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Posts posted by kilosoldier

  1. Selling content clears should be banned this type of thing gets people buying credits and even doing money transactions to other players it's only an achievement if you can't clear it why have it including the rewarded items.


    meh. not a big deal

  2. All the expansions have been disappointing. That's why they are trying something different with this.


    By narrowing the scope of content, they can give what content there is more depth.


    They have already done this with the last two.


    They are making the game less expensive for themselves to develop and trying to sell it to us like a bunch of snake oil. They are even continuing the blurring of faction lines. No new endgame content no new pvp...but yeah..story! A story that pales in comparison to what was promised for the future at launch.




    Love the game but this is just sad.

  3. I think this is going to be a terribly underwhelming expansion. If people REALLY look through the smoke and mirrors and hype its a bunch of stuff being taken away. Class stories and companions being the two biggest. Its new MMO stuff not being developed alongside. PVP the same, no new flashpoints or operations.


    Freeze us in carbonite to "rest" things? Puleeseeee Its dumbing down the game so its easier and less expensive for Bioware.


    Wake up folks.

  4. Cross server isn't going to solve the problem of lack of player interested in SM FP. Not many people do SM FP while leveling. Most player queue for tact FP when leveling. With x12 xp on class mission not many players are doing that. BW is changing this come the expansion where current FP or going to be turned in tact or solo mode.


    If you have "x" number of people on "y" server interested in flashpoints and then add into that pool numbers from every other server....yes, it in fact would make things better. I cant believe you are trying to say it wouldnt.


    12x xp or not. Thats not the issue. The issue is lowering queue times for those that WANT to do them.


    The levels of Bioware defense is crazy. Its a legit issue and is headscratching that it hasnt been implemented this far into the life cycle.

  5. Through all the smoke and mirrors its looks like a very shallow plan for this expansion. No class stories, no faction specific stories. Everyone is the "same". Having rivaling factions is ingrained into Star Wars. It is part of the foundation. All this "cooperation" lately just keeps detaching itself from Star Wars in my opinion.


    Lets face reality, this game had two things going for it; it had Star Wars and it had great storytelling through 8 different class stories. Its moving away from some Star Wars foundation and its trimmed down the story telling into one all encompassing vanilla story. They encouraged and even sometimes outright shamed people that complained about the lack of depth at launch to make alts and play through the class stories. Now they have completely abandoned them.


    Im just not buying the hype. I think its all cost cutting and this will be a meager expansion just like all the others so far.

  6. SOE changed the way you played SWG 3x. Look how that went for them. BioWare is doing the first one with KOTFE. It's a little different from SOE's change but it's the same concept.


    No, no its not. The comparison is terrible which is not surprising coming from the SWG chicken little army.

  7. You posit an opinion without facts. Then you attack anyone else who challenges this assertion with actual facts. I still raid. Other raids. If you are going to QQ go play something else.


    I haven't attacked anyone who attacked my opinion. I just responded to the person ( you) who decided to attack the indidual instead of the opinion.


    Of course you fall back on tired fan boi tropes like "If you are going to QQ go play something else." Im quite enjoying my time in SWTOR right now but I feel like raiding is dead. I know that thoughts like that run counter to your stepford wife like fan boi group think. "oh the horror, he likes parts of the game and doesnt others!?!? We must shout him down"

  8. Go back under your bridge.




    You are the type that post something then goes back and edits it after people have responded to your original post.


    But im the troll for daring to have the opinion that raiding is dead in this game...while fan boi bashes me over the head for that opinion while ironically calling me the troll.

  9. Why raiders in all MMO seems to think they are the ones bringing the money ? They are a mj ority in every single MMO.


    Tera had no raids for several years and still had a great succes. I dont say that EA shouldnt spend ressources on raiding but the lack of raiding content never killed any MMO as far as I know. Its indeed would probably hurt EW pokets but wouldnt be the of swtor.


    Terra is a success? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  10. WOW had a 22 month drought without any raids or content and yet raiders still subscribed to WOW. And I'm sure some did quit at that time, but they were back when there was new content. Same thing will happen with SWTOR IF there isn't any new raid content in the new expansion, we will have to wait for the blog.


    Nope. You are very very wrong. I suspect you knew that already and just knee jerked to the hyperbole.

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