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Posts posted by Jeia

  1. You guys need to develop and implement a system like Jump to Lightspeed from the now deceased Star Wars galaxies mmo. (May the Force be with that game) That had a REAL space flight system, not this Starfox ripoff that we have now in game. People want 3d flight in this game. Do it right or don't bother at all.


    This! There was a whole community that just lived in space! Several servers had their own weekly space pvp and RP events.


    I tried the 'on rails' system in SWTOR and found it very disappointing and lacking in the thrills that JTL could provide.


    So I voted for a 3D space system, but I'd also love to see capital ship battles too, with players grouping together manning turrets, shields etc. This too was a lot of fun in SWG, whilst they weren't capital ships, the POBs had several turrets.


    Even just adding turrets to player ships and increasing the group size to accept ops groups on ships would be a lot of fun.

  2. well there is this list that is found on google that is a list of all registered guilds that was created on SWG just before it when offline...


    SWG guild list


    Only those who register with the site, though, so not that helpful.

  3. So i joined a guild and the next thing i know I'm being told by the GM to wipe my char list to stay in the guild. Has anyone heard of this before?


    I lead a guild for 7+ years, now lead a community and I've never heard of this.


    It's your game, your characters and no one has the right to tell you what to do with your characters. Suggest...... perhaps.


    Leave, I'm sure it can't be too hard to find a better guild.

  4. If you are really unsure, send them a whisper and say that you are new to RP and could you start a conversation with them?


    Hopefully, they will pick up on the cue and interact with you first.


    Just as in RL, it can take time to get to know new people and to find your feet in a new environment. Don't expect to be involved right off, it may take a few evenings.

  5. I am not in character when questing, if I come across those who are, I respect their choice and quietly go on my way. So no, I don't think you should automatically be IC. It's personal preference.


    As a female, I tend to play female characters, perhaps because I don't dress my girls in skimpy gear, I rarely get 'hit on'. As my main character is a Naval Navigation Lt, she would probably see it as a sign of disrespect and appear rather snooty in response. Secretly, she might be rather flattered ;) It doesn't mean that there is an open invitation for ERP, something I am not prepared to get involved with.


    If an RP style doesn't match mine, then I politely make my exit (incoming comm calls are the least obtrusive way to do so). If someone forces an emote rather than attempting or trying to carry out an action, they are on my ignore list.


    Just as in RL, I wouldn't go up to complete strangers and start a conversation. I will wait until an opportunity comes up to join in, or I might send a whisper to see if it's appropriate that I join in. I most certainly wouldn't expect it to lead to ERP and the rest of the guild have the same attitude.


    Politeness and respect OOCly, is the best way to get involved and ask yourself how you would approach a situation in RL.


    As a guild, our RP takes us out and about and, as far as I'm aware, we've not had any issues with any one else getting involved inappropriately. If RPers see us on away missions, they are welcome to interact, as long as they are respectful, don't power emote, god mode or metagame.

  6. Have you tried the ideal Guild Quiz?


    Not all guilds have put themselves forward and not all servers are covered, as a result, but it's worth a try :)


    The more that players use it, perhaps the more guilds will apply.


    Link is in my sig.

  7. If you are in a US time zone, then yes, you have picked a good server.


    You might find swtor-rp.com helpful in choosing a guild. This is an RP portal with forums for all RP servers, EU as well as US.


    There is also the Ideal Guild Quiz, not every guild on every server has put themselves forward for the quiz, but it might help to narrow down your search. The link is in my sig.

  8. So, I'm guessing you either never played SWG, or you don't understand the definition of 'Sandbox'. SWG started life as a sandbox, then when WoW came out to critical success, the powers-that-be at SOE wanted a slice of that pie, and took away some of the sandbox elements, turning it more into a "standard" MMO as you put it.


    That upset a lot of the original fans, some of whom left (cue massive subscription drop #1 - the 'upgrade caused the subscription drop, it did not happen before that).


    Then to try to stop the subs leaking away, the bright sparks at SOE decided to provide us all with a NGE (New Game Experience) which pissed off the rest of the original subscribers (cue massive subscription drop #2).


    You are right about one thing though, and if SOE had kept SWG as a niche game aimed at roleplayers, then we would have no doubt kept SWG alive and more profitable than it was, providing, of course, SOE repaired the game back to the way they originally made it.




    Ok, so here we have the proof that this guy doesn't understand what a lot of us are talking about in here. 9 professions? They may have 9 professions now, but for the majority of the people mourning SWG, we remember a time when there was closer to 20.


    32, I seem to recall.

  9. You were obviously one of the "I want everything now people that cried and quit SWG way before the true players." There was nothing wrong with the combat system. It worked fine; better than SWTOR's. The world pvp was the best part, and we could engage in 40 v. 40+ person pvp battles almost nightly all the way up until a month or so after they announced its death. The space was a million times better in SWG. The planets were bigger, there was more content, the crafting system was far more complex and diverse, and the player economy was great. Yes, they changed almost everything about the game, but I stuck around, and still had the same enjoyment I always did. This isn't just me. Everyone in my guild, and everyone that I have talked to that now plays SWTOR and played SWG at the time I did, agree. Hard for people to state absolutes about a game they quit long ago.


    We too played right through all the changes, as a guild, and I agree that the game was enjoyable through out it's life. I still think that whatever the real reasons for closuere where, the two games could have co-existed,


    When the closure was announced, the heart went right out of the game, as there was little to log in for any more. Although we did manage to complete several Rp plots, some of which had been running for years.


    On our TS and in guild chat, someone will occasionally say 'I miss SWG' and things fall silent for a short while.


    I know SWTOR is a young game and I know SWG had it's problems at launch too, but there is little sense of community in SWTOR and that was something that SWG retained thoughout it's life. I miss that social aspect.

  10. For someone who has RL commitments, I just don't have time to raid or grind for raid equipment.


    Focusing on raids as end game content is something most MMOs do and unless there are other time sinks that don't demand two or more hours online (more if it takes up to an hour for a group to get organised), those members of the playerbase who don't want to raid (62% is a lot) are not going to hang around. That's a lot of people to lose once they hit cap.

  11. The Progenitor (EU RP) has plenty of RP. There are guilds who RP on Ord Mantell and Tython and I've seen others Rping around Coruscant, Republic side. There is also RP on the Empire side too.


    The community I'm part of RP wherever it takes us and we've been seen around on Tatooine, Tython, Taris, Nar Shadaa and Coruscant. We tend to avoid the Republic Fleet, but will occasionally visit a cantina when on leave.


    Sometimes, you have to hunt RP out. Personally, I tend to avoid RPing where there are large groups, simply because of the poor chat system and no chat bubbles, in this game. It can make RP conversations hard to follow.


    There are also many styles of RP, some are in character when questing, others aren't. Some follow canon (although it gets a little hard when this keeps being changed!) there are others who do their own thing.


    Just like in RL, it can take time to get to know people, generally, people don't go into a restaurant, sit at a table and talk to complete strangers, you have to get know them first. It's the same with RP.

  12. It's happened in every single game I've RPed in. After 8 years, I just ignore the griefers and carry on regardless. In some games CSRs have removed the offenders and/or ban tham, but in most they just don't have the staff to respond immediately.


    The more you give griefers attention by trying to politely ask them to move on, or reason with them, the more imflammatory the situation gets. Just /addignore and continue enjoying the game in your style.


    Having said that, I have been in a situation where the griefer had no idea that they were actually causing an issue for other players, apologised and left. So there is a glimmer of hope!


    Sadly, though, in games with no closed areas, such as guild structures or housing, you can't get any respite. The ships we have only accept groups of 4, which rules out most RP, it's even more likely that RP will be less obvious and those of a similar inclination will find it harder to get involved.

  13. My background is a certain sandbox game that I will leave unnamed and I really enjoyed rp in that atmosphere. I would like to partake in it here but see it as very one dimensional. This is a legit post asking how do you rp in a themepark environment?


    and no I don't consider simply being a smart *** in gen chat on my smuggler toon rp'ing...


    There are many different styles of RP and many approach RP in themeparks in different ways.


    Personally, game mechanics are unrelated, I'm out of character when questing or following class stories.


    My main character is a Republic Navigation officer and therefore wouldn't be running all over several planets. She is stationed on board the Corellien Sea, a cruiser, that gets sent to various trouble spots, taking into account the time it takes to travel to it's destination.

  14. Sure. But you do realize you're never going to find your sandbox game on a SWTOR forum, right?


    Yes, I do realise that neither BW or EA are going to rush out and produce a sandbox for those of us who enjoy them. ;) But those aren't the only devs who are reading these forums, I feel sure.


    However SOE have hinted that they are planning a sandbox:


    The answer is... stay tuned on the subject of sandboxes. We're super excited about the future of sandbox gaming. Let me just leave it at that!


    Whilst I know many are still bitter at SOE for the NGE, I got over that long ago and if they do create a sandbox MMO, I'll certainly be giving it a try.


    I do hope that SWTOR will improve, that those who were longing for it's launch and have left disappointed are lured back eventually. It's a new game, there is time. Much of it's not for me, but then I'm only here for the RP :D

  15. You and the OP are generalising that everyone over a certain age only wants to play a certain kind of game. You are wrong.

    I started on the 2600, then a Spectrum (C64? Hiss! Boo! You were the other side!). I'm the wrong side of 40, and I don't want to spend my gaming time 'living' ... that is what life is for. Any game that requires me to devote and dedicate my time to it to such an extent that it could be considered a life is not what I want to play. I played SWG from launch for a year or so but I just didn't want to dedicate my real-life time to creating an alternate reality life.


    Sure, you like sandbox games - great - but I don't. That doesn't mean you are wrong and that I am right, just that we like different things. I'm sorry SW:TOR isn't the game you were hoping for, but for others it is ... and it has absolutely nothing to do with age.

    I hate most sandbox games ("Invent your own fun!") and prefer a well crafted game-play experience. I prefer Dragon Age ("Be the hero who saves the world") to Oblivion ("Be whatever you want to be").


    Fair point, but doesn't that go to show that there is room for more than just one genre of game? You can play your themeparks and those of us who enjoy sandboxes could also be happy.


    Edit: Actually, I wasn't hoping from any thing much from SWTOR, I started playing because it reunited my old guid, briefly. But even those who were wildly enthusiastic have stopped playing and they are mostly under 30.

  16. Some of you know me as IagIag or Tubomixer from sunrunner from SWG and I DO NOT WANT TO start another debate about that..


    The gaming world is headed to absolute consulitis (yea like tonsiliutus) or just follow this this pretty script and you'll be at level 50 ! and then you can hang out in the republican fleet hanger and show off some uber speeder...


    I like sandboxes.. alot.. BUT as an EVE player for 7 years that environment doesn't work either - EVE is a guild controlled world. I have 10 and 10's of billions of dollars of ships and stuff there but I never meet anyone I trust enough to game with (and thats after many bad friend ships (pun intended) and I love the idea of eve.. but I can't spend two months on a ship to have it destroyed in 2 minutes.


    So back to this game and SWG.


    I'm a middle aged adult and I grew up as a person who not only had to make his/or her way financially but I had to make my way as a person who had interests, dreams, passions, endeavors, etc..


    ANYONE who wants to live needs to have a need to do that..


    I played so many games in the 90's eq, BF, RB6, all that etc..


    In SWG I really felt compelled to login to the game to LIVE.. like it tapped into my need to live and that's creepy maybe .. but it tapped into my my needs.


    I'm a very successful person and I need a game to replicate what I do all day --- that I can have fun with and take risks with in the evening.


    Does that makes sense?


    I spent the last two weeks playing Farming Simulator 2011 because I was so tired of fighting everything and everyone in this game.. i just wanted to plant crops and raise some cows..


    That's what SWG was.. . i t was a career game.. you could fight, dance, mine, raise pets, bio engineer pets, make clothes



    .. bioware has no financial interest in adults.


    I agree with your view and something I've been saying for years is that the gaming industry needs to grow up too.


    By that I mean that it's time developers realise that the first generation of gamers (C64, anyone?) are now knocking on a bit. We don't want games that lead us by our hands. Our mothers stopped doing that decades ago!


    Yes, of course we need games that get the younger generations involved, but don't forget us, the ones that encouraged the industry in the first place by playing those old games and getting involved in the first MMOs.


    There was a lot wrong with SWG, but for me personally, there was a great deal that was right about it too. Even more so now that I can appreciate what I enjoyed about the game with hindsight.


    I would play a sandbox game again at the drop of a hat.

  17. tbh, aside from the social points, there isn't actually much of a grind there. I am a moderate-casual player here, and I can get the money for those emotes anyways, I am levelling my Legacy as I level 2 toons, a 40 Smuggler and a 20 Inquisitor, and am already at 5. I plan on enjoying other aspects of the game, like Ops/Flashpoints, so I will hopefully be getting easy social points anyhow. (I do not think it's that hard of a grind, if need be, go group with a friend and do the other origin worlds' non-class quests if possible.)



    It is a grind when I find so much irritating about the game and when I log in, I just cba to do any levelling. But the issue is mine and whilst I know of several others who feel the same way, hopefully many more will not see grinding for Legacy or social points/rank an issue.


    The last straw will be if this is scaled up to guild level and guild ranks then become necessary for things such as guild ships. Smaller guilds are then penalised for having a focus other than gaining ranks.


    As I said earlier, perhaps SWTOR just won't be the game that me and many of those in our joint guilds will be able to play in the long term.

  18. Did anyone at the guild summit speak up for RP as a playstyle? Not all Rpers want to endlessly grind legacy or social rank, they want to RP!


    I have to say that SWTOR is looking increasingly like a game that I won't be playing for much longer. I'm sure that those who love to grind out points for ranking systems will be here for years though.

  19. Can't believe the grind required for some new emotes:




    Companion dance – Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 5, social 2 or above

    Tech Emotes – /datapad /holocoms /map. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 8, social 4 or above

    Tech Tool Emotes – /scanned /scangreen /binoculars /weld. Unlockable for 50,000 credits, legacy level 12, social 6 or above

    Double Lasers Emote – Unlockable for 150,000 credits, legacy level 15, social 10 or above



    Taken from here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19982-guild-summit-patch-1-2-hands-on-highlights


    Very disappointing for those of us who want to RP, not grind.

  20. Can I make a comment from the other side of the fence? I RP, and I don't tend to just random RP while I am levelling, at least not with my main. (My alts are a different story). My "Smuggler", I do not RP him as a smuggler, but as a journalist. So I am really at a loss as to how I am supposed to be playing, as a squishy, non-combat trained journalist, while I am blasting apart Imperials alongside my Mandalorian Companion. So, I just stay out-of-character while levelling. It makes me feel kind of guilty, when I am levelling and am approached with RP, and have to explain how I am not IC because my character, as a central plot point, is not a fighter.


    I will be rolling a swarm of alts soon, and they will all be combat-ready however, so I will be able to engage in more public RP with them while blasting apart Imps.


    I also RP in a similar style (on The Progenitor), as do the rest of the guild. As my character is a Navigation Officer on a Republic Cruiser, it would be rather difficult to take up random RP such as this.


    But kudos to the OP for at least trying! :)

  21. Had you played SWG you would not ask for player cities. I was a mayor of one and it was fun for a large guild for a time to play house. But seeing the rest of the galaxy become an empty space because of it kills it for anyone outside of town.


    Of course then you have the ghost town issue when a whole guild up and leaves, or the democracy issue where your russian friends on SS1 can move in, or set up camp next to your city limits, waiting for the chance to vote you out of office.


    I could go on.




    The changes made to cities as a result of inactivity improved the situation a lot, towards the end of the game's life, Unfortunately it wasn't applied to houses in the landscape and outside cities. If it had, then it would have been a perfect system.


    Back on topic: I subbed for six months, I felt that that would give me a good idea if the game was going in the right direction for my playstyle. The next update will go someway to improving things that I feel are lacking. But it's still too early to say whether I will walk away enirely, or not.

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