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Posts posted by ZephyJackal

  1. A more convoluted plot isn't a better plot.


    It's a giant pile of gimmicks that cheapen what made the OT great.


    The entirely CGI sets are sterile and lack the lifelike feel of the OT.


    The acting is wooden and the dialog ridiculous.


    The romance is perhaps the worst movie romance I've had the displeasure of being subjected to.


    There's more to a good movie than special effects and choreography.

  2. If you think you can do better, get a degree and get a job at Bioware.


    You have no idea what you're talking about and you're greatly underestimating the difficulty of the job.


    I like how all these people think that the employees who create new content have the same skills as the employees who fix bugs, and that they're interchangeable.



  3. well.. I did have a thread that reached 27,000+ views and 40+ pages and wasn't showing any signs of slowing down, so I think they know what I'm capable of.


    This one is on the topic of SWTOR though.


    And that's why this one won't get locked!


    Incidentally, I agree with you about the voice acting. I find SWTOR far more immersive than most MMORPGs I've played, for the simple fact that I actually get to talk TO the NPCs, rather then just get talked AT by them.

  4. Humans had a very different body type from Night Elves, Dwarves, Taurens, Orcs, etc. Even Forsaken (which were just undead Humans) were vastly different from Humans. But in SWTOR everyone uses the same human build with a handful of different heads. All the interesting body types (and races) are reserved for the NPCs.


    But at least different members of the same race can have different body types. I abhorred He-Man mage syndrome.

  5. Client / Server versions and the option to play on the US server as a EU player (and vice versa).

    If a client is on 1.0 it will not run on a 1.1 server.

    If a client is on 1.1 it will not run on a 1.0 server.


    If you have different downtimes you have 1.0 & 1.1 servers & clients "in the wild".


    Sure there are some methods to fix this problem (disable autopatcher, check the last region you logged in, ask the player to verify that he does want to patch his client, etc...) and iirc they mentioned they wanted to introduce a solution to the problem with maintenance times.

    But as always this takes time and it's probably not high priority.


    Well, there you go. Thanks, Zocat.

  6. move the EU maintenance a few hours into the night. people complain since release about maintenance times for EU.


    split the maintenance for US and EU, done. Like I said, planning ahead usually reduces the whining by a large margin


    I see what you're saying. I've never heard of an MMO doing that, though, which makes me wonder if there's some sort of logistical issue to split maintenance times that someone not familiar with the internal processes involved wouldn't realize.

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