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Posts posted by oddbodz

  1. Star Wars Galaxies had Kryat Dragons and plenty of them in a place called kryat dragon graveyard. (who'd of guessed). They were awesome to fight and looked pretty good even on such an old game. They were the primary source of jedi lightsaber pearls and had different sizes from juniors right up to ancient kryats. Search you tube for kryat dragons swg to check out how cool they looked.

    Totally agree they should drop a few in the dune seas of tatooine and make them world boss like. Other cool world bosses that could be added imho are kimogilas (similar to kryats but smaller and found on planet Lok.)

    The gorax , (huge ape like creature) that were found on Endor. Axva Minn (spelling?) , the nightsister queen or boss and Dark Jedi knights/masters.

    I would love to see a planet like Dathomir that was strictly max level content and has all sorts of really dangerous monsters which dropped good lootz and took groups to down them.

    Just some fun ideas to ponder.

  2. Purely speculation here but i think the way it scales is off by a long way. Out of sheer boredom i decided to re-run some of the old missions in veteran mode. 336 full augs yada yada. Infiltration shadow. Some missions are a breeze and there are some that are just crazy hard in terms of incoming damage. Most times i would suddenly lose my companion (healer) due to them either getting 2 shotted or swarmed. Can't even begin to imagine some of the certain elites on master mode with game current state.

    Good luck with trying to complete.

  3. Like the title says , if you could design a new class for the game , obviously one that could have a mirror for opposite factions , what would you make it? Purely for fun thread , please don't argue or insult others ideas.

    For me i think id introduce maybe like a ninja assasin type that relies on mostly tech melee and can do some light healing , kind of a jack of all trades but true master of none. Just an idea to add something new to the game. Thoughts and input you wonderful community?


  4. You're brains aren't functioning quite right over at EAware are they? Not that is anything new , you drop an expansion with all sorts of garbage people didn't want and continue to try to make players enjoy what the developers think is enjoyable. It will truly be amazing if this game has a population at all by the end of the year.



  5. Wasn't the CU where they reduced the amount of professions from over 30, to 9? Or was it the NGE?


    When I played SWG, it was when the NGE was implemented so I couldn't really experience the CU. I do agree with you, the JTL expansion was definitely the best part of the game! A shame I never reached ace on live. :(


    The CU added character levels - still had all the class trees - but they added levels - 80 being the max if memory serves.

    I had a master rifles/master ranger that was "adjusted" to mid level 60s so i couldnt even set foot on Dathomir anymore.


    The NGE was when it was reduced to 9 classes.

  6. Dumbest expansion since the New Game Experience over at SWG.


    If you like working your *** off all week for half the reward, you'll love it. Personally, I took last week off entirely. The way I feel is this - what used to be a great game with few bugs worth mention, is now a nightmare of disconnects, mobs falling through floors, delays, lag, broken missions and failed development. I never followed what is going on there, but I rather feel there's been a change of command and that idiot Raph Koster is somehow involved.



    Were you there for the CU , a few months before the NGE? On Bria server there was massive ingame protests at Theed and Coronet spaceports with hundreds of players spamming various profanities that basically said "NO CU (insert colorful language). To this day i've never seen anything like it but imbecile Smedley and co refused to listen and thus began the end for SWG which was still my favorite mmo of alltime. The jump to lightspeed xpac had the best space combat i've ever seen. Ah , the memories.

  7. They are passives now. So you no longer have to apply them manually. You should still see them in your buffs tray though (it still annoys me to no end that you can't hide class buffs now that they're passives).

    This may come as a shock but there's this little thing called interface editor. Open it and click on the player buff bar then uncheck the box , your personal buffs that are so tiny anyway will be hidden if this bothers you SO much.

  8. Force cloak for assasin/shadow seems broken to me in pve. If you get into a fight with say too many mobs it just never works - u remain in combat and they still target you. Working as intended or broken?


    If someone could kindly confirm would really appreciate it

  9. Thoughts.


    Ever seen the episode of the simpsons where Homer starts to think and there is a monkey clapping cymbals in his head?

    Those are my thoughts on this so called "expansion".

    Shame too , i really have stood with this game through thick and thin , i just can't comprehend why they went this way.

  10. I cant explain it to you , all i can do is offer my observations.

    I never Ever suffer lag , game is always smooth running. Today after the maintinence which re-enabled the character transfer process the servers have been unplayable - ridiculous lag - constant dces.


    It wouldn't be EA if they didn't fix a problem without introducing another one.

    Perahps why the login service is no longer available - AGAIN.


    So much win.

  11. I've made plenty of credits on every crew skill, without ever going to Yavin and gathering slicing node (which incidentally, sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry).


    I craft gear for my alts, for my friends and guildies, and to sell on the GTN. I use every crafting profession regularly, as well as most of the gathering / mission professions.


    So you go ahead and keep picking up boxes on the ground because you think that's the only viable way to make credits in this game.




    perhaps you should read before making retarded statements - I never said I personally run around doing it - I was stating my observations , good luck to you with your crafting and I don't think its the only way to make credits - I was mainly speaking about the history of slicing , again read and try to comprehend what people actually post instead of reading and making your own assumptions .

    /sheesh at you - learn to read and understand what a viewpoint is.

  12. So ....when slicing was first introduced people were making absurd amounts of credits so EA is their infinite wisdom decided to nerf slicing hard - seriously reducing the amount of credits in lockboxes - a few years later and here we stand and once again slicing has become the number one crew skill - most of the others are totally useless anyway in my opinion - give crafting a boost.


    To see the proof of this simply go to yavin 4 and watch the amount of slicers and the obscenities they yell at each other for "stealing" their node.


    Its been rather amusing to watch what has happened to slicing since launch.

    The economy is becoming ridiculous because of the amount of credits being made on yavin.


    Vote 1 for making crew skills viable.

  13. For every fix an old bug must remain powerful or a new one created. Thusly, balance is maintained in the galaxy.


    ROFL! Thanks for the laugh bro - I literally lost it in a fit of laughter.


    Cheers from Oz.

  14. Tried everything suggested ,loading screen appears and when servers are about to show it just crashes to desktop everytime.

    This is really becoming a joke now ,can you possibly actually fix existing problems and not introduce new ones when you implement a patch?


    Its really becoming old after 12 months ,never been one to critisize this game despite its numerous flaws but this is just a joke.

  15. Not sure if this qualifies as a fail but it was definately one of the funniest things ive seen.


    I was on Belsavis space port about to take shuttle to planet and being the nutter i am (constantly jumping around - tapping space bar really fast) the load screen appeared briefly - then my toon was in space looking at the planet for about 3 seconds ,then i died and rezzed back in the space port.


    It was a nice view for those 3 seconds.

  16. Dear fan of our games,


    We thank you for writing a wall of text so remarkably complex and insightful that nobody in upper management in our offices can comprehend it. We regret that you don't like our new f2p strategy however our shareholders are deeply concerned with things and *gasp* actually might not be able to buy the latest car models of their favorite cars next year. Worse still, some of our wonderfully competent management here in Bioware Austin, had to actually fly economy class. I hope after we divulged this information, you can understand why drastic measures needed to be taken.


    We at bEAware would like to reimburse our faithful subscribers by offering you all the HK-51 droid where you may direct all your further problems to. To show just how much we care, we've programmed it to answer all your concerns and troubles with blissful silence.


    Thank you for taking the time to write us a letter,




    ROFL - dude that is the funniest thing ive read for ages - sad because its so true but thanks for making my day, in hysterical laughter lolz.

  17. Coming soon in November!


    Tired of lag? Sick of wiping on Kephess night after night? THEN YOU'RE IN LUCK!


    Available now in the CARTEL CASH SHOP, priority data packets! Reduce your lag by 15% for just 500 Cartel Coins!

    ACT NOW!


    rofl - classic stuff right there, i spat my drink all over the table laughing so much - so sad its true but you gotta laugh at it otherwise u might cry.

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