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Posts posted by Bleakmage

  1. I've kicked healers and tanks and had my companions take their place. Quite effectively, I might add. Not in hard modes though.


    Most of the time I skip everything I've already seen, but I like to watch mine and other player's responses and take screenshot and sech.


    I've only run into one, and only one that I can recall, instance where someone was in a hurry, but once they understood the person watching the cinematics was watching them for their first time, they backed off. Something like that. To this day peeps still watch, and when I notice that someone is watching while I'm skipping, I slow down and start watching myself, or I skip and wait, whatever.


    But would you kick somebody for watching cinematics? More likely for being a terrible player, right? Maybe I'm wrong.

  2. Every smuggler wants Port Nowhere...class-hub (with class daylies?), nice roleplay spot, something, that reminds you of your class even after the class story is finished.... *sigh*...yeah, a smuggler girl can dream... :rolleyes:


    I mean, even if the developers did absolutely nothing else with Port Nowhere, at least we smugglers could have gone there and hung out and made our own adventures, if necessary, if we wanted to, and also, we could have checked our locker!


    ATTENTION ALL SMUGGLERS: If you did the thing to have the locker with the stuff (spoiler freeness here), you'd better go and check that out BEFORE you complete your class story. You've been warned :D (I don't even know if there was anything IN the locker.


    Does anybody that did the before-mentioned thing with the locker and all that actually go to Port Nowhere and get anything? Cause now I'll never know :rak_02:

  3. Yeah, I was all excited when I just a few ago finished my Gunslinger story only to learn that Port Nowhere is, well, Nowhere to be found. I hadn't even had a chance to go check a locker that was supposed to have some loot in it and everything! Its there forever, and then poof! No Port Nowhere.


    I was really digging on the ending of my Gunslinger, only to have some of that thunder stolen by the fact that Port Nowhere is Nowhere to be found. There should be a sad :rak_02: face. . .


    I feel like I earned that, just to go running around it and saying to myself, "Hey! This is my base, I'm a pirate king! But no. . .


    Ok, I think I'm done :D

  4. Review is a fail, however, it took Bioware since sometime In August of last year until Dec 3 to do a Super Secret Space thing and this is all they have to show for it? It might be fun, but only for a few hours at most.


    There are 2 maps, and guess what? (Spoiler) They are basically the same exact thing. Of all of the myriad ways they could have done Space-based PvP, and this all they could come up with?


    Well, for you 2 programmers (hypothetically) that programmed this (because if it was a team, hoo!) you did a great job, for just 2 people :rak_04:


    Galactic Starfighter has been brought to you by Alan Smithee and Alan Smithee.


    Maybe if we're lucky they'll add a third map in 6 months exactly like the other two. . .

  5. Yea but like I also said, something like that would require a new separate game engine and as I understand it, this would almost be like having to install an additional game, so what they are most likely trying to do is make GS work with the current engine :)


    As you mention, there is the "LucasArts flight sims" and people have also been mentioning a couple of other flight sim games as well, which of cause all works well, but that's because these games all have engines that are build for that exact type of gaming and SWTOR's engine is not ;)


    Yeah, the Hero Engine promised so much, but that was before Bioware heavily modified it in ways that, instead of cutting development time in half, it ended up doubling it instead. I'm hoping that over time when they better learn how to manage the beast they've created, they can cut some of that time down.


    Lesson for the future? Build your own engine next time, or license one that is proven to work so you can be sure what you're getting :rak_smile:

  6. As an avid PvP'er and sometime space battles enthusiast I am looking forward to this. I think this has been missing for a long time and I love the idea of facing other players in Space Battle. I SINCERELY HOPE that this is not the only thing new we see regarding space battles. We need a complete revamp to the current system. Take it OFF THE RAILS!!


    I do space battles in this game but just not as much as I would love to. I can't get into the whole on-the-rails space flights we have. When I think of space battles, I think of Battlefront 2 or a flight simulation game like Ace Combat. What we have now does not compare. This new expansion is the right direction but we need a revamp to the current system as well.


    Regardless, thanks for what you're planning on doing now! I seriously will spend all my time in space pvp!


    I hope they keep the old space game in as something else to do; there's nothing wrong with it for what it is, an entertaining diversion, though it does pale greatly to actual space combat. Have fun with both (I'm guessing way more fun with Space pew pew pew PVP) :D

  7. SWG space combat was awesome, just because you couldn't handle it doesn't mean others didn't have fun. :p Personally I have yet to see a space game that has come close to the dogfighter feel of SWG, which is pretty sad.



    On Topic, this being PVP only is really disappointing.


    A friend of mine was telling me just yesterday, that at the end of SWG, the Star Fighter aspect was all the game really had left going for it, and that basically, that's all that anybody was doing anymore as the rest of the game had fallen to ruin.

  8. How about also writing in that article something like:


    "One thing must be noted - this space flight feature has nothing to do with our game's story. It is in no way tied to the story line and will not be used in any story telling capacity. It is only used in Player-versus-Player gameplay which leaves a huge part of our paying customers hanging dry, since they do not care or partake in that gameplay and thus get no use out of it. Current Player-versus-Environment setting is old even for the 80's but it's something what the PvE players have to put up with. Star Wars - where the actual "wars" among the "stars" doesn't really happen story wise".


    Be honest when you announce some feature, it is pretty much lying to the customers when you first claim adding a feature and later they find out that it's just for a small niche and has nothing to do with actual gameplay or story, at all.


    And just to add - ignoring PvE players when 2014 is around the corner is not smart, seeing how 2 major next generation MMO titles are coming out in 2014: Everquest Next and The Elder Scrolls Online (and even one very strong "runner up" MMO - Wildstar). Making a major gameplay feature change for only one specific group while totally ignoring the rest is like asking for trouble, and you can be certain that the trouble will come if PvE players and their wishes are ignored.


    Scarey Manz 3: Revenge of the PvE Revisited.

  9. I am excited by this I am.."BUT" I do have some questions.


    Firstly Why when most of your playerbase are here for the PVE aim this purely at the PVP'ers? Who in the scheme of things only make up a pretty small percentage of the overall players?


    Secondly will there be some PVE starfighter experience to follow after? Will we PVE'ers eventually get the whole that was mentioned in the dev diary regarding the though process of the designing.

    And if not what will we PVE'ers get? or are you just saying if we want a Space experience its going to be PVP only or nothing?


    Thirdly how will classes come into play in this? will classes have unique space abilities and tech options not available to others I.e jedi starfighters having different tech to sith, and republic troopers starfighters having different tech to them, smugglers having access to black market tech etc..etc.etc..?


    On your third point, I hope not. Piloting is a different skill, and well, for all of Darth Vader's piloting skills and use of the force in space combat, he still got tunnel vision and let Han Solo sneak up on him in a freighter and pop him from behind, using, you might say, his luck skill. Since the two kinda balance each other out, let the skills of the pilots and upgrades for the ships and types of ships speak for themselves, eh?

  10. No doubt there are budget issues. I creatively read this Developer Blog entry as being almost like a hostage trying to secretly communicate when being forced to read demands for his own ransom. The coded message being "This is what we want to do, but this is all we're budgeted for right now. Help us out, give us support, and we can squeeze more in later."


    Sounds about right.

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