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Posts posted by buzbuz

  1. :Slowclap:


    Gg bioware, looks like this expansion is the perfect way to find more time to work on Mass Effect!


    Seriously though, you couldn't have done worse unless you sold the game to Jagex.


    Thanks for *********** us... again.



    Someone who waited 3 years for development with baited breath, played beta, and subbed from launch until now.

  2. The more I have thought about things, the more this is making sense to me. I have wondered why BW would do something that is so obviously upsetting so much of their players base. I thought about how this system is going to increase the grind we have today by an average of ten-fold and will be made even worse by having each character do it. Finally, I remembered that this is EA and thought about what has transpired over the last year. That being said, it finally all made sense to me:


    Step 1.) V4.0 - Introduce companion system so players can have unlimited number of companions. Real purpose is to sell them more stuff.


    Step 2.) Begin selling companions in Packs on the CM.


    Step 3.) Introduce an event in game with Cartel style packs for rewards to see if players will grind the same old content for some superfluous rewards.


    Step 4.) Four-six weeks after the event, add said packs that contain nothing but old stuff from the CM market for sale.


    Step 5.) Introduce new system that gates group content behind sub wall and add new F2P style grind to it (but charge sucke... um, subscribers for it. Make it extremely painful (like 90 hours of grinding painful) to get top tier 244 gear


    Now, with the hint at group content going to be their focus next year, follow the rest...


    Step 6.) Rapidly introduce new group content only available through the Galactic Sucker System that requires this new gear to successfully compete.


    Step 7.) Release Command Crates on Cartel Market under the guise of allowing F2P/Preferred Players access to gear knowing full well that the following will also be suckered into buying crates - 1.) Players who have 11 of 14 pieces and have ground through 98 levels and have their eyes bleeding (Solution: Buy a Hypercrate) and 2.) Players who have already ground through 180 levels to gear two toons and just can't stomach doing it again on a third toon (Solution: Buy 10 Hypercrates).


    Step 8.) Along with the release of Command Crates on the CM, open up the GCS to Free/Preferred players.


    When you think about the above, their stubbornness now makes sense (and sounds much more like how EA likes to treat their customers - like pieces of basement dwelling garbage with wallets). They are trying to give everyone an F2P Grind (but get you to pay for it) and also get you to pay to make the grind more tolerable. The thing is, there are dozens of games any one could go to to get the same FOR FREE.


    Now, I don't how successful that would be. I know LOTRO tried it with the update after the Angmar expansion and it went over so well it lasted less than a week and caused Turbine to issue an apology to their customers. But this is EA we are talking about. They have never cared about their customers just have always worked on how little they can do to extract as much from people as possible (Hey, let's create a new event that grinds all the same content... then, let's create a new interface that makes them grind that content again).


    I do know this, if I happen to be right about the above, the very minute a Command Crate with end game gear hits the Cartel Market will be the minute before I leave SWTOR for good. This is the kind of stuff I do not tolerate from any business (that is treating customers like people to be fleeced). The other thing to consider is this is so typical of EA to do this right before they shut down or discontinue support for something. Grab as much as they can on the way out, I mean.


    Now, I only spend about $400/year on this game ($164 in sub and rest in Cartel Coins), so it won't be a big loss for them - that is unless thousands of others also do the same thing. Hope there are enough whales left to make up the difference should that happen.


    You aren't alone. My entire guild is looking at quitting come 5.0. Hell, we have people cancelling their sub now. Granted, we are a small guild (~20 people), but that's not peanuts if a sub is about $164 per person per year.


    Hope you are reading this Bioware, you are finally pissing off the people who stuck around and actually paid you guys for a piss-poor performance the past 5 years.


    Yes, I am salty, and have every right to be. This game has been mismanaged to all hell.

  3. <Aggressive Negotiations> has downed 8 man HM Underlurker


    We can provide additional proof of progress, this is the best picture I was able to get in the heat of the moment.



    We also have progressed up to HM Bulo on 8-man as well



    I am aware the pictures aren't exactly what is required, but we will provide any additonal proof if required. Just wanted to get our names out there. Thanks :D


    Oops, forgot to mention, we are a Republic guild :D

  4. Who was complaining about the 30 meter Death Field? Are they just trying to destroy the ability to kite in that spec?


    30 meter Low Slash is gonna be super annoying. Just what everybody needs, a 30m stun every 15 seconds.


    Wish all my melee classes had a 30 meter stun... Freakin' really, like how does that even work? Does the Shadow/Assassin throw his saber at your ankles or what?

  5. An update since I cannot delete my thread, this is what I did to get Mako working again (healing)

    1. Dismiss and summon Mako

    2. Set her to her damage mode, then switch her to her heal mode

    3. Set her to passive mode, then disable passive mode


    And she's healing again, no idea why, must have fixed something, will keep this thread updated if it occurs again.

  6. I have ran into the problem over the past couple days of having Mako appear to refuse to heal me. I have her in Med Watch spec and all of her offensive abilities disabled, yet she will consistently let me die or get sufficiently low to necessitate using cooldowns. It is highly frustrating to open her abilities bar up and see that despite all of her healing abilities being off cooldown- she chooses to autoattack (basic move spam). This wasn't an apparent of an issue until I got to Voss, but now I am nearly dying every fight with her out. Is there anything more I can do to make her stop shooting and start healing?
  7. This has happened to me 3 times today, Mako will just sit there and autoattack with her basic attack when all abilities are off cooldown and I am below 30 percent. For a healer companion she sucks. Please fix this problem Bioware, she is definitely no Doc or Theran Cedrax, why must bounty hunters have such a gimped character?


    To add, yes, she is in Med-Watch spec and has all offensive abilities disabled.

  8. ...Is way better than it was pre 2.0 in my opinion. With all these threads going around asking for nerfs and changes, I am asking that you keep going with what you're doing Bioware! Prior to this when I did any sort of PVP I would get rolled by not being up to par gearwise (I still had battlemaster gear when WH and EWH became the standards). I feel now that with Expertise getting the boot for the most part (especially in 10-54 PVP brackets) it is actually fun to PVP. It is still a lot of fun in 55 as well, I have zero complaints from a DPS perspective, a healer perspective, and from a tank perspective.


    With all the negativity in this PVP forum, I figured I would brighten it up with something nice- I like the changes made to PVP post 2.0, they have made it more accessible to all players, and really balanced the whole thing out by making full PVP gear only a slight boost as opposed to the facerolling they could do previously.


    My 2 cents.

  9. Are there really this many sub-par DPS that hop into warzones? Do they not know how easy it is to kill us if they wanted to? Stop crying for a nerf and learn your rotation, you're probably playing smash spec anyway :rolleyes:


    3 or more healers is at disadvantage. Add a tank to the mix and the usual puggie DPS or two who's just... not that good shall we say, and that team is not killing ANYONE. Meanwhile even 3 healers can't stop someone who gets properly focused from dying.


    ^^This person speaks the truth.

  10. Funny, as a healer I seem to have no issue keeping people up when I face a team that knows how to focus and put out some DPS. If you are one of those people at the end of a WZ that has less than 100k hps, I think the problem lies on your end.


    Basically everyone then, right? I want to see proof of you doing 100,000 healing per second anywhere in SWTOR...


    Just sayin'...


    But to bring it back around to the topic at hand, PVP healing is fine, it's the numerous bad players that cannot or will not focus the healers that give you such a problem. I can hit 1m healing in a warzone if I'm not bothered by pesky enemies, but if the heats on me, I'm lucky to get the Combat Surgeon medal or whatever it is for 450k. Learn to focus my friend, and tell your friends to do so as well- nothings more amusing than using my vanish and popping up 10 feet away from you guys and starting to heal again and NO ONE NOTICES ME.

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