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Posts posted by feday

  1. Thanks everyone, most of this stuff seems to make sense. I'll go farm more pieces to pull the relevant bits out of :)


    As for he rotation, I'm reading that it's okay, just throw in OS when it's up, and possibly spec in Explosive probe after all, even though that will drop my accuracy to under 100% due to gear deficiencies.

  2. I'm pulling around 1300 sustained (forever if needed) on the ops dummy with my current Lethality spec. I'm wondering if that's low for the gear I have, or if all the others that post numbers are just exaggerating. Somehow I seem to end up with lower dps when doing full MM??


    My Leth rotation is: CG CD WB Cull SoS Ambush Cull -> repeat


    Gear: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/0cedc4c6-bc18-481c-b0ff-2bb51a1953b7


    Please rip it apart so I can do more :)

  3. As noted by Heriana, this isn't unlikely. You'd have a 5% chance to crit 1 out of 21 objects.


    To put it another way, suppose that 100k of us went out to craft a 21 items. Of that group, ~1k wouldn't see a crit, and around 5k would only see one crit. If you assume that folks post bad results to the forums more often than good news, this makes for a fairly large number of "X is broken" posts on the crew skills forums.


    What sort of logic is that...? Yes maybe 1k would see no crit, and 5k would see one crit... What about the other 94k people in your imaginary test pool? Exactly, they would see more then one crit. So essentially this reads to me as "there is a 95% chance that you will get one or more crits when crafting 21 items at a "crit chance" of 20%...

  4. I can also confirm this for armstech (somewhat). Maxed affection on my droid with an armstech sensor thing. Crafted 15 custom built sniper rifles, 0 crits... Very unlikely indeed.


    Didn't submit a bug since I have no faith in the system. This should be trivial for bioware to test, all they need to do is generate a char with said skills and a boatload of mats, and try this out in-game. Then either tell us it's working on the forum or add this to the list of known issues.



  5. Did bullwark yesterday (I'm a Sorc healer). My trick after the first wipe was to get everyone in close, and the stick a healing circle underneath him so it would be reachable for everyone.

    The tank was with his back to the energy shield (Bullwark facing the shield). The shield I mean is the one that opens up after he's dead, not the bubble around him.


    It was tight but doable, make sure DPS'ers get into the heal circle, and use stimpacks when they can.


    We ignored the droids to beat the enrage, I just CC'ed the ones that were trying to kill me due to healing aggro (when I could), I tanked them the rest of the time.

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