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Posts posted by Lukarnus

  1. This post made me giggle. I'm wondering though why rage works for you. I switched about a week ago to Anni. My machine and connection are super fast and I was still missing some with smash on people when it looked as if they were right next to me. BTW, since switching to Anni I do about the same damage overall but I can take healers out now w little to no help. On top of that Berserk is always up and that healing is nothing to sneeze at. I find my self much less easily killed. Don't give it up. Hopefully it is just your connection.




    I did the same and realised that my dmg stayed about the same if not a little higher due to lasting longer in fights. I also find that the healing from bleeds makes me a nightmare for most classes as i can keep on them for longer and can sometimes end the fight with more health than i started!

  2. I love our set, idk what you talking about. You should go see jedi if you want to complain. Or the Assasin's tier.


    Have you seen the BH PVP gear? My god it hurt my eyes! then again its a form of balance...if you wanna faceroll your way to victory you have to look god-awful doing it!

    Anyhow I like the mara sets just not the bonuses...

  3. As we all know Rakata Medpacs are now giving less health so no more 5k heal in one shot medal, however did you know that no medpac gives any medals now?


    So basically Maras can only damage and have nothing else give us medals. I am seeing regualrly tanks and healers with 9 but maras a poultry 5 - 6. Now i know it may seem like nothing but its still a nerf to mara which is a class that doesnt need anything taken from it!

  4. If not killing, a nice overload of lightning is in due. Torture him and let him come back as a wretch.


    You can throw him into a wall then choke him within an inch of his life...but that's it. The other thing that gets me is if you then cover it up its as if nothing and i mean NOTHING has happened. His response are still the same, your affection level is the same...everything is the same. TBH i dont see the point of the betrayal it ends up having no bearing on the story.


    It would've have been a better idea to have the droid betray you, he was given to you by Baras to begin with, and then have a crafting quest thingy to build a new one that you could name.

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