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Posts posted by swampthing

  1. this is a complicated issue, but yeah, given a choice of playing by themselves or with one or two people they know IRL, people will always do that over grouping.


    Grouping and raiding just suck. You are forced to play at the pace of the slowest group member you are at their whims of bathroom breaks, child interruptions or mom telling them to finish their homework etc. It's been shown time and time again that as hard as developers try and force grouping, because they know your less likely to cancel a game if you've made friends, the harder players will come up with creative ways to NOT group.


    EQ was a forced grouping game and i, like many others, met lots of really good friends in that game and we're all nostalgic about it. But i also remember logging in and my regular group isn't on or our healer was gone that night and we couldn't do anything unless we got some random dude to heal and then they would try and be part of the regular group which caused drama. Would i wanna go back to all that? Nope, while it was fun at the time, it was more headache than it was worth.


    So as for the no grouping and lack of "community" (whatever that is in a video game), i say good riddance. WoW really was the culprit that changed things. It started with cross server BG's. No longer did you have huge rivalries with the alliance on your server, now it was just a bunch of faceless alliance. Then it was dungeon finder and now it's raid finder. They need to just take the final step and eliminate raiding and let you hire npc's instead of humans.

  2. Seriously. Taking an example of nearly 8,400 user's playing behavior is a good enough sample of data to build a trend graph. This is based off Xfire's current usage of the game: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3169/xfirer.png


    Going off that data we see that it went from 80,000 hours of logged playtime vs. 40,000 today meaning 50% dropped off the face of the Internet in 30 days. Now, if you take a look at a trend chart Torstatus.net has listed http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/trends that takes into account the server load (unlike Xfire that shows actual players) we see that they directly tie into each other.


    This tells me that in just 1 month the game has been dropped by hundreds of thousands of players and that within 60 days these 215 servers you see now will likely be shrunk down to 50 or less.




    You realize EVERY mmo has this kind of drop off the first month right?


    God i'm getting tired of these gloom and doom posts. You people that don't like the game need to just leave, i dunno why the mods don't start banning you, you add nothing to the forum at all.


    Do i think the game is the best ever? Nope, i'm going to do what i always do, play till i get bored and then go find something else. That will likely be by the end of the 2nd month as i absolutely refuse to do the same raids over and over again, i find that boring as hell so games like wow that depend on you doing that just lose my interest quickly.

  3. The Trooper story isn't really a story, nothing is happening in it. You go from one objective to another, very straight forward, nothing in between. It gets old, fast. There are so many good concepts they could have explored in the story but chose not to. If you like a story that can be summarized in 3 sentences, Trooper is for you. Otherwise, stick with the BH.



    That's how i'd categorize the BH story as well to be honest. Nothing really happens just one bounty after another with really not much overarching connection. After your last run in with Blood, the story just loses all connection and just becomes one bounty after another and i never felt like i was part of a story just some missions. With BH i'm at level 41.


    The trooper story isn't that great either, but at least it all connects together so far. Trooper i'm only 28 so far.


    Both stories are very bleh in my opinion, just depends if you like the merc aspect better or the soldier aspect going after traitors better. BH has more interesting companions overall and soldier comes off a tad too "goody goody".

  4. The problem from a common sense point of view is that you have a society that's technologically capable of cloning human beings, a society that advanced should easily be able to genetically engineer humans with incredible midi chlorian counts, but that would flat out ruin the story so then they go and do the mystical explanation of "we just can't clone force users for some reason" which is a BS excuse.


    When you come up with something like midi chlorians you have to look at all angles because if you explain something that should remain mystical it has to make sense in the setting you've created, which in this case it does not. It's almost a ret-con in some ways as if there was a simple way to just test people for force sensitivity like that then once vader and palpatine had taken over they would have likely spent the next years testing everyone and wiping out everyone that was force sensitive or converting them. Basically explaining the force scientifically breaks the entire story to the point it no longer makes any sense. It should have absolutely have stayed as a mysterious religion type thing by lucas in his stupidity and obstinance of having to have things his way even if they don't make sense needed a way to say that anakin was even stronger than yoda, and needed a way of quantifying that so he came up with this stupid explanation.



    Now if you look not only are midichlorians cells but they are a symbiote and intelligent which makes things even stupider. Now of course lucas then goes off his rocker completely and has anakin be conceived BY the midichlorians, which goes far beyond idiotic into "just take his typewriter, pencil, pen and computer away so he never writes again" territory.

  5. Yup this is driving me nuts. I was hammering on a button trying to figure out why it wouldn't cast. once i figured out what was going on i was pissed. Not happy one bit about this, especially in PVP, i need to be able to tell at a glance what ability is ready to go and what isn't and not have to waste a motion to press something that isn't up.


    This is one of the most infuriating changes i've ever seen in a MMO.

  6. \Good for warzone objectives like hutball carrier and distraction. I often have 3-5 of the other team beating on me while my teammates take the objective.




    That's what i do. i'm convinced people are stupid or just bad. I can easily get people to beat on me while the ball goes right past them and they'll stay on me until i'm dead meanwhile we've scored and allready have the ball again. The funny part is when you kill one of them they'll then ignore the ball completely and run straight across the field just to get to you to try and kill you. the vast majority of people are really really bad at objective based PVP, i could care less if i lose a fight if i win the game as that's where the points are.

  7. Some folks will call it clever use of game mechanics.


    I consider it an exploit and never make use of it.


    It doesn't seem like a fair way to play the game. A tank with a ranged pull could literally sit on their shelf and prevent the other side from scoring.


    It should get fixed.




    It's not an exploit it's there on purpose to keep opposing teams from camping spawn points. Sometimes it works out well in huttball that the other teams about to score right as your coming off a death. It's also good for those teams that use the strategy of always keeping someone at the score area to pass to. there's absolutely nothing exploitative about it, it was designed that way as an anti camp measure.

  8. Agents use a sniper/knives...I think that's fitting, don't you? Just because some character with about 30 minutes of screen time and the worst death in all of movie history has a rifle you think BH's should all use rifles? If you want rifles go play a trooper.


    From the movies



    Just from Empire strikes back.


    IG-88 Rifle

    Dengar Rifle

    Bossk Rifle

    Zuckuss rifle

    4LOM Rifle

    Boba Fett Rifle




    Examples of bounty hunters with pistols?


    Jango fett


    Hmmm which seems more iconic with bounty hunters then, rifle or pistol? Frankly being restricted to a single weapon type is absolutely ridiculous in the first place but if we have to it should have been rifle just based on a lore standpoint.

  9. meters aren't needed what's need is more duo encounters and less raids. If you avoid playing with a ton of other people then it makes it easy to figure out who isn't pulling their weight.


    I'm so tired of raids anyhow i could just puke, they are long drawn out boring experiences much akin to herding cats. It's just not fun. Keep these games around small groups/duo's and put raiding in it's grave where it belongs.


    These games are supposed to be fun, not about gating the game to only people that do 1000DPS or better. Recount and gearscore made WoW the cesspool that it is.

  10. I've tried numerous times to play republic but the armor and the classes and the storylines just suck.



    Tried consular first. Boring story, you throw dirt at people to fight and your high level armor looks absolutely ridiculous.


    Smuggler. There's some weird animation ability lag. The story is boring, some annoying guy steals your ship and always seems to just get away. lame.


    Trooper is the only one i've been playing for awhile but the whole good soldier routine gets old.


    Haven't really tried jedi knight yet.


    The republic is just way way way way too goody goody and the armor on most repub classes is fugly.

  11. they can't get the 50 bracket in soon enough. it's pretty much pointless to try and pvp now unless your 50 as 50's in pvp gear will destroy anyone else and it's just not fun.
  12. you aren't easy to kill as a sorc, you are just focus fired as everyones tired of being hit by lighting and stunned now. Your class is heinously overplayed and the rest of us are sick of being lightninged so we make you first target.


    Lately the same has been happening to me as a powertech, people are coming across the map specifically to take me out.

  13. i'm the opposite on the BH story i guess. it's been actually pretty dull. All the planets so far after DK are just one bounty a planet and it takes forever and nothing really happens. There really isn't a story of any kind so far other than the fact that tarro blood is messing with you, which he even kinda stops or slows down on that after awhile and you spending long amounts of time going after the great hunt bounties which require you to do alot of stupid stuff to get to them. BH and smuggler so far seem to be the most dull stories. With bounty hunter i'm sitting here going "when the heck is something actually going to happen?"


    Sith warrior is interesting, IA looks good. Consular i'm on the fence about so far.

  14. healer companions are bad in general imo. elora on my BH has downs so bad. and no matter how much i update her gear it seems like her heals dont heal for crap.




    All the healer companions suck except one. Quinn for the sith warrior. All the healer npc's have a heal over time. At around level 22 the heal over time on commando and BH does like 55-65 heal every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. At level 22 on sith marauder quinn's heal over time does 150-220 every 3 seconds for 9 seconds. Plus he does great damage.


    Either quinn needs to get nerfed or the other ones need to get buffed.

  15. some spoiled players here that obviously haven't been playing MMO's very long.


    You guys woulda really cried and moaned had you played EQ at launch. There was no auction house then, people just stood in the tunnel and shouted what they were selling and then you'd have the fun of sending them a tell with an offer and then trying to even find them in all the people. "i'm by the third torch". That's how we did it then.


    LFG tool? it was called /shout or /ooc etc.


    EQ had nothing of modern MMO tools, didn't even have mounts and the funny part is, i had more fun in EQ than i have had in any MMO since no matter all the extra crap they put in. I played EQ for 2 years solid, modern mmo's i last maybe 2-3 months tops.


    The tools and bells and whistles don't make a game, it just shows who the lazy players are.

  16. God, where do I begin on such a wide subject.

    Tell you what, I'll just list the things since I don't feel like writing up a long detailed message of the MANY thing wrong with this community, so here goes:


    -dead silence and no socializing whatsoever unless people are asking for a heroic or flashpoint group


    -people are WAY too sensitive(and that branches off to many problems in itself)

    1. they abuse the ignore buttong because you said something that SLIGHTLY disagrees with them

    2. They have their noses in the air thinking they're better than everyone else, and calls everyone else a wow player and to go back to that game

    3. WAY too defensive of this game, despite obvious flaws

    4. they cut themselves off from an already isolated community that barely socializes


    -You're ALWAYS a troll, no matter what, simply because they say so.


    -an argument can start from anywhere and blow itself way out of proportion in a matter of seconds because of how sensitive and over-protective these guys are of this game.



    you get this jist....



    It's not the "community" it's you. You're one of those people that treats these games as online chat rooms and as a place to meet people and such. I personally think that's flipping silly. I play to enjoy a game not to talk to some random dude sitting behind a computer screen. I don't want to talk to you, no offense i just don't. I duo with my wife who actually shuts off the chat window as she finds all that chat to be inane and idiotic.


    I would also venture a guess your one of those people that think forced grouping is a good idea as well. Sorry, but people have shown time and time again that the vast majority do not want to be forced to socialize in these games, we don't want forced grouping. You are in the minority. Most of us want to play with a close friend or two and shut the rest of you idiots out.


    You forced grouping/socializers crack me up. Most of you stand around in the same place almost begging someone to talk to you crying for a group over and over and hardly ever play and then get pissed when no one likes you. You're annoying because your needy and seem too desperate to have someone to talk to. Games aren't social interaction, go out in the real world and talk to real people for that. Games are for fun.



    Worst community? not even close. WoW is by far the worst gaming community i have ever seen and you'd have to stoop very low to beat it.

  17. as much as i want to do all the quests and +4 flashpoints, i'm finding myself just passing.


    Why? Grouping is such a freaking pain. I'm constantly at the mercy of their AFK's, and slowness or wanting to speed through or whatever. It's annoying to be frank. The most fun i've had in the game so far was going through that first flashpoint as a duo with my wife. I was hoping more flashpoints were going to be duoable, but evidently that's not the case.


    I think alot of people are frankly over grouping in these games and are more happy soloing or duoing and i think the game design really should start accomadating that. Make these flashpoints scale to either a duo or a group of 4, how hard is that really? Doing content with 4 people isn't harder than with 2, in fact it's the opposite. the only difficulty that comes from doing groups with more people is human difficulty, ie. bathroom breaks, not paying attention, one member of your group is eight etc. That kind of difficulty isn't fun it's annoying and is why i don't group anymore except with my wife.

  18. i tried juggernaut and was amazed how weak it was, rolled again and tried marauder and have found that to be much much better for PVE. especially once you get the healing companion. So far the main thing is that it sorely lacks AOE and or crowd control of any kind. In pvp it seems a tad weak, or maybe it's just that sorcerers are just so overpowered. I think that might be half hte problem, the sorc class is grossly overpowered at the moment and i dunno how anyone could argue otherwise, if they toned that class down dramatically i dont think the other jedi classes would feel so weak.
  19. It was the first friday in june 1977. Like the second weekend it was out. I was 6 years old. Saw it at the drive in theatre in a ford galaxy station wagon that had a space scene window see through all over the back. I was hooked instantly and every christmas thereafter i got nothing but star wars toys. I was a member of the star wars fan club, usedto get the bantha tracks newsletter and have a ton of original movie posters still from the fan club. A couple of which are worth big bucks now. Including the one from the fan club that was the original undated Revenge of the jedi poster.
  20. Are you sure? DO all items give schematic upgrades? I have reverse engineered about 40 belts and not one schematic upgrade. Someone who is certain please respond and help thanks.



    I dunno if ALL items give schematics, but i had some of those first belts, i did four of them and got three upgrades. The good ole random number gen liked me that day.

  21. that'd take common sense. My server that allready had a queue only during peak hours is now fully queued this time of day. I can only imagine how it'll be at peak hours, so now the headstart i had is completely useless since i have to reroll on a new server to avoid queues. Some common sense by the people monitoring servers woulda been nice.
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