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Posts posted by Erobor

  1. That's the point of loadouts. Don't swap using the combat style screen, create a new loadout, swap to it, swap your combat style, set up your bars, now use loadouts to swap (and deal with the bugs in the loadout system). Loadouts auto save with any changes, so if you swap using the combat styles window it will overwrite that loadout that is active.

    It should not overwrite current loadout. If I change something by mistake I will not be able to restore it by loading current loadout

  2. Ok, it seems people have there brains fixated and are responding like drones..


    Lets go beyond that i missed out that its a one time lock feature..

    I missed that one..how stupid..




    Now lets try to go beyond that:


    If your phone dies/gets stolen, your brother eats it, then what?


    Removing this feature while you still have your phone (thus you can authenticate yourself) should be possible ..

    While I am not 100% agree with you, but this security feature require a lot of work. I have mobile app on my phone to generate key. And I have physical device (came with my CE). Why cant I register both methods to get key?

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