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Posts posted by Goemoe

  1. Nice, but I sometimes wonder, why I should care? The more I progress in the solo parts of the game, the less mighty I feel with any gear. Fighting in lvl 80 zones sometimes feel as if I have no gear at all. Trash mobs taking loads of time for no real challenge or use. When replaying all classes for the second or third time makes more fun than playing the new stuff, I wonder: do those devs actually play their own game?

    But nice guides anyway.

    • Like 2
  2. I finally got the launcher to continue downloading. What I did: I started the game up to the character screen, where the download bar showed the never ending 0% (while playing on the startplanet....) ALT TABed to the desktop and forgot it, because I hoped it might work if you wait long enough.


    I read some stuff in this forum and renamed the launcher.setting to see what might happen. I launched the game, without recognizing it was still running, entered all data in the fresh mask and got to the 30th june patch screen. All the time my other game in the background was still running. I totally forgot about it and somehow I was able to log into the game twice with the same account. This should'n be possible, the launcher has a serious problem!


    But hey, the download continued, even in the first instance the 0% bar mentioned earlier jumped to 80.12% and is currently growing. Don't know if this helps anybody but as Bioware doesn't seem to care, we have to find a cure ourselves. As I am writing this, it growed to 82% so there is hope.


    edit: It downloaded completely. I could enjoy one session. I tried to use my old 'launcher.settings' and got the bug again. Though everything has been downloaded for sure (it worked) the error is back. Another attempt to get it running like decribed above failed. Now the 0% download window is completely missing, but I can't run the game.


    This sucks.

  3. Each starting planet (at least on server Tulak Hord) is a spambot heaven for gold sellers. Once or twice per minute you read about a certain goldseller site in the general chat. If you ignore it, you get another name after ~ 5 minutes.


    The whole starting planets are already strongholds, owned by [Goldsellers Site Name].


    I do like the idea of small strongholds on those planets, by not as long as Bioware does not care about those ******* goldsellers!

  4. Hey all,


    Although it wasn't captured in the patch notes, we did raise the Stronghold Cap in 6.1 to 15 so that we could account for not only the addition of Alderaan but also have some buffer for duplicates.


    I will raise this to the team for investigation.



    Are those duplicates only for old inherited SHs, or should we be able to buy additional SHs, after already owning all of them once? Just tried it and it doesn't work. :cool:

  5. Nothing wrong with the next SH being smaller, but why? Why don't you just unlock those rooms you want to use in any given SH und be done with it? Nobody pushes you to unlock them all?


    Need a space station? Use the Rishi freighter up there and ignore the rest of the Rishi SH.


    But then again, I am all for personal ship SHs. Let's combine those two systems and get them painted, decorated and filled with useful things. They are even quite small compared to Rishi, Yavin or Alderan :cool:

  6. I love it... But, Are the Taxi's on Hiatus, Strike, Vacation??? or Forgot to put them in???


    I miss them too (and no, zone in and out does not help). I wonder why the game says I am in an unsafe zone when I stand inside my manor house? Are there giant spiders at the ceiling? (Haven't checked yet)


    I miss the staff, be it droids or living butlers and other types of man-servants running around. It is a big noble stronghold after all. I arrived and noone, really NOONE offered refreshment :eek:


    Place for improvements ;)


    The ruins and the dummies should be paid for as the kilik hive. As we see, not everybody is fond of them. I do like it, but many don't. Place something in front we can blow up like the entrance of the kilik cave. That was fun :D


    The Alderan Stronghold is a great place. Good work!

  7. Hi,


    I just started the Makeb quest series today with two of my alts. On is lvl 65, one is lvl 67. Both played all planets(not all quests), stories and some flashpoints up to this point. One on rep side, one on the imp side. When reaching Makeb, both get no experience and no conquest points for killing trash mobs. :confused:


    I logged in with a lvl 75 character and got all points normal for an endlevel character at the same spots with the same opponents.


    Now I wonder: am I to level up to lvl 75 after chapter III to get points while playing the intended order of content? Or is Makeb special (bugged)?

  8. Today I noticed my sith marodeur is getting dark side points for doing crew missions. This is weird, because during the last months he was getting light side points for crew missions. I did this on purpose when creating him, only chosing light side choices up to the point where he could choose his crew skills. I don't like my chars amassing the wrong side points for them. My sith inqui is about 70/30 light/dark, but crew skills got her to dark V. I hate that and created other chars differently, to prevent this.


    Now my sith marodeur is getting dark side points for crew skills though he got light side points for them up to today (did not play him for some time). What happened? He has 15000 light and 8000 dark at lvl 40. This is not possible without crewskills.


    Can I do anything to reverse the dark sided crewskills back to the lightsided? Or is there a switch to turn it off generally? I hate it either way.


    Where is the point creating an alignment system for the chars and totally mess it up with crew skills? I do crew skills with each char I play. No matter how I play them, at the end the chars are Light V or Dark V because of the crew skills.


    This system is pointless. Get rid of it.

  9. Before patch 6.0.2 I spent 300 million credits trying to learn the gold item level 306 relic. I got up to item level 286 before it got too expensive to continue. Today is the first day of 6.0.2 and I spent another 200 million to get that 10% chance to learn the item level 292. It now costs 12 solid resource matrix and 30 processed isotope stabilizers plus other mats to make a 292 item level relic which gives a 10% chance to learn a better version.


    So it took me 1 week to grind 306 gear from flashpoints / operations. Crafting is for people who either don't want to do that content, or want to get gear faster than that content provides. If someone can grind 306 gear in a week, then at the bare minimum a crafter should be able to craft gear faster than that.


    Right now it takes 8 solid resource matrix to craft an item level 286 relic for a 10% chance to learn that 292 relic. Once you learn the 292 relic, you then need 12 solid resource matrix, which is another 10% chance to learn the next level. That means that even if you are really lucky, and only have to craft one of each to learn the next level recipe, that is 20 solid resource matrix plus however many you need for the next level.

    You have to realize, that quite some people worked for weeks or months on this useless piece of crafting system. The only sane way to explain such a pointless system (pointless, because it is totally lacking any bit of fun or reason inside of a GAME) is, that the devs totally hate crafting and try to get the focus from their customers to different parts of the game. The new gearing system, which offers a way quicker way to get equipment than crafting does supports this theorie.


    Face it: Bioware hates crafting. No trolling, I really don't see another reason for the current system. Not many people will spend hundreds of millions on this pointless system. It will be totally ignored eventually. The very most players wont ever be able to even afford this nonsense up to the end. It is dead on arrival and they know it. They simply hate crafting.

  10. No, it's the devs seriously misunderstanding something. The don't seem to realize, that fun is a vital feature of a paid gaming service. If it is no fun, it will not be enjoyed. Crafting 600+ is far away from anything funny.
  11. I had hopes for Update 6.0.2 but the % for deconstruction seem to be only updated in the description texts. :rolleyes:


    Crafting in 6.0.x is still a pain Bioware. There is no single point of fun in the current 600+ crafting system.


    (over 300 isotope stabilizers wasted without a single success sucks!) Get rid of the damn stabilizers or up the success chance dramaticly. The current system is only good for annoying customers.

  12. Solche Aussagen! Ich kann nicht mehr. Jedes Jahr kommen wieder solche Threads „Spiel ist tot (2012)“, „Spiel ist wirklich tot (2013)“, „Spiel ist nun endlich tot (2014)“.... und so weiter. Und nun sind wir in 2019 und wir spielen immer noch, und es kommen wieder die Leute, die sagen, wir spielen ein totes Spiel.


    Was sind das für Leute? Ich sage es Euch. Es sind diese MMO-Hopper. Die hüpfen von MMO zu MMO, spielen alles nur oberflächlich. Kratzen nur an der Oberfläche dessen, was das Spiel alles zu bieten hat. Weil jeder Versuch, den Sie machen, um sich tiefer in die Materie einzubringen, führt dazu, dass Sie realisieren, das Sie nichts können.


    Ich sehe es doch täglich bei Twitch. Ein Dutzend neue SWTOR-Streamer seit Release von 6.0.


    Thread „Die Preise im GTN sind eine Frechheit“. Ja, neee...is klar. Während andere seit drei Jahren einloggen, um jeden Tag Plus zu machen, ist unser AFKler, der in der Zwischenzeit WoW gespielt hat, überrascht, dass auf sein Creditkonto in der Zwischenzeit nichts eingegangen ist.


    Gerade beim 6.0 Start. „Wäh...alles ist so teuer, Set-Bonus-Teile für eine Million beim Händler kaufen“. Und du siehst sie über Onderon rennen, wo das Geld förmlich auf der Straße liegt. Aber nein, Mats einsammeln und in zwei Wochen zweihundert Millionen verdienen...neee...


    Rufen nach Hilfe im Chat für H2s, um ihre Low-Level Chars zu gearen, weil sie mit ihrer Zufalls-Rota einen Goldmob nichtmal mit Heilergefährten down bekommen, bevor der vorherige Trash wieder spawnt. Was folgt? Thread „Bioware, warum habt ihr Gefährten so hart generft?“.


    Und wenn sie dann auf Max-Level ankommen und gegeart sind, rennen sie voll op Veteran-FPs und fühlen sich mächtig. Lernen dabei aber nicht mal die grundlegenden Mechaniken von Hammerstation. Irgendwann listen die dann Master-Mode und wipen die Gruppe, eben weil Sie die Mechaniken nicht kennen und vorher nicht mal Bescheid geben, dass Sie Erklärungen benötigen. Was folgt? Thread „Elitelist everywhere, no place for casuals“.


    Bestes Beispiel letzte Woche gesehen. Boss geht bei 30% enrage. Zwei Versuche bereits vorbei. Einer der DDs ist Twitch-Streamer: „Ich weiß nicht voran es liegt. Ich will dem Heiler nichts unterstellen, weil ich selbst keinen Heiler spiele, aber ich weiß noch von früher -also vor zwei Jahren, als ich das letzte Mal gespielt habe- dass der Boss eigentlich nicht so schwer war.“ Ja, genau, von nix Ahnung haben, aber Heiler beleidigen. Weil er nichtmal merkt, dass der Boss voll Rot leuchtet. War ja schon immer so, dass Bossenrage daran liegt, dass Heiler zu wenig heilen und nicht daran, dass DDs keinen Schaden machen. Ende vom Lied. Nach dem dritten Versuch. „Das macht so keinen Spass“. Dropt Group.


    Beim kleinsten Anzeichen von Widerstand, wo man den eigenen Skill hinterfragen sollte, gibt man auf und hüpft weiter zum nächsten MMO. Und zum Abschluss ihres Abos, startet man genau diesen Thread hier, um nochmal nachzuhaken. Verschwörungstheorien sind ja so viel einfacher von sich zu geben, als irgendeinen Guide zu lesen und sich mal in ein Spiel zu vertiefen.


    Natürlich nervt es, dass die Server im Asind. Aber ich bin mir sicher, es wird daran gearbeitet. Auch ich habe mein Abo auf Eis gelegt, damit die Nachricht ankommt. Aber wenn es wieder läuft, dann zahle ich auch weiter. Weil es mein Spiel ist. Weil es immer noch Spass macht.


    Danke! Leider braucht es das wohl dann und wann. Bei den heutigen guten Internetübersetzern könnte Eric Musco sicher einmal im Monat hier eine Nachricht ablassen und die meisten hier würden sich betreut fühlen. Es ist schade, dass es dazu nicht reicht. Aber grundsätzlich ist niemandem die deutsche Community egal oder gar der Server. Sonst würde man ihn einfach dicht machen und nicht neu aufsetzen :cool:

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