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Posts posted by MrFlibble

  1. then quit...plain and simple so the people who actually enjoy gear progression and working for what we get can play in peace.


    What is with people, constantly using 'working' to try and bolster their fragile ego and justify the amount of their life they spend with their fat asses glued to a pizza encrusted chair, mindlessly hammering keys waiting for the 'mmo cheese' to feed them.


    It's a game, a pastime, in which everyone who pays to play it should have an equal opportunity to enjoy it, irrespective of whether they play 1 hr a week or 15 hrs a day. I'm sick of this elitist attitude of no life gamers and the companies that feed their addictions. To be honest I don't know which is worse :confused:

  2. @ Mr Fibble, some of what you say may be right, but its not relevent to how to help the issue now for those who want to stay and fight.


    As I said before I can only speak for my server where an entire republic Op's team stayed in the base getting picked off 1-1.


    That Op's team had the potential to destroy the 1 1/2 Op's team outside if they used tactics and worked as a tea,.


    No matter what your tactics, the pvp in this game is 90% gear based and its been much easier to get that gear on the empire side and this is only going to increase exponentially, purely because of the numbers.

  3. @ Mr Fibble, some of what you say may be right, but its not relevent to how to help the issue now for those who want to stay and fight.


    As I said before I can only speak for my server where an entire republic Op's team stayed in the base getting picked off 1-1.


    That Op's team had the potential to destroy the 1 1/2 Op's team outside if they used tactics and worked as a tea,.


    The problem is chap, mmo players are notoriously fickle, once people start leaving because of these early game issues, it all becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and the game can decline rapidly.


    All of these major game problems, imbalance being one of them should have been dealt with in the design stage of the game. Personally I think it's too late to do anything to save this game. I saw the exact same things happening in warhammer before that went under and I played daoc for years, it's really sad to see history repeating itself.

  4. I only picked up this game for pvp and it's probably the worst I've ever seen in a major mmo. Ridiculous gear imbalance between early starting players and those more casual, which completely negates any level of skill in the game, high gcd which smacks of poor server coding, far too many crowd control abilities and faction imbalance beyond belief, with no realm bonuses or abilities to encourage people to roll the losing side. Same faction warzones should never have been implemented, as it just further encourages the imbalances.


    This ofc is on top of the two realm system, which given the way some of the developers must have worked on daoc and warhammer is just unforgiveable. You would think after the loss of so much money on warhammer, how any company could repeat those exact same mistakes again is beyond belief really. Within two to three months this game will be going down the same chute. At least swtor will now be the most expensive mmo mistake in history, not sure it's something I'd want to be remembered for as a developer though. EA shareholders are not going to be happy bunnies.


    I was so looking forward to this game and it's been a huge disappointment, so I unsubscribed two days ago. Shame really the star wars franchise, is so popular and this really hasn't done it any justice.

  5. It's not the game or anything in life that is 'boring', stuff doesn't have a bored attribute, otherwise everyone would perceive the same things as you as 'boring'.


    It's the inability of your mind to rest, when it doesn't have a goal that's the problem. You're running through life, with a carrot in front of your face, expecting the rest of humanity to change the carrot for you everyday. Ain't gonna happen I'm afraid, you need to look inside yourself to fix this issue and not blame others for your problems.

  6. I don't see why the pvp should also only be for those that levelled to max during headstart and now have expertise gear. This should at least be available on crafted armour, at lower levels, as the current scaling in wzs is completely negated by this stat. In it's current state, pvp is not a good experience to newer players.
  7. Well if you're not 50 and have expertise then you may as well go afk, as you're simply providing more points to those that already have the most. The pvp is seriously not fun, getting facerolled in every single match, in a random wz grp with mixed level ranges. It only takes 3-4 of these 50's and it's 6-0 huttball etc ... This seriously needs to be looked at.
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