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Posts posted by Korton

  1. Hi folks.


    I got back into the game recentely and I've been having a blast however one thing has been annoying me a bit, the server that I play on isn't generally well populated so I've decided to transfer to another server and make an alt.


    If I move my main on the new server I've heard that the legacy gets moved as well but I am wondering what happens to my old server and the characters that are on it? Do they all lose the legacy or is the legacy simply copied onto 2 different servers?



  2. Has been asked and answered a few dozen times here in many...many threads - but...


    No plans, lots of speculation/ideas/thoughts - but no, nothing officially annouced as to plans


    Thanks for the quick reply and apologies for asking something that has been asked before it seems. Back when I played a while ago I remember there were double XP weekends or something of that sort. Does that still exist and is there a way to view when they are?

  3. Hi chaps!


    I really enjoyed the last event when you could just level of class quests and I'm wondering if there will be another one any time soon since I could only play it for a few days (had loads of work). Are there any similar events happening on certain weekends or something or are we all just back to the old way of levelling?



  4. You definitely need to join a good guild if you wanna have fun in an MMO, otherwise it feels like a single player game. When the Ops get to HM or NiM its nearly impossible to do it with pugs and you need vent in order to tell people how to do the fights since you can wipe rather easily.


    But end game Swtor to me is a fun distraction while I level up my other toons and its fun when you do Ops, PvP, HMs. NiM or Dailys with friends in your guild.


    This is not true. I've had tons of fun in other MMOs while guildless (Rift, Wow, Aion, Guild Wars)

  5. For PVE, indeed I do. The Ops are great and the difficulty amps up as you progress through. TFB was a nice addition. But the problem is that there isn't quite enough. I would like to see more Ops added and not necessarily at the extreme end of the gear spectrum. I'd love to have as many OPs as we have FPs.


    I'm sorry, what? ''For PVE, indeed I do. The Ops are great and the difficulty amps up as you progress through'' This is your justification to why PvE has good high-level content? As if 99% of the games we play in these days don't get harder as we progress through. I'm sorry my friend but what you said is a load of bs.

  6. For a dedicated fan you sure don't read much about the game. Guild ships were canned in favor of free to play mode and other shenanigans to appease EA. Was officially announced by Mr Hickman a week ago or so. And maybe you also noticed that most of the guys who promised the good stuff were terminated (well, their job contracts at least) or left by themselves.


    Could you expand on what you said about the guys being fired? What did they exactly say?

  7. Im guessing the killer of this MMO will be Disney. Not anytime soon, but at some point they may try to set up their own MMO and pull the plug on this one. Kinda like Lucasarts did to SWG. I still dont see it happening for a few years.... maybe after they finish the movies.


    Yes but KOTOR is a very successful and profitable franchise, surely they won't just move onto something new and leave it rot.

  8. I doubt this will die any time soon if so I am sure some other group would pick it up and continue with the story because this game has major potential with so many stories to venture out on xD


    Also Kotor 3 was on the table but bioware decided to make swtor in its place.


    Also Also the silly panda MMO will die off long before this game will die lmao.


    Yes I do agree SWTOR would exist quite a while but there will come time when Bioware would have to move and I am wondering what people think they would do, whether that is a new game, cancel the franchise or whatever.

  9. I gave this a little thought, and actually realised I don't. Sure they didn't represent the Exile too well, but I thought Revan was very well done. And maybe he's robes did look a bit rubbish. But hey, the story was good. I like how Scourge helped Revan and Meetra face the Emperor and then helped the JK do the same in a nostalgic scenario. I thought that was really well done. And I like how the whole Treaty of Coruscant was orchestrated by Revan - wasn't that cool? And I think it was a great idea to have the Republic heroes rescue him. And then the Imperial heroes 'defeat' him. You don't give the flashpoint enough credit, its got the whole Rakata theme going on, you get to meet HK-47 and fight him, and the confrontation with Revan is suitably epic and nostalgic.


    I think its important that Revan didn't play too big a role in SWTOR - after all its not his story anymore, its about the heroes of the Republic and the Empire. Revan's and the Exile's story ended in the Revan novel.


    And I really can't see the grounds for peoples argument against the presentation of Meetra. You can't ruin a character that technically never existed. Meetra never spoke aloud in KOTOR 2, you just selected words from a menu, Meetra was you and obviosuly people aren't going to like how Meetra turns out, because that isn't them.


    OldVengeance makes a good point here though, perhaps it would have been better if they have remained legends who dissapeared into the Unknown Regions to fight the Sith Empire. And SWTOR could have left clues as to what there fate was, but still left it vague. Unfortunately OldVengeance, while this is a good idea, those in favour are severely outweighed by those who wanted to see Revan, HK and the Exile return in SWTOR. Well, be careful what you wish for...


    Thanks for the spoiler bro

  10. No game is eternal, while this is not going to happen in the next few years there will come the time when they will stop supporting it. I am just wondering what do you guys think they would do next, more single player games, movies or something else? Or could they just abandon the franchise and work on new projects? The franchise itself has been quite successful so I really doubt it that they would just leave it like that.


    I would personally love kotor 3 or something of this sort, as unlikely as it is you could never know.


    We all know Bioware used to be the Gods of good stories, ME series, Kotor series, DA: Origins and more! I just did the maelstrom today and the whole flashpoint felt so cheesy. I was really cringing when the exile started talking to Raven it was just horrible writing and script. I also learned how Revan gets ''defeated'' by the Imperials in one of their flashpoints which was also very disappointing.


    I just expected much more than being caught by emperor, prisoner, rescued, sais 4 lines and leaves, ''runs away'' from imps in flashpoint later on.


    I just wish they continued with the whole ''mystery and secret'' theme we were left with. Yes, there are good stories in this game, and yes there is many of them but for me Revan's + The Exile's Legacy was completely ruined.



  12. The mechanics of crew skills are awesome in my opinion, they just need to add more usefull patterns to them, and maybe make it easier to find patterns (currently spamming level 27-32 UT missions on 2 characters with 3 comps each, trying to find hooligans set patterns, and all i keep getting is synth patterns).


    Also, armormech and synthweaving are about making gear, which would inevitably be superceded by raid/pvp epics, but their main thing imo is about maing moddable gear so people can get the look they want, and then mod them with mods they get from epics and commendations/cybertech.

    Cybertech makes mods, which themselves get replaced by raid/pvp mods (and for some reason i can't discover purple mods no matter how many i RE).

    Same for weaponstech and their barrels, and artifice with hilts/crystals.


    But yes, skills other than biochem might use some extra love, but the basics are, in my opinion, good.


    just for context, i got a cybertech on my main, armormech and synthweaving on my 2 alts, and i am quite happy with the professions i chose.


    So you are telling me people would pick Armormech just to get the ''look'' they want? In most of the cases, if not all the armormech gear looks ridiculously bad and has the same designs as the gear you'd get whilst questing.

  13. I am playing on a medium server, it rarely gets to high but I've seen it a few times.


    I've leveled a bounty hunter to 45 and agent to 32. Something that has bothered me for a while is how world PvP is basically non existant.


    Thourhgout my whole leveling experince with my bounty hunter I only met a few republics. Now as you all know, the population will drop by 20th when a lot of people won't continue with their subscriptions so things will get worse.


    Is anyone else begining to regret for playing on the server they do now? I tried and tried to look and hunt for Republics but I just couldn't find enough to statisfy me.


    Given the horrible state of Warzones, world pvp was the only solid choice for me but however I will have to write it off =/. Just wondering if anyone else feels the same way.

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