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Posts posted by Svancara

  1. Hello everyone,


    This might come off as a noob question but I've haven't really found any conclusive info yet.

    It was my understanding you could create 52 chars per server, as a sub.

    Yet I only have 16 available characters slots ?


    Am I missing something?


    Thanks for your feedback


    EDIT: I just read that additional slots are "purchasable", where can this be done?

  2. Greetings everyone,


    I was wondering, if you use your Character Token (to create L65 or L70), at which point is it no longer refundable if you end up deleting that character (because you end up not liking the class for example)?


    I got conflicting information;

    - Some say it's no longer refundable as soon as you kill something, or gain XP, with this newly created character

    - Others said you can start killing and playing the class, and if you delete it afterwards it would still get refunded..


    Is there a clear procedure for this?


    Thanks in advance.

  3. Never seen a group forming for them either.


    Accidentally ran into one on Alderaan.

    Got a group going with my guild.


    We ended up wiping (due to being infamiliar with its capabilities, it was more of a "feeler" group to see what he had in store for us).

    Boss dissappeared (as they dissappear when you wipe), never tried again.

  4. Not sure what Platinum crates are, but I decided to buy a bunch of hyper crates and opened them.



    Platinum is the grade of rarity, as in Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum (corresponding to the CM logo color on your CM item).

    Unstable Peacemaker’s Lightsaber found in the Eternal Command packs is a Platinum piece for example.

    Platinums should theoretically be the rarest ones to find in packs.

  5. My thought is that the fact that a historical figure and a modern-day figure have the same family name DOES NOT mean that they are related in any way. So perhaps it was Shae's brother who is the ancestor of Tar. Or perhaps it's a different Vizsla family. (You know, like that not every person called Smith today has Adam Smith as an ancestor, not least because he never had any children.)


    Naturally, that makes sense.

    But in Star Wars lore, whenever we meet a character sharing a certain family name... the odds are pretty good we're talking about a direct descendant, judging from the past movie/game sources.


    Seeing there is a House Vizsla now however, your reasonings is logical.

  6. Sources:


    "First Ever Mandalorian Jedi REVEALED! TAR VIZSLA! Epic Star Wars Rebels Season 3 Teaser!"




    Apart from the whole Darksaber and a "mandalorian becoming Jedi" matter (which I have to say, I find questionable), does this mean that Shae Vizsla has now become a canon figure seeing she'll obviously have to be the ancestor of this Tar Vizsla?





    EDIT: In the eventuality of mistakes, please note I do not watch the SW Rebels series.. merely created this thread to get some perspective on the matter.

  7. Hello everyone,


    I was wondering where in the timeline exactly it fits if you compare the Jedi Knight's storyline and aquiring Scourge (who is the Emperor's Wrath) and you becoming the Emperor's Wrath as the Sith Warrior.

    I presume the Warrior's storyline would have to take place - after - the Jedi Knight's story?

    But in turn poses a problem as you "kill" the Emperor in the finale of Jedi Knight storyline, and you interact with him during the Warrior's storyline, or do the two kind of coincide with a few timejumps here and there between Chapters?


    Any clarification would be appreciated :)

  8. If they do decide to bring him back and revolve a new story arc around his character, it could have some potential.

    Personally I believe he will attempt to pick up where he left off.

    He will once again attempt to resurrect the Empire in his own image, likely exploiting the Zakuulan war and take over/control/pick up scraps where he can to realise his vision once more.

    Perhaps this will open up interesting conflicts between Arcina <->Malgus as well.

    Perhaps Marr's Force Ghost will intervene here at times.

    Maybe he'll even try to take over the Alliance/Zakuul as they currently have to most resources in the galaxy.


    Plenty of potential to be explored if you ask me.


    Granted I do agree with the Revan handling, this wasn't done that well.

    I suppose if they do decide to bring back Malgus, they hopefully will have learned from their mistakes with Revan.

  9. Do you think we'll see Malgus' return in the next expansion?


    After all he got captured and delivered in frozen carbonite to Emperor Valkorian, yet that's the last we've seen of him.

    Ofcourse we haven't actually "seen" it literally as the scene never made it into the game (but can still be found on youtube), yetit's still part of his profile on Wookieepedia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Malgus#Legacy), ofcourse this could just be fan edits.


    What are your thoughts?

  10. Greetings all,


    I might've misunderstood but it was my understanding the subs would get a character boost token to dive into the new expansion.


    On my menu screen however, I can only create a fresh character starting at lvl 65 (or 70, both KOTFE & KOTET content is displayed), isn't there one available to boost existing characters to level 65?

    I thought there would be? Or am I wrong?


    Thanks in advance.

  11. Greetings all,


    I might've misunderstood but it was my understanding the subs would get a character boost token to dive into the new expansion.


    On my menu screen however, I can only create a fresh character starting at lvl 65 (or 70, both KOTFE & KOTET content is displayed), isn't there one available to boost existing characters to level 65?

    I thought there would be? Or am I wrong?


    Thanks in advance.


    EDIT: sorry accidentally posted this in CM suggestions, will post again in General.

  12. Would be great to show the Sith warriors some love (apart from the wacky overly-mechanical armor sets currently out there) in the form of the KotorII classic villain's armor.


    Even his Concept art (that was later used for armored dark jedi in kotor2) would look great to translate to SWTOR.


    Darth Bandon:




    Darth Bandon Concept/Dark Jedi:



    EDIT: I know this was asked before on this forum throughout the years but can't hurt to try and bump this one again!

  13. Greetings everyone,



    Since the update to 5.0 I'm experiencing random tears and glitches.

    It would appear I'm not alone in this as a few people have also reported it in the following thread on General:



    The tears and glitches are entirely random, they can dissappear as fast as they appear, and with irregular intervals and without doing a specific action.


    They aren't entirely bothersome, as the tears are usually very fast and quite minimal, nonetheless I didn't have this issue before 5.0.


    Anyone else experience these? Any workarounds or suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!


    EDIT: just found thread "Update 5.0 & 5.0a, Screen Artifacts bug"

  14. I've noticed something like this. It's not severe enough to cause me alarm, but every now and then I notice a "flicker" somewhere on the screen, like a quick moment of artifacting. Overall performance is way, way up for me though. The best it has honestly ever been. Artifacting happens now and then, but nothing severe or dramatic.


    >I have the exact same issue since the new patch.

    Random flashes and screen tears.

    At one point they flare up constantly and then sometimes dissappear for an hour or so before another one flashes up...


    Glad to know that it isn't just me, but a solution would be great.

  15. They've said all the gear rewards from missions/heroic boxes will still exist for pre-70 toons. The current mod vendors in the supply quadrant will also still be there, just the price for their wares will change from crystals to credits. What the new credit price will be is still unknown (at least to me).


    If true, that about covers it!

    My main concern was alt gearing no longer being present, with regards to my current Light side alt.


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