicated by the token.

    Battlemaster Bags now contain Battlemaster Commendations instead of Battlemaster Gear Tokens. They still also contain Champion Commendations.

  9. 'Let's see if purples drop' is getting old fast.


    I'm one of those guys sporting a mostly champ set at 49, just got my chest last night. I pulled my dbl-saber while waiting for HB to launch...my weaponless guildies were not happy with me. :) To be honest, only one of them was ahead of me in Valor though.


    All that being said, I do like your idea. The idea of having a daily to complete as you have described would bring some sense to the world. To be fair though, not everyone enjoys questing. i know, I know, you can't please all the people all the time.


    The other issue, and maybe this has been stated, but what do you do when your quest chains are finished? That is pretty much the problem looming on my horizon as I approach 60. When you get that last piece of loot, what is there left to do? I know, keep running warzones and grabbing titles. Yet, that will become stale at some point. The current system at least allows you to use your tokens for gearing your companions. To a certain degree at least. I have Xalek sporting I think 5 pieces of champ gear at the moment. :)


    I think the solution lies with a mixture of the OPs questing idea along with the current daily. Maybe remove the random bag, otherwise the super lucky would be geared even faster. It would be nice to have some kind of "achievement" system to gain different options. Kill x number of y mob in 30 seconds, receive z hilt. Something like that. Maybe even do that but provide the schematics for them, then you could get a friend to make that item if you don't have the skill. Heck you could even set it up as a one off schematic if you don't have the skill. That way you're not giving away a free cash-sink to another player. :) If you -do- have the skill, the schema would be permanent.

  10. MAYBE a good raid leader looked at those items mentioned. Maybe. Usually it was only the healers that looked at those stats, and if they said anything they were told to quit whining about someone standing in fire and heal like they are supposed to. "Just heal through it". How many time have you heard that? Never ran into a good raid leader in a pug.


    A lack of DPS meters is a very good thing. It keeps the rage filled children from being able to point fingers and if they rage anyways they get on that whole groups /ignore list. Soon they are no longer able to play with 1/2 the server pop and hopefully learn to calm down.


    I don't want to remove damage meters -- and mods won't be necessary if BW/EA incorporate a few changes of their own -- I don't want them added because they will make the game a sadder place.


    Then you were running with really bad pugs. I never once had a raid leader tell a healer to quit complaining about people standing in fire. Though I could probably write a book the size of War & Peace filled with quotes of raid leaders telling people to move out of fire.


    You need to find a better quality of players to group with. Same old story though, blaming the horrors of MMOs on tools instead of where the blame clearly lies. With the players who are just bad in general or the ones who want to be elitist a--hats.

  11. I agree with OP.


    ITs about time players need to learn how play a real game.


    Addons, have not and never really played a game for you. There was one, AVR, but that was killed with extreme prejudice by blizz. Having more information is not a bad thing, nor is having more control of how you choose to use the skills available to your class. I'm not looking to macro every single combat ability into one button, that is completely idiotic. It would be nice to have certain buffs on a single macro to free up hot keys though.


    Its about time leaders need to learn how to asses their players gear / playing skills


    How, exactly, would you suggest they do that with the current build of TOR? Continue on with the whole "We won so we rule!!!" mantra? Sorry, that doesn't work for me. I have enough things to manage on my screen, I don't really need to pay attention to the other 7-15 people on my team and verify they are doing everything they should be at every second of an encounter.


    I find it interesting that in one breath anti-addon players will say "no dps meters, look at the action" and then say "you should be able to watch all the other players and see who is doing what". Really?


    Its about time to actually earn your gear!!!


    Can't really argue with this, but having/not having addons really doesn't change whether or not you earn your gear. Again, there is still a player in control of when or why they should move.




    Keep the Addons away, from a real raiders perspective, they ruined WOW.


    DBM didn't ruin wow. None of the dmg meters ruined wow. For that mater, gear score did not ruin wow.


    Players ruined wow.


    I'll let that soak in for a moment.


    Yup, players ruined wow. Not the people using the addons I mentioned as intended. No, the players who were being jerks about running Naxx 10 with an ICC level GS. The people who couldn't or wouldn't put the time in to get things done, who whined until the keys were removed from raids and heroic dungeons. The whole " i should have it because the other player does", that's who ruined the MMO market. Quit putting it on the addons, it is a tool and nothing more.


    I'm sure somewhere 10k years ago, when the shovel was first introduced a similar argument was occurring. "Get rid of the shovel...you should be able to do it with your hands. You are ruining farming!!!!"


    For that matter maybe we should petition BW to exclude peripherals like a G15 mouse and keyboard, I mean they have more buttons so that player will be at an obvious advantage to someone with a normal kb and 2 button mouse. We simply cannot have that.

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