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Posts posted by MrCayn

  1. I think you're missing a key point here.


    Yes they know how many people pre-ordered. What they don't know is when everyone will be logging in due to things like work, school, family and other social obligations. They also don't know what type of server everyone is going to choose. East Coast, West Coast, EU, PvE, PvP, RP-PvE, RP-PvP. They're observing things and staggering launch just like they said they would be.


    If you can't understand that, then you're not looking at the big picture. Early access was bumped up 2 days. This isn't beta. This is launch and they're handling launch in the way they see fit...in a staggered release to ensure server balancing. They had their stress test. This is also the same build that has already been tested with the same systems that have already been put under several stress tests.


    I feel like I've already gotten my $5 worth with being able to beta test as much as I did. Plus, I get to play the game at least 5 days early. $1 a day. Not too shabby.


    I'm sorry that you disagree with the way this game was launched, but if you don't like it you can always go develop your own MMO and have launch go the way you want it to.


    See you in game soon ;)


    i bet they can assume very close thanks to guild creation programm which "forces" server selection

  2. i would prefer a queue which says: "u are in position 5.124 estimated time xx hours" instead of that lottery **** were to unknown times a unknown amount of players get invited which get a headstart in lvl and economy against all others which destroys the purpose of an mmo.


    if this **** continues i bet that next year same time this game is f2p or dead.


    Guessing Blizzard is laughing their asses of atm.

  3. völlig hirnverbrannt in spätestens 5 stunden sind die startplaneten völlig leer und der großteil der community ist auf 15:00 uhr vertröstet nur um wenns blöd läuft wieder ganzen tag umsonst auf eine e-mail zu warten.


    selbst die leute die glück hatten finden es dämlich weil die server sau leer sind und das bei einem mmo wo gruppenspiel im vordergrund steht arme vorstellung.

  4. danke fürs statement aber die aussage server ist niedrig und wir wollen auf die serversituation reagieren find ich halt komisch sobald alle spieler eingeladen sind müssen die loginserver und die server den ansturm eh aushalten können daher macht es für mich null sinn den start so zu slowpushen.
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