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Posts posted by Reborne

  1. Well, EQ has the Alternate Ability skill system which allowed the people to progress even after reaching the max level. Which allowed you to keep strengthening your character for raids...




    That feature did not come untill eq had been out for 2 years and with an expansion. This game has been out 8 days and you want it to have the same content as one that has been out years? Comeon...


    The wonderous things about MMOs is new content is added all the time. Its why i dont rush to get max level. usually the meat of the content released at launch is low and mid level content and the end game content gets increased later as the masses start reaching end game.

  2. You are not owed any headstart time, only thing you are "owed" is you little yellow crystal. The pre-order said "UP TO 5 days early. We are not even at 5 DAYS!!


    Stop your whining, stop flooding the forums with your worthless rants. Even if you do not believe that they should of done a staggered release its not your game or company. they get to pick when and how it will work.


    You will get to play, maybe sooner then later but you WILL get to play come the 20th. If you cant after the 20th then you have a reason to complain. till then stop flooding the forums with BS posts the drowns out all the other posts.




    I have not complained at all on the forums about the headstart at all. But am annoyed at how its been implimented. I think OPs rant is not even the real complaint most people have. I dont speak for everyone, but my opinion of it is I do not care that I am not in 7 days ahead, 6 days ahead, or even 5 days ahead.


    What I and a lot of others are annoyed about is there ARE PEOPLE PLAYING NOW. But not everyone. Why were they chosen, why is their money more valuable than mine? Why do a few get to start before everyone else. They paid the same amount, but because I bought my pre-order on 7/21 but didnt redeem the code till 8/28 I am punished. I consider it punished because now there is a good chance I wont get the names I want, I plan to play on a PVP server where I will now be at a dissavantage and while I am not speed leveler some are and they are out of the race before it even began for them.


    all that with the included lack of communication. I would be less upset if I had an ETA, if I was told before the start of EGA of the plan instead of it being left a complete suprise. As it is now, every time a head start is near and I hear my phone chime indicating a new email, my heart jumps as I go check it hoping I have become a "CHOSEN ONE". Not really good customer service.

  3. 8/28 here. Sucks cause I pre-ordered the game 7/26, I just never redemmed the code not realizing it would make a difference later. :mad:.


    Realistically, Im hoping for sometime tomorrow maybe even the day after but would be a great suprise to squeak in today altho I think its unlikely

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