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Posts posted by VoodooV

  1. sometimes it's a good thing when people are chasing you. the more people chasing you means less people going after objectives.


    there have been plenty of times where someone's clearly honked off that they got killed so they single out the guy that killed them and try to exact revenge.


    Well that's all nice and good, but you're probably going to lose the match and thus get less requisition because you're indulging in your revenge lust.


    Especially when I play the broken gunship to get my bonus requisition. Getting sniped by a stationary ship when you're dipping and diving through terrain tends to piss people off so you get a lot of revenge seeking players after getting sniped.


    It's certainly harder to evade with a gunship, but if you're aware of the terrain, it's still possible.


    It's just interesting because I think more players are interested in dogfighting than taking/camping objectives. so when they have these game elements that take themselves away from that, people tend to get...angry and chase you down obsessively, ignoring everything else.

  2. I agree with this for most part. I just don't care for how they merged space combat with MMO mechanics. having to break off dogfighting to take objectives or hunt own camping snipers just breaks immersion so much.


    It was fun, but it's getting repetitive fast.


    The game is so dumbed down and catering to the lowest common denominator. Star Citizen just hit 34 million in funding. People do want non-dumbed down space simulators. It's just so depressing that X-Wing and TIE Fighter was some of the best space combat games ever made and they're 20 some years old, and we still can't get a game of that level in the Star Wars universe

  3. I'm getting better at countering snipers, but it just highly depends on their level of competence. 2-3 good snipers camping an objective will own the field. Yes, it's possible to sneak up on them. It's completely dependent on how observant they are. People have been arguing that they aren't used very often, but that's not true, I've been in numerous games where they're almost half the enemy team. The word is getting out on them. They're the "I win" button.


    They're simply not star wars-y though. They definitely break immersion. Star Wars space combat is dogfights and capital ships. Snipers are just a gameplay gimmick


    Countless times I see ships camping spots (not just snipers) and it just ruins it for me and takes me out of the game. Even completely ignoring the sniper issue, they're going to need to add more types of matches quick because it's already starting to get boring and repetitive doing the same game over and over again

  4. To me it's just sad that the FPS mentality has become so ingrained into gaming that it infects genres that they have no place in.


    If I want to snipe, I'll play a first person shooter. This is a space sim. let it be a space sim. The idea of getting into a fast moving starfighter....only to camp in a stationary position and one shot kill is absurd. gunship is my least favorite ship.


    It's just pathetic that gaming has become so dumbed down that even the original X-Wing and TIE Fighter have become too complex for your typical gamer. I really do like GSF, but it's already starting to become tedious and boring as the matches are repetitive and all the upgrades are so slight and inconsequential that you don't even notice the improvements in most cases.


    Star Citizen can't get here soon enough.

  5. I don't understand why you can't queue for lower level flashpoints.


    I want to do Collicoid War games at level 50, normally I could solo it fine probably, but you need 3-4 people to get past that force field area. I have to group up the old fashioned way instead of using the group finder which would be far easier

  6. just like you type here, you could type ingame asking what FP you like to do ! the time you spended here, could of got you into a group for that FP !


    I'm sorry Kozz, but that doesn't answer the question I asked. Please try again though.

  7. I don't have a problem with it being hard or mostly random, but I dunno..at least throw us a bone however small it may be.


    The only single problem I have with it being completely 100 percent random is threads like this. people getting frustrated at not getting any RE's after 50+ attempts. When you leave things completely up to the RND generator, people get pissed or claim that the RND is bugged or something is broken. Just skimming through similar threads, you've got a non insignificant number of people generating myths that if you do X, then you'll have a better chance at RE'ing.


    Leave this stuff to fester and you've got a frustrated community.


    My question is this: If I'm trying to RE an Item that no longer gives me any crafting XP (grey) would I have a better chance of RE'ing it later on if I moved on and crafted harder stuff to raise my crafting skill or is it the same chance once it's grey regardless of how overleveled you might be?


    or in other words, if I'm Cybertech and Armoring 2 and Armoring 10 are both grey to me, am I going to harder time RE'ing Armoring 10 or is it all the same once it's grey?



  8. I've been trying to RE blue Armoring 15 to get the purple recipe all day today. I've created at least a dozen blues and so far I have had no luck RE'ing.


    I know the RND just simply sucks sometimes but this is getting frustrating. You'd think that when I've got a high enough Cybertech level so that the item is grey and I'm no longer getting skill increases that RE'ing would be a bit easier.


    But ill admit my bias due to lack of success today.

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