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Posts posted by Xanadoo

  1. Below is quoted material from Emmanuel Lusinchi.



    The current situation with end game gear and item modifications isn’t final and, in fact, many community members like yourself have correctly guessed at what our plans to correct the current design are.


    Since this is a fairly important issue to many players, let me disclose more details about what is currently in the work regarding purple items and mods:


    - All partially moddable purple items will be made fully moddable again, allowing the removal of the armoring, hilt and barrel.


    - The set bonus of end gear purples (PVP and PVE) will be transferable to custom items.


    - Some item modifications will be restricted to a certain item type. For example, some item modifications will only fit on helmets, while other will only fit on chests, etc.


    As usual, the caveats about unfinished work apply, but this should give you and the community a very good idea of our intentions. We are serious about making custom gear an entirely valid alternative to end game gear and we support the players’ ability to customize their appearance all the way to (and including) end game.


    Emmanuel Lusinchi

    Technical Design Director

    Star Wars: The Old Republic




  2. /support


    We need better looking endgame gear...


    ...rather, we need less rediculous endgame gear.


    Im seriously considering not raiding because i just dont like the gear's looks. At all. And i cant just take out the mods and use them on moddable gear.


    I this was confirmed and going to be added? Where orange gear would suffer no drawbacks to any other?

  3. This is a guide on changing your view distance to increase performance.


    I do not claim to be the originating discoverer of this FPS fix. With a high-end gaming machine, I was at my wit's end trying to find a solution when I discovered this. This has doubled my FPS in Fleet, Warzones, and PVE Environments.


    For Windows 7






    Local Disk (C:) [Or wherever your operating system is installed]




    Your Username


    AppData (For this to be visible, you will need to hit "alt", which will bring down your file menu. Select Tools>Folder Options>View>Show hidden files,folders or drives. Apply>OK













    What we are going to do here is adjust your view distance. Before adding/editing data, I would recommend saving a clean copy of client_settings somewhere on your computer just in case you needed to switch back.


    Above "PlantDensity" you will need to add "FarClipScale = "


    The higher the number you enter, the farther you will be able to see, but the lower your FPS will be, and vice versa.


    Here are a few examples of variables that are known/tested to work accordingly.


    FarClipScale = 0.5371195


    FarClipScale = 0.3371195 (Personal Recommendation)


    FarClipScale = 0.1371195


    After your changes have been made, and FarClipScale has been added, you will need to save the file and close it BUT you aren't done yet. You will need to right click on the file (client_settings) and go to Properties>Check Read Only>Apply>OK. To edit the file in the future, you will need to un-check read-only in properties. If you do not do this step, then any changes made to this file will be set back to default and not apply in-game.




    In the client_settings file you can also adjust things such as Plant Density (which to my understanding is how much grass or leaves is in a given area/square, bloom, shadows, anti-aliasing, etc. If any information in this guide is wrong, I will do my best to update it as needed. This fix has worked wonders for me, and I couldn't be happier.

  4. They can do both... They have multiple teams

    Read up on stuff before commenting on it. You will find that you look a lot less ridiculous :D


    You are the one that looks ridiculous. They should be using all 100% of their development team to fix the current issues with this game. There is no "We have enough to do both". These bugs are not getting fixed and players are leaving every day. ALL devs need to be working on fixes. Think before you speak.

  5. I don't see any real need for a dungeon finder in this game at all.


    Its easy to get a group together to do anything, pugs happen easily, and if you want to do harder content you should be in a guild anyway.


    I just don't see this desperate need that some people seem to be trying to make this trivial thing into.


    1. There is _NOTHING_ social about: "/1 Heals/Tank/DPS LFG/LFM Random Flashpoint"


    2. Sitting in Fleet, spamming the above every 30 seconds for 2 hours is probably the least fun thing you can do in this game. People don't give a crap who is the tank/healer/dps as long as they can get a group together. As long as players meet the recommended level requirements and are suited to fill their role, the Flashpoint begins immediately, and nobody gives much thought to any social interaction besides completing the Flashpoint.


    3. LFD Tools have not ruined any MMO, and will never ruin any MMO. All this does is make time spent on the game more enjoyable. There is nothing enjoyable about spamming general chat, and there is nothing social about it.


    4. The same logic applies to Warzones, where you are automatically placed into a group, as well as crafting, where companions go and do the work for you. These have been implemented into the game to save time and trouble for the end-user.


    5. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to insta-teleport us to the Flashpoint location.


    6. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to be cross-server.


    7. The LFD Tool will however allow us to do homework, read forums, watch TV, while we patiently wait to be placed in a group, without having to keep staring at general chat for an absurd amount of time.


    I cannot relate to anyone who says this is not a much needed feature. It takes away nothing, and gives a lot to the game.


    Disclaimer: This is all my personal opinion. Thanks for reading.

    Note: I was 100% in support for not having an LFD tool at first, until I experienced what finding groups was like without it.

  6. 1. There is _NOTHING_ social about: "/1 Heals/Tank/DPS LFG/LFM Random Flashpoint"


    2. Sitting in Fleet, spamming the above every 30 seconds for 2 hours is probably the least fun thing you can do in this game. People don't give a crap who is the tank/healer/dps as long as they can get a group together. As long as players meet the recommended level requirements and are suited to fill their role, the Flashpoint begins immediately, and nobody gives much thought to any social interaction besides completing the Flashpoint.


    3. LFD Tools have not ruined any MMO, and will never ruin any MMO. All this does is make time spent on the game more enjoyable. There is nothing enjoyable about spamming general chat, and there is nothing social about it.


    4. The same logic applies to Warzones, where you are automatically placed into a group, as well as crafting, where companions go and do the work for you. These have been implemented into the game to save time and trouble for the end-user.


    5. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to insta-teleport us to the Flashpoint location.


    6. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to be cross-server.


    7. The LFD Tool will however allow us to do homework, read forums, watch TV, while we patiently wait to be placed in a group, without having to keep staring at general chat for an absurd amount of time.


    I cannot relate to anyone who says this is not a much needed feature. It takes away nothing, and gives a lot to the game.


    Disclaimer: This is all my personal opinion. Thanks for reading.

    Note: I was 100% in support for not having an LFD tool at first, until I experienced what finding groups was like without it.

  7. 1. There is _NOTHING_ social about: "/1 Heals/Tank/DPS LFG/LFM Random Flashpoint"


    2. Sitting in Fleet, spamming the above every 30 seconds for 2 hours is probably the least fun thing you can do in this game. People don't give a crap who is the tank/healer/dps as long as they can get a group together. As long as players meet the recommended level requirements and are suited to fill their role, the Flashpoint begins immediately, and nobody gives much thought to any social interaction besides completing the Flashpoint.


    3. LFD Tools have not ruined any MMO, and will never ruin any MMO. All this does is make time spent on the game more enjoyable. There is nothing enjoyable about spamming general chat, and there is nothing social about it.


    4. The same logic applies to Warzones, where you are automatically placed into a group, as well as crafting, where companions go and do the work for you. These have been implemented into the game to save time and trouble for the end-user.


    5. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to insta-teleport us to the Flashpoint location.


    6. The LFD Tool DOES NOT need to be cross-server.


    7. The LFD Tool will however allow us to do homework, read forums, watch TV, while we patiently wait to be placed in a group, without having to keep staring at general chat for an absurd amount of time.


    I cannot relate to anyone who says this is not a much needed feature. It takes away nothing, and gives a lot to the game.


    Disclaimer: This is all my personal opinion. Thanks for reading.

    Note: I was 100% in support for not having an LFD tool at first, until I experienced what finding groups was like without it.

  8. The subscription model is really obsolete now and doesn't work for new MMOs, so most of them are embracing the F2P microtransaction model. A lot of people say that SW:TOR should go F2P, too, but I think this is a bad idea. I was driving home from work yesterday listening to NPR and I figured out what you guys should do...


    You should make it donation based! Like it would always be free to download and play for anyone, but a couple times a year, you could do in-game pledge drives to raise the money to cover operational costs.


    I'm thinking that during the pledge drive, the robot from your ship could follow you around and say things like "Master, we depend on the support of people like you." Or "I know you've been thinking of giving, Master, but it just keeps slipping your mind. Pick up the phone or log in to swtor.com and donate right now!"


    I think the community would get really excited about raising the money and seeing how fast they could make the big thermometer go up. You could give local businesses that make donations over $1000 a little advertising bump like a pop-up that says "This hour of SW:TOR is brought to you by Miller Toyota. Get Millerized!" Stuff like that, donation matching, I mean use your imagination!


    Anyway, I just thought I'd share this idea with you. And ... you're welcome!


    This is the absolute worst and dumbest thing I have ever seen posted on any forum in my life. What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. May God have mercy on your soul.

  9. computer repair is what i do if you must know.


    and to put it simple yes you can make this game run nicely if your computer doesn't meet the min req. for it but the work that you need to keep it there is a lot harder them just upgrading a simple part.


    This is a ATI/AMD GPU issue. If you will search the forums, you'll notice that virtually everyone running high-end AMD/ATI cards are having issues, whereas hardly none of the GTX5xx series are. I am also a disappointed ATI user who has come to the realization that this came has yet to be optimized for ATI cards.

  10. i7 930

    Asrock x58 extreme 3 motherbeard

    gigabyte GTX 570 Windforce rev 2.0

    8gb 1600mhz DDR3

    Intergrated sound

    Raptor 10k RPM HDD

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1


    Im having lag problems all over, im newly formatted and nothing changed.


    In fleet i get as low as 15 fps if there is 30+ ppl, im at max settings using bloom deactivated Vsync, Warzones is unplayable, i even get input lagz there. Out when im questing as long as there is only NPC characters its playing pretty fine, out in the forest with alot of grass shadows and trees, all set to maximum graphics i get 110fps, as soon i get in to a city (any) for example tatooine i get lags...


    I dont have to be at the low all the time, but it drops and raises and drops bad if there is a lot of ppl near, in fleet its always low until i find a uncrowded corner and look in to space, fps can raise again.


    These lag problems follows me everywhere, i dont have extreme temps, tho this game runs hotter then any other. Something


    Something that happens to me is that specially in fleet my GPU Usag drops about the same rate that the FPS drops, and that means that as soon as it is enough action going on GPU usage goes down.....


    Can the rest of you check GPU usage...


    Sure can bro. My 5850 in fleet is running barely above idle, and remaining relatively cool. CPU peeks at 40% usage also. It's like my computer doesn't know a game is running. I can run 2 copies of WOW + Battlefield in the background and my frames don't change 10-20 FPS in Fleet.

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