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Posts posted by chaindramon

  1. Best pilots on Shadowlands are Ilsilud and Zonri for pub side, and I'd say Ajora, Kassk, Lormaru and Xiao on imp side.

    That said, the best pubs are easily better than the best imps. On Shadowlands, anyway :)

  2. Objectives don't necessarily mean that you're doing anything constructive.You can get one objective point per second by sitting right next to the nodes. Kills matter somewhat more I'd say, as you are directly keeping the people off of your nodes (hopefully) by keeping them out of the fight/away from the satellites/turrets. It's not like a Civil War match where a sorc can drop 700k damage and not kill anyone; most damage in starfighter is useful damage.

    I'd say you need a mix of objectives and kills, but if I had to choose, kills>objectives.

  3. I have a vanguard with full, augmented, min-maxed obroan gear.

    I have a powertech who wears most of that gear, but has a 150 offhand and a bad relic.

    Why does my powertech bolster not only to 2018, but also to better aim/power stats?

    I've noticed more than a few people deliberately under-gearing their pvp chars in past-tier pve gear to get the extra stats from bolster.

    Just wondering if this was intended or if it'll maybe be changed

  4. God of War is a 6 hour solo game with over-the-top cutscenes. The whole series can be beaten in a day.

    SWTOR is a multiplayer RPG with more realistic (for Star Wars) cutscenes and dozens of different stories, between classes, planets, operations, etc.


    What are you trying to compare?


    This thread is stupid.

  5. So they're removing the 8v8 ranked matches.This is a big deal... why?


    The average player has minimal, if any, ranked WZ experience. From my experience, this is partly due to a lack of people willing to queue as a team, partly because once you do have a team, you aren't guaranteed an opponent, and of course, if you can manage to PUG a team together and find a match, there's a good chance of being trolled to no end by some of the hardcore PvPers. The small amount of diehard ranked PvPers who DO group regularly aren't what Bioware has to cater to. They're out to please the majority of more casual players, who would like to queue, maybe even PUG a ranked match without a guaranteed roflstomping.


    As for all the talk of being lied to and deceived, well, the ranked system was promised what, over a year ago, before the game even went F2P, so it's safe to say that cross-server queues were never set in stone.

  6. Just wondering, are there any Vanguard (or Powertech) Theorycrafters out there? All of the Tank classes, Sages/Sorcerers, Snipers/'Slingers, etc. have loads of information available in regards to their stat priorities, specs, and ability rotations. However, I feel like VG and PT are lacking in these departments. Any chance someone knows a post that I've missed, or knows a good Theorycrafter who could come help us all out? :)


    Before some "do it yourself" responses, just realize, that I don't know how, nor do I really have the time at the moment to do all of the calculations and testing that would be involved.



  7. It's Warrior PVP gear, minus the chest, which looks like the 40 PVP Juggernaut chest (also a few models similar from Black Hole weekly) The Chest is Heavy only I believe, and the gloves and boots can be medium or heavy.

    However! There is a medium chest that looks like that but is red, I just can't recall where it's from.

  8. I've got min-maxed War Hero on all of my DPS characters and now, I don't need anymore gear. So I farm stabilizers, doesn't make sense to change that. And War Hero alone doesn't mean you're going to play well in PVP. As a matter of fact, my PVE geared healer just 1v1'ed two DPS bounty hunters (one merc, one PT) in War Hero (I know who they are from also PVPing from the imp side) gear.

    Point I'm trying to make, it's still not a question of gear. It's all about player skill. And to those who say OMG NO SKILL PVP IS EZ MODE," well, I'd like to see your PVE healers take on PVP DPSers :)

    The problem is that people don't understand how the matches are played, and/or don't want to listen to help. What there should be, in lieu of an expertise minimum, which clearly wouldn't make too much sense, is a better system for PVP reputation and kicking people from groups. Too often do I get into groups that have a player sit on defense, then die or lose the node because he walked away from the node because he wanted to go AFK and farm defense. As it stands now, you can only vote to kick someone individually, it doesn't come up with a window like in Group Finder groups, and if they attack someone, or are attacked by someone, the kick vote resets. THAT is what PVP needs.

  9. A minimum expertise value doesn't necessarily make sense. I heal in my min-maxed, all 63 PVE gear on my scoundrel, and I usually heal more than any other healer in the match. Yes, I take more damage due to my lack of expertise, but I also heal more than a min-maxed war hero. To add to that, I tank in my augmented, min-maxed PVE tank set occasionally in PVP, and that also does me fine. The issue isn't with xp, it's with the players. My PVE geared scoundrel can thrash half the people he plays against, who are usually in PVP gear, while healing half a million easy.
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