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Posts posted by Hexylic

  1. 38 minutes ago, Diamaht said:

    Its not meant to make you poor its meant as a luxury tax on the rich, you will still be wealthy but your wealth accumulation will happen at a slower pace allowing others to catch up to you faster.

    I find it amusing that you think it will actually have any effect whatsoever when people literally trade single items for billions of credits every day. There's another post in here that worked out how long it'd take to reach a billion credits in quick travel costs. It won't help. It will only worsen the experience for new players.

    Most of the posts and suggestions in this thread are very on-point, however. These changes just don't make any sense as an attempt to improve the economy. They're completely detached from the reality of the game and the reason the economy is the way it is right now. Developers should actually read the suggestions in this thread.

    These changes feel extremely misguided and just show how out of touch the development team is with what actually happens in the economy of their game.

  2. 1. Nice necro. Almost old enough for it to be necrophilia or necrosis rather than necromancy.


    2. It isn't one specific mob that you have to kill. I thought that was apparent from the rest of the thread.


    3. Publishing individual locations is exactly as useful as publishing individual locations for the HK-51 parts. That is, it isn't useful at all.


    Necroing again just to let you know that these coordinates are what finally allowed me to find this quest item after an hour of searching. Four years later. :rolleyes:

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