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Posts posted by invertioN

  1. Play for fun, not leaderboards :rolleyes:


    Did you expect this to go in some other way? Nightrain had a legitimate question.


    Leaderboards are fun for a lot of people too, you know?

  2. None of my suggestions are invalid, he will get better performance by turning off enhanced shadows, all shadow settings, turning off bloom and even reducing grass and tree render distance.


    I actually think your suggestions were excellent.


    I just don't want people to come and get the wrong expectations that they can run 100 fps in combat in pvp, and then wonder is something wrong with their system when they don't get the expected result.


    I'm ignoring what OC'd 9900k can do though, as I don't have experience with that. I'm running 8700k and it's impossible to hold 100 fps constantly, and almost never in combat.

  3. I’ve a 5770k, 16GB Ram, 512GB SSD and a GTX 1080

    For pvp I turn my settings down to maximise performance. I get 120-180 FPS


    The best solution for PvP is to turn down and off some graphics settings.


    Turn of Enhanced Shadow (it should give you an extra 20+ FPS)

    Turn of Shadow Quality totally and this will disable shadow cascades too (this will give you another 20+ FPS) and make the game more smooth

    Turn off bloom as this also causes a drop in FPS and isn’t needed in pvp.


    If you aren’t getting 120-180 FPS after that, then you can try reducing some of the other settings.

    Start with grass and tree viewing distance (I use 30%)

    Then Antialiasing.

    Once you get a reasonable FPS, start increase something’s till you get it balanced between performance and best looking.


    Please show me a video of you having 120 fps in combat with several people. I'll be waiting.


    And no, he will not have 100 fps in a warzone on a 2700x no matter what option gymnastics he does.

  4. When streaming or making videos please use reduced name plates. This is especially true for the one above your head.


    I like my nameplate to be as long as possible

  5. I'd also settle for an awesome saber attack, cause I think we're the only lightsaber class with 0 awe inspiring lightsaber moves. Even deception got a cool flippy one. We still just thrash. Replace thrash.


    I like this idea. Maybe introduce a new ability that requires you to use thrash first (just make some synergy between the new ability and thrash).


    Another thing that would be nice is if Hatred gets better force management and there are infinite ways to do it.


    Another idea: Give Hatred an offensive cooldown which when activated lets you have access to ALL execute (sub 30%) bonuses, that is damage bonuses and using Assassinate. Probably lasts for 15 second but I would like 18, and has a cooldown of 2 minutes. The idea is to have better burst for places where it's required.

  6. 1) What does Rage do for Sith Warriors (Tank)


    2) Do companion customizations remain in affect when you see them later on in the expansions? Or do they revert back to their default look?


    Rage is your force/energy/mana. Some abilities build rage while others consume it and you can't activate them unless you have enough.

  7. 1. Serenity strike/leeching strike refreshes the current DOTs on target.

    It can be another attack, not necessarily the ones mentioned above. I

    the alternative would be:.


    I'm loving this idea.


    Alternate idea I just thought of:

    Using Phantom Stride applies/reapplies Discharge and Creeping terror to the target. Can put a cooldown on it so it's not super OP, say 45/60 seconds. Cooldown refreshes if the target dies within X seconds.


    Additional bonus to consider in some way is if another passive or something makes it apply Eradicate too.


    Another idea:

    Using Eradicate gives you a damage or critical buff that stacks up to X times. Could be done so the buff applies only to some abilities, e.g. dots, or Eradicate itself - That would be a bit of a copy from Mara though.

  8. Hello there,

    I've come back again in the game after two years and I've tried to figure out tha greater changes in Assassins but I have some confusion.


    Since I don't want to spec it as a tank, I can't understand what's the current best PVE oriented build between Hatred and Deception.

    I know I know that a perfect answer could be: "play your favourite one" but I don't want to use an underpowered character just becuase I'm used to one particoular build. I know also that Sin has been nerfed from the last time I used it, but no problem, that's how these games work.


    So, in the end, what's better? I can't find an updated guide on dulfy. What to do?

    Thank you

    Hatred is a bit better, but in general they are both average at best so if you have a big dislike towards Hatred then play Deception.

  9. Well now that we can't min/max mods or enhancements, and we can't upgrade a 252 ear/implant to any other 258 ear/implant, what are the best in slots?


    I'm most concerned with the earpiece and the implants. I don't want to start off with the wrong earpiece or implant. They're too expensive now to make a mistake.


    Also, are Relics needed to be looked at differently and where once having Mastery and/or Power was the optimal one, perhaps Critical is now more important?


    And the two crystals, where before you might use Crit, now you may need another stat?


    It's not as hard as you think... In fact, for me as dps, gearing in this tier seems pretty straight forward and the stats are near perfect for what I would want.

  10. As for what you said: since sins are quite in a good spot as far as mobility is concerned, and can use shroud for immunity against most stuns, I see no reason to buff their stun immunity further. M/R defensive moves are best used while whitebarred anyway. Consider that a skill check :D


    Sounds like you have a lot of insight on sin dcds. I'd love to see some solo ranked gameplay from you.

  11. The title says Sin/Shadow. To me that means the topic is about anything to do with Sin/Shadow


    I think if you comment on every topic based on the title alone the outcome can become interesting and I'm sure you don't do that in other cases.

  12. Also the topic is Sin/Shadow, that is what we are discussing. So we are on topic ;)


    Actually, if you read the original post, it's about shadow/sin performance in solo ranked.

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