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Posts posted by Meadore

  1. The Starkiller story is still unfinished and I do think it still has a lot of potential.

    With Kota, Vader, The Emperor and Starkiller himself ofcourse.

    This whole event takes place before or even meanwhile Luke getting trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda.


    I'd like this because it adds depth for already existing characters and actally show them with modern day technology.

  2. Do you have your ship? :p


    Most people will be level 18-19 when they receive their ship. The first few space missions might require you to be higher level than 16.


    Get a few more levels, and if they still aren't available in the cockpit of your ship, I'd bug report it.


    Not to my knowledge, once I got my spaceship at late level 15. Even then, I got my space combat mission.

  3. Jedi's use blue/yellow and green. Sith use red.

    I mean, look at the Deceived trailer when that ship opens up. Red red red red.


    SOME sith/jedi seem to have other colourcrystals and they are often someone special.

    And this is the case, because everyone in the game is someone special and powerfull and is a large part of the lore in this game.


    So in short, no it is not normal to have whatever colour you want, but you are special.

  4. Reading about Sidious just makes me happy I never read Forceball Z.

    Such ridicilous powers. I already thought it was insane how my Sith Warrior was bulldozing over dark council members but this..


    Anyways, on topic I think Lord Vitiate has a rather advantage with being the apprentice of Marka Ragnos and living for such a long time which gives time to improve a lot.

  5. The way I see it, is that when you are LS. You just think rational.

    There is no point slaughtering people when you could take them with you for Questioning or you could get them to help you when you need aid.


    Plus it makes no sense to kill your own damn troops. The empire would be alot stronger without this pointless bloodlust.



    On Ballmora, I kept the commander alive, this made sure he confessed that the Republic broke the treaty of coruscant, causing the people of the Republic to distrust their own goverment.


    You tell me what makes more sense.

  6. I just completed the Hammer as a level 18 sage healer.

    Everything went ok but the last boss oomed me so damn quickly.

    I had 2 guardians, although I have a feeling they specced dps and a smuggler with me.

    Took us like 6 tries but we got him. But yeah, I really had the feeling I was undergeared or something. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone straight into the healing tree aswell.

  7. 9/10.

    Game is a tad laggy but was to be expected. No disconnects.

    Community seems very helpfull, groups are nice and not a single bad word was spoken.

    No que for me yet. But then again, I picked a low population realm.


    So, it's all good.

    I wasn't even going to play yet because of the fun I was having with Skyrim, but glad I did play regardless.


    EU btw.

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