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Posts posted by KadenDevante

  1. Just an FYI, Headshot and Evis damage is weapon based. So if your Rifle is better than your Vibroknife, then yes, Headshot will do more damage. It fluctuates based upon which weapon has higher damage at the moment


    Edit: I generally use Evis, if only because I like my knife attacks.

  2. So is the lvl 48 medpack. And it does heal for less then the blue lvl 48.


    Yep, that's part of what makes me hate the change. They gave it a throwaway secondary effect, and the total healing is less than the prototype 48.

  3. It's now useless.


    It does equal healing to the level 40 purple (***!?!?).

    It doesn't heal over time.

    It only heals for 3k in PvP now.


    The nerf is ridiculous. As of now, it's hardly worth me even hitting the button. There is nothing wrong with having a preferred crafting class of PvPers. Are they going to start removing stuff from other professions now? Are they going to give me anything else as a Biochem crafter? Unlikely.


    The level 48 Purple, not 40.

  4. I can understand reducing the initial healing amount. In mission gear at 50, it heals for about half my health, that's a huge boost in any encounter. Removing the HoT doesn't make much sense though. Switching it out for a 15 second 15% hp increase? Great for tanks, but the rest of us get nothing out of it. But the kicker is the heal amount. It heals the same as the 48 Medpack. Am I the only one that doesn't see the logic in that? Instead of nerfing it to not be overpowered, you made it marginally more useful to tanks than the 48 medpack, not any more useful than the 48 medpack to everyone else, and cheapened its value by still having it require a BoP alloy to make.


    Hurray "balance."

  5. Yes, but notice how you can't use certain abilities at certain times? I can't use Sleep Dart or Hidden Strike unless in Stealth. They say "Must be in Stealth to use." Don't be surprised if they add a "Must have Cybertech Level Whatever" requirement to the Cybertech crafted speeders in the future.
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