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Posts posted by kylrapture

  1. The double bladed lightsaber looks cool, but the vast majority of our animations look like utter crap. Our Companions get better animations than we do. I would kill for some of the sweet moves that Kira or Nadia have. I prefer watching them fight, to watching my own character fight.


    I flagged this up over a year ago on the forums. I just got blasted by fanboys. "be grateful they are making the game" they bleated.

    Lightsabres are the single most iconic weapon in movie history, the look and feel of the combat should have been the number one priority...but....90% of the animations are very, very poor. The assassin/shadow should have been a whirling dervish of coolness.

    They could have given jedi/sith different styles of animations. But they didn't .


    End result is, I prefer the gun classes the most. They have done something wrong if going on pure aesthetics alone people don't play a class-especially when it was brought up during development OVER and OVER again.....:)

  2. Tanks from other games aren't accustomed to having to CC in order for a pull to be successful nor do they understand the concept of the tank only being responsible for a portion of the pull and not it's entirety. If you've come from WoW or Rift you're used to tanking a dozen plus mobs at a time.



  3. Point is, we have lower survivability and a much more complex rotation/priority with no CC and we pull the same damage as hybrid classes. We are a dps class for gods sake.


    Would like to point out there is no such thing as a hybrid class in this game. If a guardian specs for dps he is a dps. If a BH specs for dps he is a dps. The devs stated that as a fact, there is no hybrid tax. They have more limited options on HOW to dps compared to Sentinels.

  4. I tried my 1st ever pvp match the other day, at level 12 on my trooper. It was a miserable experience frankly. One melee operative figured I was low and basically hunted me down ignoring the rest of the team the whole match, just to lolburst me down in seconds, all the while spamming emotes....lovely.

    I ended up apologising to my team, as I felt guilty even being there. The bolster mechanic isn't enough frankly. One of the players whispered me after the game with some kind words as I had at least tried, stopped base cap a few times....


    Sub 50, it's just not fun.

  5. Ignore them and try not to let it bother you mate. This pigeon holing was bound to happen sadly.


    /sarcasm on

    Juggernaut: ONE tank tree, TWO dps trees.

    Assassin: ONE tank tree, TWO dps trees

    Bounty Hunter: ONE tank tree, TWO dps tree

    Bounty Hunter: ONE healing tree, TWO dps trees



    So is assassin a tanking only class? It has same spec layout as juggernaut.....?

    What is a bounty hunter then? Is it a healer or a tank? as it must be due to current wisdom ,as it CAN heal or tank?



    /sarcasm off


    Good grief, this is not 2005.

  6. Im sick and tired of people "claiming" that Commando "should" have higher dps then Vanguard! This is a misconception/false statement!


    Ill say this again one last time...




    Bioware has made it totally clear that they want ALL dps speccs do the same amount of damage, this is their ultimate goal and is what they are striving for (then ofc different speccs will fare more or less good depending on the situation and the mechanics of the boss/situation)!








    What about the above is it that you cant get through your head(s)? What exactly is it that makes you belive a Vanguards "should" do worse DPS?





    The difference between the two is in their strenghts and weaknesses as I see it.


    Vanguard has greater mobility wich is a strenght but also need to be in melee/short range to maximise their dps wich is a weakness as you will have to move more (potential loss in dps) if it is a mobile fight AND you will put more stress on the healers as you will generally take more aoe damage then a ranged class will.


    Commando are a ranged class wich mean they dont have to move around as much in mobile fights wich is a strenght and can more easily avoid incoming aoe damage putting less stress on the healers wich is ofc also a strenght. The weakness of Commando is that they dont have the great mobility of a Vanguard.


    Point is they both have their strenghts and weaknesses and they play totally different. But there is absolutely no reason to why the Commande "should" do more dps then the Vanguard! Bioware agrees on this whatever class it is ;P



    Again: Bioware has stated that their ultimate goal is that ALL dps speccs do equally much damage!


    I'm going to BATTER anyone who even tried to pigeonhole any AC with this great post.

    This game is NOT WOW and there ARE NOT TANKING/DPS/HEAL specific classes!!!!


    rarrrghh! Repeat after me, this game is not wow, this game is not wow.....

  7. What's the matter with you people? Where did BW state that one should not play faster than you? Why do you flame people for playing like they want to? Do you think you are the norm? Really now. Maybe he has more time than you in his hands. Maybe he plays better than you and does not die a lot. Maybe YOU have wa.nking sessions in between thinking of your companion... Who knows.


    The thing is that he bought a game and wants to play it any way he likes. And since he bought it, he expects to have more for the 50. And instead of trying to help or suggest something, you tell him that he was 'not supposed' to rush? Really? And where did you find that info? Stop with this trash. Really.


    My friend, that is extremely aggressive.

    If the op is referring to instancing, then he has a valid point and I would second it.

    However if he is complaining about lack of other 50's then he don't, simple. No one tells anyone to play less, or powerlevel less. But if you are gonna play (consume) 10 hours a day, lolzerging through a game you will hit that point where there is no one to play with. If you rush so fast to get to the "endgame" you are going to have to wait for people who have less free time than you, simple as that. You have no right to complain when you play x5 faster than everyone else. Be patient, roll an alt or something. Some of the comments here have been a tad silly "get a life " type ones, if he wants to play like that then cool, good for him-but he has to understand the vast, vast majority probably can't level that fast.

    Seen this in every game for the past decade, people never learn.

  8. The only thing I'm concerened about, is what someone above me alluded to. Meteres WILL produce elitism, extreme amounts of it. Certain specs WILL get shooed to one side. Classes will be fitted into tank only/heal only/dps only slots, this is not what swtor was designed around.

    Thats why most classes (within the adv class) can tank AND dps or Heal AND dps. Meters and the associated attitudes that went with it made wow a horrid epeen raging mess.

    The onus is on Bioware to deliver what they promised, just reading some of the replies on this thread are making me dread what's going to happen here, some seriously selfish and out-of-perspective stuff being said.

    Now, if everything is viable (as bioware claim) there should be no problem, right? Wrong I think, imagine a n encounter that requires 5k dps to do it well. The community "thinks" it should be 6k and you do 5,5k, guess how many times you will be kicked? You ARE doing what's required bu it's still wrong-due to meter enforced elitist attitude.

    Bring meters in and watch the quality of the community crumble.


    don't get me wrong, i used them in the past in wow raiding days to improve my performance, but it did remove some of the fun and made me enjoy actually playing less.

  9. that's player nature... and bioware can't do anything about it.


    you will never find any single game, in this genre, that competitive players do not pigeon hole classes and roles. its called min-maxing. the only games that do not suffer this problem are the ones that have no defined classes, i.e. games like EVE (although even in that game there is still pigeonholing, depending on what you fly you are expected to fill certain roles within a fleet).


    people want to squeeze every ounce they can out of their raids, and even if its only a 5% difference, that will be enough to relegate people to fulfilling the role where they can make a 5% better impact than only break even.


    Then, people's nature needs to change. Or alternatively, Bioware make sure everything is viable, as they promised.

  10. Should have rolled a Sorc.


    WRONG. He should have rolled what he wanted to, and Bioware should delivered what was promised.

    The pigeonholing has already started, and it will ruin this game very quickly. We will be back to wow-esque class stereo typing in no time.




    Assassins have 2 dps trees and one tank tree, as do Juggernauts. So they should perform the same according to Bioware's statement.

    If this is indeed not so, then something needs to be done and sharpish. Tank/dps/heal pigeonholing needs to stop NOW.

  11. Not quite. What -really- happens is people who love playing their spec and class are forced to change due to them not parsing high enough.


    Guild A Runs with 4 weird specs, they down all content very quick and efficiently.


    DPS meters come around. Guild A makes those 4 specs change because they see they're "being carried". Now, they still down the content but no longer play what they want.


    If you want it for "personal growth" Equip item. Go fight mobs, watch how hard Ability A, B, and C hit for, and how much they crit.


    Switch items. Repeat above. We had to do it in EQ1 without even a real combat log, and people still knew their class/rotation, and that was one of the hardest MMOs to date.



    This post, /thread.

    If dps meters come into the game, the floodgates of elitism will run rampant and many, many people suddenly will be edged out into the cold. That is unacceptable. Please let us have just one mmo where elitism isn't rife, please.

  12. Why no? It's amazing and made grouping fun in MMOs and there is no downside what so ever.



    Because when it was introduced in wow, it exposed me to so much absoloutely disgusting human refuse, i stopped using it to group with.

    Now, if it was just server specific that might be ok. At least if it's your own server, eventually there gets to be more of a community feel, people get known and it's harder for the less than pleasent types to practice their craft...

  13. If you think this is just a reskinned wow with less features, sounds like you want to go back to wow to me. This feels Nothing like WoW to me and my friends - and I've been able to play flawlessly without any of the things mentioned in this thread.


    The game is not missing anything, it just doesn't have "Conveniences" you want - big difference.



    Have you had to sit in a four hour que, for the third day in a row? Game is fine, management of this situation is what's lacking. I think they had a very good idea of the server loads incoming, and have a metric cr**tonne of cash to do it with.

    This is not some two-bit dev team, this is Bioware, who have an excellent rep for good reason, however they have not done a good job with the ques. I'll wager there are some people that have missed their pre order headstart due to the queing....



    "This has been a brilliantly smooth release and as in any other MMO release"

    Please see multiple threads about spending your entire evening in a que, that sir, is far off smooth.

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