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Posts posted by Obidon

  1. That's cute :) I'd probably like Corso if he didn't look so much like like my brother. And I don't trust companion mods; the majority of the time they don't show.


    I enjoyed the Malavai Quinn romance but it ends weird, in fact I'm not sure whether or not the characters are even still married. (Does anyone think that what happens with Quinn is appropriate? Especially as the romance companion for females, it's just confusing storytelling, not really enjoyable.)


    I was outraged at the betrayal but thought "Ok, maybe I get to kill one of my companions, interesting" but then, when he begged forgiveness and I was forced to keep him, I was outraged even more. He stands on my bridge now stripped down to his shorts. I refer to him as Captain Underpants.

  2. Kinda feel creepy pursuing the romance angle with companions. Almost all the story lines are either extremely misogynistic or squarely sexual harassment. I have to wonder about the younglings playing this game and seeing this. I hope they don't emulate. Acting out even the most benign romance in this game would get you arrested or at the least fired/expelled in real life.
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