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Posts posted by SgtKatharn

  1. So some friends and i have a couple of questions regarding these mergers and transfers, as do a lot of the people in this thread it seems, so i thought i might try and consolidate some major ones into a single post in hopes that they can be replied to all in one go.


    1. Will we be able to keep our legacy name and level?

    2. Will we be able to keep our guild name and vault?

    3. Will there be a way to transfer an entire guild at once during the 'select your server' phase?

    4. Will you make some form of exception for names having to change? such as longer played time gets preference, or subscriber names get preference over F2P names?

    5. If we have additional character slots unlocked on our APAC servers, will that unlock carry across during the merge? some of us have 16-20 characters.

    6. Will the transfer cause downtime in character or account availability? If so, how long could we expect?


    Eric could we please have an answer to these questions it would help settle down some of the resentment of the APAC community.

  2. I agree that they should have merged APAC servers at the time they merged all the US servers. Would have been farm morelikely to ve a viable option then. I think that window's been missed now though. Far too many players have unsubbed because they were sick of waiting. That might not be so apparent on dalborra but the combined population of all three servers is far lower than it would have been if they'd done it 6 months ago when they did the US ones.

    Most of them would probably come back if they merged the servers as most said that in their post in this thread where as merging with the NA servers just garantes that they wont come back

  3. Well looks like we have 30 days either way...



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    We may have more time as there is no offical anouncement on http://www.ea.com/2/service-updates or via the launcher (which is (a) ) or on http://www.swtor.com ( which is (b) ) Eric's anoucement in the forums doesn't conform to these conditions.


    Quote: Originally Posted by DuckimusPrime View Post

    Announcement? Where? They've made no widely available announcement to all APAC players. Yet in less than 24 hours, already in excess of 400 people have signed a petition protesting against this decision. And they only know of it through word of mouth.


    Just image how much that discontent will blow out once they actually inform most APAC players that their servers will going away.


    An ea/bioware customer support person named Eric musco announced it in this very thread, search back. Or did you already see it and are just so blind by rage you don't want to accept it?

    If it wasn't going ahead he wouldn't of made it known.


    Petition isn't going to change this action bl for the people who like the servers now but I'm glad this is happening. Just my opinion.


    But it should be on the Launcher and as a pop up on sign in so all players would know or at least a email to all players with charaters on the APAC servers to notify of the up coming change as not all players come on the Forums, by now more players would have heard about this due to people posting in general chat as well as game news sites ( I have personaly posted to a few about the news when it was first posted on the forums ). I'm in for the Dalbora protest and I also agree that anyone going to PAX or who live in Victoria should protest EA at PAX.

  5. Since Bioware/EA claimed that they were improving my game-play experience i decided to log onto The Bastion, which is the server that my characters will be placed on since i am on Master D. Currently on Master D i get around 20-40 ping sitting on the fleet. A little more when doing raids and pvp but unless my internet is having problems i don't really go over 100.

    Well on my new server, sitting on the fleet gives me 300 ping and being on planet gives me around 400 and it is not stable with the ping constantly jumping to over 1000. I would love Bioware/EA to tell me how this improves my game-play experience. I know from previous experience on Warriors of Shadow before the mergers pvp was horrible and people would randomly change positions and i gave up on pvp till i moved onto the APAC servers.

    Please tell me how encouraging me not to participate in high end pvp/raiding improves my game-play experience when decisions must be made on the spot have a delay.

    I guess in the end it really doesn't matter since if they close the servers i will not be playing this game anymore.


    This is the reality of the APAC players moving to the NA servers, it means that no APAC player will be able to do Nightmare mode ops any more ( one second casts will be uninterupable ). There has been many posts by players from the Asian region that would like to/or have moved to the NA or EU servers due to the routing to the APAC servers I am happy for them that they will be able to get their legacys merged or not due to the forced trancefers ( why can't we choose where we go for this reason ) also there are some APAC players still trapped on NA servers because they missed the APAC transfer window and they would like to have transfered to them ( and most have unsubed or started new toons on the APAC servers ). I started playing on a NA server as a BETA tester and a CE owner and I leveled to 50 on Warriors of the Shadow, the game is more enjoyable on the APAC server as this game is designed around the reducing of cast times to make it harder, so having a low ping makes the game easier.

  6. Yup. And I only talk about endgame. The problem is everyone solos 1-50 and thinks thats ok. I dont think anyone does a Heroic 4 at higher level planets anymore. Thats not how the game is supposed to be played imho.


    Also, Its not only about gearing your alts. I made alts so that I could raid with them. tanking on all 3 of my tanks is different and I would like to enjoy it rather than faceroll TFB on my assassin. I really want to DPS on my sniper, but nearly every group I can get into needs a tank and I end up tanking. A larger pop will allow me to raid without having to concentrate(DERP DEEPS!!!)




    True, I am lucky enough to be in a guild that has cleared all content and raids regularly. However, the challange as it was after 1.2-1.3 is to keep people involved so that they dont end up getting bored and leaving as there are not enough people to replace them with. Between 1.2-1.3 and 1.4 we went from a 16M raiding group to nothing and were not prepared when TFB HM hit.


    A Single server will get the pop going, which in turn will get some of he old players back as they will not need to sit idle. Same with PVP, no one likes a pop every half an hour.




    I understand your reasoning completely. I feel for the RPers as well. Its only the fact that some of them come here on a high horse claiming their Community of 10-15 people is enough and they dont need anyone else. I dont mind them playing with the same 15 people and having everyone else on ignore. It suits their play style and hey, gr8 for them.


    But claiming there is nothing wrong with the pop and we dont have enough people to do stuff we wanna do because we are not "Nice" people is incorrect. The thread is to address the issues of all the APAC servers. And the biggest thing affecting all of them is population.


    Well put Sankalp, as someone from a smaller guild with a membership that sometimes changes. It is hard to do the hard modes and the nightmare modes when you have to spend an hour or two looking for some pugs when someone is away and we are raiding 4 nights a week, some of those nights are just gearing runs for alts or newer members. And if we are looking for one you can always join us as we have enjoyed running with you prevously.

  7. Doing nothing or closing the APAC server is a damned if they do, damned if they don't issue for Elder Game players, since we lack the player base to properly do the content or the Ping to be compedative on the content. Really think any player could be carried through Ten stack Dreadtooth to get access to the bonus boss of NiM TFB with a 150+ ping? Let alone be compedative in PVP or general NiM mode ops?


    Mergers or bust at this point.


    This is true 'cause when they develop operations that have a mechanic that can wipe the operation with a cast time of 2 seconds it is just enough time to cancel your current cast and use your interupt with a sub 50ms ping and with a ping of greater than 150ms forget about it.

  8. Deary me... For someone that has made a positive contribution and taken a strong stance for the RP server in this entire thread, the post you just made has just done it for me. Back when I posted my 2 options in pretty blue after joveth called for suggestions I took into consideration the RP communities concerns mostly based on what you have written.


    Anyway what you put in the last paragraph has really changed my opinion on you but I won't share it on a public forum. Seriously mate pull your head in. You can spend ages building up a reputation and blow it all through one silly comment just like that. The fact you are getting so upset over a hypothetical scenario that we don't even know is going to happen makes me feel sorry for you.


    Whatever BW does is going to upset people, but we can't always get what we want, funny how life is like that... Three words come into mind, get over it. But enough of my wisdom.


    A name is a name, move on, I came up with the name Cheezfriend after my obsession with lolcats and I can has cheezburger. I came up with the name Chippy after eating a pack of Doritos when SWTOR went live at prelaunch...Some might think I'm a creative genius, some might just think I'm some weirdo that puts no forethought into their character names.


    Moving on...


    Come on BW drop your bombshell of a decision please!!!


    Keep the pressure up, keep it civil, keep it real.


    Yours in lolcats and eating Doritos.


    <3 Chippy


    well put Cheezfriend, when you agree to play a MMORPG you have to expect that you might not get the name that you have used for your charater else ware it the nature of the game (or games). But back on topic,

    In general I think IP banning isn't practical.

    I was told for some Perfect World game that my IP had been used for some kind of bad behaviour, so I couldn't use some of their web services. I had only just started that internet service recently. Some kind of PC ID in combination with other factors would be best.


    I know that IP baning is not the ideal solution it was just an Idea from a player, yours is better.

    If you are worried about "role play" immersion - here is the best way for bio/eaware to make it work.


    You get channels. You can hide Gen chat, and have RP chat for all your stuff.


    they can slightly change the group finder - so that when you queue, you have a check box "RP". if it is checked you wont get set with people who dont have it checked.


    now the only way you are going to have to deal with 'wankers" in is /say or /whisper, and for that you have your ignore option.


    To be honest, most people wont get all antsy about you RP'ing, most will even join in, and only the very select few will cause issues. Really a merge is always going to improve a community, and if you are worried about deadbeats from our server, think how many are on your server, there are probably less here.


    Another good sugestion also the roleplay flag from an earlier post is also another good idea as well as the triple instances due to flags one for each type (thanks to who ever they were). The way that I see this possible server merge is that it could be a test bed for the future of MMORPG's, because if Bioware can satisfy the Role players as well as the the PVPer on a multi type server it would mean that the production comanies wouldn't have to have multiple servers fro the different play styles or the two different types of role play servers that Bioware currently have in the US/EU because TRUE ROLE PLAY IS PVP. and that is my two cents worth.

  9. One of my charaters name is my RL nickname I didn't get it on my US server during early access but I was lucky enough to get it on the APAC launch on Master D but was unable to get it on Dalborra or Gav Daragon But with my main I was able to get that name on all servers. I did this as a safety net in case of a merge or if I wanted to play with friends on the PVE or Role play server. If you use a common name and didn't think of this don't complain about it. 'cause it doesn't bother me if I can't use my RL nickname or a charater name that I have been using since Jedi Knight.
  10. I live in a house where 3 people play SWTOR, why should I get perma banned from the game because my house mate decides to troll the RP channel on HIS account? Terrible idea. NEXT!


    The answer to that is you apeal the ban or report your house mate's main for the trolling/harassment before the perma ban, which as a GM you should be for as that promotes a good playing enviroment.

  11. Its been a wile since I last posted in this thread, and thanks Joveth for the updates. And from reading 100+ pages of this thread to catch up I have notice a few things, there is only around 20 people not in favor of the merging of the servers. My personal view (spinikar speaks for the 419) of this issue is this;

    1. The people that rerolled on the us servers should have the option for a PAID transfer for their toons.

    2. That the mega server should be relocated to give the other APAC players a better ping, I wouldn't mind a small loss of latency to improve the population.

    3. Role Play, as a old school pen and paper role player I see the concerns that the role players have. The only reason that I rolled on a PVP server was the guild aspect as I found a good group of people to play with during the squadron 419 beta test other wise I would've rolled on a RP server. The one way to fix the concerns of the role players are BANS and I do mean BANS. I was the first to surgest a role play channel with strick rules. eg if someone is trolling the role play channel you report them for harassment and they get a temp BAN if they do it again they get a longer BAN and a warning, third time PERMA BAN. Some people may resond to this what about them using a second F2P account, the answer fixed IP addreses nearly all ISP provide fix IP's and some that don't the IP doesn't change anyway (cough Telsra) if they get caught trolling with a F2P account all accounts on that IP get the BAN.


    Please feel free to comment on this

  12. Wait Stephen just to clarify, does this mean that previously named US West, East, or EU servers that have a large Australian and New Zealand population will be renamed "Oceania"?


    Can you tell me some names of these servers that have large australian populations? Would love to hang out with other aussies :)

    Warriors of the Shadow has a Australian presence with minimal queues

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