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Posts posted by nogoodtomedead

  1. Is that merc going to be a gentleman and not take the invulnerable time he gets to unload a full burst rotation and lite's your azz up?


    Merc defender's always make this argument, and to be fair, you are right, if you dont attack him he wont get the heals.

    But the invulerability in and of itself while he can still attack you is a powerful DCD and only one of thier OP dcds.


    Furhermore, it's almost impossible not to land o few blows on the merc before you realize it's being used and than stop. There is no way to avoid one or two shots unless you can see the future.


    Additionally, while one person might use the strat not to attack during, you got people in WZs whom for whatever reason do not stop atttacking the merc so the truth is more often than not it will be 3 lives.


    Plus they have progressive scan which is a strong self heal in it self.


    Bottom line is this. The DCDs and merc survivability it rediulous. They're OP as hell any way you cut it. They are walking trinities, right along side Snipers.


    No dps spec should have the healing potential they do, an extra life or two, and the surviability of a Tank and being ranged to boot.


    OP is the only word that applies to them. Even most mercs know it. Some of them just want the edge it gives them.


    I think the point is, players in PVP don't seem to want to utilize other abilities. They want to keep DPSing without their rotations being interrupted. These DCDs are easy to work around. If i'm fighting another merc, they pop a shield, guess what, I'm going to hit them with CC abilities or line of sight them if possible. You'd be amazed how many people are still rolling their faces on their keyboards trying to DPS me when I got a shield up.


    With that being sad, Currently as a Veteran merc, I've been playing way more defensively perhaps even more than I did pre 5.0. The dps loss is noticable, but since I"m picking my targets, and saving my cooldowns for those real bad moments, I"m still doing okay.


    However, if they end up nerfing my DCDS, I'm going to need compensation in the form of a DPS buff within the same patch, none of that "we are going to nerf your DCDs, but buff your DPS next patch" crud.

  2. My Problem is not the Merc nerfs in the first place, but the so called Target dps. It is sad that this target dps seems to be focused on the PvP Class Balance. Because why should you nerf ANY class if there are Bosses that many Groups can kill only with five dds? (Yes, you'll say it is possible with four dds, but without question, it is a huge dps race.)

    This Problem gets even more obvious if you look to the Lightning Witch, who can't even be played in hc anymore, and not to talk about NIM. So Targed dps for PvE has to be higher. Perhaps the PvE Community hat to cry louder before 5.3...


    But I think, that the Changes for Arsenal don't solve the Problems (yes, i agree with many players, there are things that are op in PvP), that makes players struggle with facing a Merc/Commando in PVP (not talking about DCDs). Heatseeker missiles still hits with 40k+, The increased Heat Management doesn't affect PvP that much. So basically, in my opinion, the nerfs makes life too difficult for PvE-players, while not really solve the problems in PvP.

    At least, always when BW tries to balance the Classes, i love quoting Batman, the dark knight:

    "People are dying, Alfred, what would you have me to do?" "Endure, Master Wayne, take it!"


    Yeah i'm not a fan of the "target dps" either. I've always felt that a equally geared/skilled dps class should be able to deal the same amount of dps as another class. the concept of "Target Dps" to me makes me feel like i'm being forced to play a certain playstyle. However, I agree that these nerfs definitely impacted PVE more than PVP. Again, i feel that if they decided to mess with the DCDs, need they to either revert these changes or at least give some dps buffs.

  3. And I'll still play the class in PvE content, you know why? Because I've been maining merc through thick and thin. This is no different to when no-one wanted a merc in ops because snipers ruled.


    Balance has never been a strong point of the combat team, they've always over reached with changes that didn't fit their design goals and target dps.


    Same, I've been a arsenal merc since launch, the roller coaster ride that is this class continues.

  4. Oh I wholly agree. It'll take the players actually playing the class to determine the state their changes have put the class in. I main a Tactics VG myself, but second as Gunnery. I'm not sure they're the right ones to make either, but I prefer the wait-and-see approach, rather than the "cry end of the world" approach the majority here are. That was whom I was targeting with that.


    I've got my powertech on standbye, but i don't like the idea of having to grind out command ranks again lol.

  5. As someone that plays Gunnery, I highly disagree with everyone saying "they're too much".


    And regarding the color crystals.... see my post just previous to this one.


    Concerning the crystals, thats good then.


    Arsenal main myself, I wasn't saying that we didn't need to adjustments, I'm just not sure if these were the right ones to make. Heck, may not even notice the difference tomorrow. However, if these changes do end up being to strong and they nerf our DCDs in the future, it will place this class in its worst state ever. Good Hunting though on your Commando.

  6. I'm dismayed and discouraged that the Proposed Arsenal/Gunnery changes stayed the same, especially after the community feedback told you these changes were to much. I would have perhaps reduced the initial proposed changes by half. Truly hope the team monitors the class closely. ( I am aware that there was a recent dev post about this) When the Utilities Patch happens, if you nerf Arsenal/Gunnery Utilities without buffing the DPS you will have ruined my main character and favorite advanced class in the game. It is not fun to play a character class that can't effectively compete in PVE and PVP.


    The change to color crystals and weapon tunings is just bad. The purpose of Legacy gear is so we can transfer gear between our characters with ease.

  7. With the incoming dps nerfs -- 9 percent to Arsenal and a slightly less egregious 6 percent for IO -- my ideas for merc survivability are a little bit less extreme. Mercs shouldn't be as tanky as a sniper, especially since they have off heals. At the same time, they shouldn't be quite as mobile as a Sorc, because they have more passive DCDs and heavy armor. How to we find a good balance now that their DPS is bad?


    We need to do two things: (1) increase mobility and (2) decrease potency of passive defenses. We want to encourage more kiting without making them sorcs with guns.


    How do we do this?


    (1) Give Trauma Regulators to PTs and reduce the healing-per-stack to 3 percent (from 5 percent). This makes PTs suddenly more viable again while eliminating the most hated thing about mercs.


    (2) Replace Trauma Regulators for mercs with a new utility called Run and Gun: decrease cooldown of hydraulics by 10 seconds and increase its speed bonus by 20 percent. Rocket out propels the player back an additional 5 meters.

    My comments: Instead of facetanking as a quasi-mobile ranged and getting a huge heal, you'll now have to kite a bit more...but you'll also be given better tools to do so. Great synergy with some other utilities.


    (3) Increase cooldown of electronet to 2.5 minutes but increases its damage by 10 percent. The hindering effect wears off halfway through the net's duration. Tag and Bag further increases alacrity to 20 percent (up from 15 percent) and reduces electronet cooldown by 30 seconds (down to 2 minutes).

    My comments: electronet is extremely powerful and needs to be put in check. These changes will not lower DPS too much (especially when paired with Tag and Bag) but should provide huge relief to pvpers.


    (4) Reduce kolto surge cap to 50 percent (from 70 percent). It still ticks twice.

    My comments: This is just a slight-to-moderate nerf. Kolto surge is a bit too strong.


    (5) Increase the healing done by Emergency Scan by 15 percent.

    My comments: make mercs have to rely on their self heals more instead of passive DCDs. Helps take the edge off the trauma regulator loss.


    (6) Replace the useless jet boost heal with a utility called Defensive Flares: reduces cooldown of Chaff Flare by 15 seconds. Additionally, chaff flare heals for 3 percent of max HP.

    My comments: not enough mercs use chaff flare anyway. Might as well give a slight reward to the ones who do, especially since it's getting a fairly big nerf. Another fun little utility to play around with that might help take the edge off the loss of trauma regulators. This also makes IO a little more tanky, which is a good thing since it's a fairly clunky spec in PVP.

    (May want to redesign IO chaff flare so that it increases damage reduction by 20 percent instead of defense chance by 25 percent.)


    (7) Lower the duration of reflect by 1 second and the self heals from reflect by 50 percent.

    My comments: a moderate nerf that should allow bads to kill a decent merc a little faster.


    (8) Power Surge grants 2 charges by default; the utility grants a 3rd charge.

    My comments: mobility buff to account for nerf to defensives.


    And there you have it.


    These aren't bad ideas for the DCDs if our DPS wasn't getting nerfed. As recently stated by musco, they are aware that majority of the community wanted nerfs to Merc DCDs and not our DPS. Given the history of this class, pre 5.0 we were basically glass cannons. I don't think it would be a good idea to nerf the dps and the nerf defenses, it would make the class weak, both offensively and defensively which wouldn't be good for PVE or PVP. I


    My thoughts would be to remove the kolto utility and give it the PTs, reduce the amount healed by trauma regs and perhaps revert some of the DPS changes coming in 5.3. In terms of electronet, i think the reason this ability has come into the spotlight lately, is because of the fotm mercs. Once these players move on it won't feel like your being spammed with nets.


    If this class were to be more about kiting instead of having strong DCDs, we had to see some minor buffs to dps, buffs to rocket out/increased movement speeds. Personally i still play my merc like I did pre 5.0, i try to save my strong DCDs for the really bad moments and i try to keep at a distance and choose my targets.


    In short, i agree that changes need to be made, but you can't have nerfs to both offensive and defensive abilities.

  8. Let's get a little more specific! The following list is not comprehensive, but here is some of the key feedback we have read coming out of the Class change posts:

    • [*]Arsenal/Gunnery needed survivability/utility nerfs, not DPS - As we said in the balance thread, we want to get damage targets in line first before we touch too much utility. They did get a slight nerf to survivability in 5.3, and we will monitor both their damage and ability to stay alive going forward.


    Thank you for sharing this Eric. I've been a arsenal merc since launch, its been a roller coaster ride. This post is encouraging because it showed that you did hear/read what the community had to say about these changes. My hopes are if DPS seems to low that changes are made quickly to fix it and if changes are made to their survivability then perhaps we could see some sort of dps increase to compensate.

  9. I'd like to point out the following statement in my original post


    "My biggest fear is if these DPS nerfs go live and then our DCDs get nerfed, this class will not perform at a competitive level in both PVE and PVP scenarios."


    I admit its short and maybe not the most detailed, but it is feedback. It expresses my concern about if these changes go live and if those changes are followed up with DCD nerfs that it could make the class not able to perform at a competitive level in PVE and PVP.


    I also provide some small alternatives about these nerfs and I also ask the following questions 1) If these DPS nerfs go live and the class begins to really under perform, can we expect DPS Buffs? 2) If you nerf our DCDs in the future, can we expect to see DPS buffs to compensate for loss of survival perks?


    Even if my posts are wrong in your opinion, It shouldn't stop people from talking about the possible changes coming to Arsenal/Gunnery in 5.3. I am aware that this class/spec isn't the only one in this boat or facing the chopping block. Again this post is about these changes to this particular class/spec.


    Fifteendoller, you've done a great job at giving feedback/constructive criticism about my posts. But perhaps you could express your views about the proposed changes for Arsenal/Gunnery in 5.3? Do you agree with all of them or just some of the changes? Do you have any relevant suggestions/feedback/comments about this particular class/spec? Are you aware the suggested Target Dps for this class/spec is 5% decrease but members of the community have run the numbers and are saying that this is more than a 5% nerf? If not, i'm sure you have better stuff to do, just move along dude.

  10. I love it when someone says they're going to give constructive feedback in a thread title, then forgets to give constructive feedback.

    Well since you missed them, i'll repost them for you fifteendollers. I disagree with their proposed changes and provide a few suggestions for them to perhaps consider. If you don't agree with them that is fine.


    Overall, I think these nerfs are to harsh. For Target Tracking I would suggest 20% (down from 30%), the changes to Decoy were not really needed. I personally wouldn't mess with blazing bolts or Barrage, however if you have to nerf something then pick only one of these skills to nerf, not both.


    In general, the player base has always felt that the DPS for Arsenal/gunnery is spot on. The real issue began with the introduction of the new Defensive cooldowns. I realize again that utility skills are not being touched in 5.3. My suggestion would be to reduce the number of stacks of trauma regulators and reducing the amount healed and I would reduce the amount healed by Kolto Overload. Responsive Safeguards i wouldn't touch, but if i had to, I would reduce the amount healed or increase the cooldown time.


    My biggest fear is if these DPS nerfs go live and then our DCDs get nerfed, this class will not perform at a competitive level in both PVE and PVP scenarios.


    In conclusion, I ask these following questions: 1) If these DPS nerfs go live and the class begins to really under perform, can we expect DPS Buffs? 2) If you nerf our DCDs in the future, can we expect to see DPS buffs to compensate for loss of survival perks?

  11. Tbh I don't even see how are you going to be at the bottom. You will still be a much more welcome spec than Lightning sorc or Marksman sniper. You can reflect as well... And those 3 should be close to each other as they all are ranged burst. The Arsenal's state since 5.0 has been very unfair when compared to Lightning and MM.


    Yes but consider that many of the veteran/non-FOTM mercs are predicting major nerfs to our utilities. So if they nerf those utilities without compensation it really does put the class in a major disadvantage in both PVE and PVP situations.

  12. Dude, wall of text. You could have given less examples. The core purpose of this post is about providing constructive feedback/suggestions about Mercs and Mandos in regards to the changes they are receiving in 5.3. Unless relevant to the topic, please limit other class discussion to their respective forums.


    Personally I'm frustrated because numerous people have posted valid arguments and suggestions concerning these changes in 5.3. Truthfully, I was hoping that some new information or least some news that they are re-examining these changes would be nice. I've been playing arsenal since launch, its my favorite class. I don't want to be at the top but I don't want to be at the bottom either, i think most people can sympathize with that.

  13. Respective Swtor team,


    I have played this game since launch, It's been a roller coaster of a ride. So many players including myself have posted constructive feedback, criticisms, suggestions over the years. We actively play this game and in the purest form that isn't influenced by a controlled test environment.


    The class changes proposed the past few weeks have received very harsh but constructive feedback/criticism with numerous suggestions within their forum posts and class forums. You guys have yet to comment about any of the said feedback about these class changes which makes us believe you don't actually care, the player base is telling you that you're making a mistake and it seems like these changes will go live no matter what in 5.3.

  14. You on the other hand, likely very emotional about your personal favourite when it comes to spec are unable to see how the spec and the fact that it excels in so many areas are hurting the overall community.


    It's a shame really, try to look at this objectively and you will realise that the adjustments to Arsenal make perfect sense. The sustain of the spec is heavily nerfed, because it was way too high before the changes, in particular for a spec which is meant to be a burst spec, an aspect which the spec will retain.


    That's quite the claim about my emotional state about this topic. I'm certain most people that are passionate about the game and about their respective main character/spec would be upset if similar changes were being made to their own class/spec. You are entitled to your opinion of course. However, I believe I wrote a fairly constructive post concerning my thoughts on these changes.


    A number of players have run the numbers and these proposed nerfs place the DPS below BIoware's projected dps range. Also, our DPS wasn't a problem pre 5.0 and the only reason our DPS is on the chopping block is because of the strong DCDs/utilties skills we were given.


    I.O has been a lackluster spec since launch, the rotation is very clunky and the payoff isn't rewarding in both PVE and PVP. If anything I.O rotation needs to be smoother and the dmg boosted.


    As it stands, if these changes go live, then I don't think that the DCDs should be touched otherwise I'll be flinging spitballs while wearing cardboard armor. I'm not saying adjustments aren't needed, just saying that the proposed aren't completely correct either.

  15. Great question! The most important thing you can ever put in feedback is why. Saying that you do or don't like something is helpful, telling us why is invaluable. This way when I am passing feedback on to the team I can highlight not only just sentiment (positive or negative) but also give supporting context for that feeling.




    I truly appreciate the amount of communication in regards to how the team receives/re-acts to feedback. So its my responsibility to provide more in-depth detail when providing feedback. I hope this is a improvement compared to previous posts.


    In regards to the posted Arsenal/Gunnery class changes, I strongly disagree with the posted changes and here is why. Please note I have read all dev posts that have been posted recently concerning how you guys determine numbers/balancing. Below are the possibly upcoming changes to Arsenal Mercs and gunnery commandos.





    Blazing Bolts deals 4.89% less damage and costs 20 heat (up from 16)

    Barrage no longer increases the damage dealt by Blazing Bolts, but still finishes its active cooldown

    Riddle no longer improves Unload

    The critical damage bonus provided by Target Tracking is now 15% (down from 30%)

    Decoy now has 2 charges (down from 5)"


    Overall, I think these nerfs are to harsh. For Target Tracking I would suggest 20% (down from 30%), the changes to Decoy were not really needed. I personally wouldn't mess with blazing bolts or Barrage, however if you have to nerf something then pick only one of these skills to nerf, not both.


    In general, the player base has always felt that the DPS for Arsenal/gunnery is spot on. The real issue began with the introduction of the new Defensive cooldowns. I realize again that utility skills are not being touched in 5.3. My suggestion would be to reduce the number of stacks of trauma regulators and reducing the amount healed and I would reduce the amount healed by Kolto Overload. Responsive Safeguards i wouldn't touch, but if i had to, I would reduce the amount healed or increase the cooldown time.


    My biggest fear is if these DPS nerfs go live and then our DCDs get nerfed, this class will not perform at a competitive level in both PVE and PVP scenarios.


    In conclusion, I ask these following questions: 1) If these DPS nerfs go live and the class begins to really under perform, can we expect DPS Buffs? 2) If you nerf our DCDs in the future, can we expect to see DPS buffs to compensate for loss of survival perks?

  16. I believe the concept about letting mercs keep the crit dmg was due to the fact that we didn't have many survival DCDs pre-5.0. However, majority of the community actually were not complaining about Merc DPS numbers, just the fact that our DCDs were really strong. What I was hoping for was seeing the amount of trauma regulator stacks reduced or the percentage of the healing reduced, same with Kolto Overload-reduce the healing, and honestly responsive safeguards(the reflect) I wouldn't mess with and if anything increase the cooldown on it. These DPS nerfs were a huge blow to this class especially in PVE and I might as well be throwing pillows in PVP.
  17. Yeah, i can't say I'm happy about these changes, these were some very serious DPS nerfs. Just hoping that the feedback is being read and they re-think there approach. At the very least reduce how much they are nerfing, but seriously DPS wasn't the issue people had with us, it was survival abilities. In honest truth, I'm not surprised this seems to be the circle of life in this game. somewhere down the road, they'll go "yeah, arsenal needs buffs to dps"
  18. Hey folks,


    Round 2! Below are the changes planned for Arsenal Merc / Gunnery Commando in Game Update 5.3. Here are the notes from the Combat Team:




    Let us know what you think of the changes coming to Arsenal and Gunnery in GU 5.3. Thanks!


    Strongly disagree with the changes to DPS, you guys simply needed to adjust the healing numbers of the our survival abilities. I think the player community would agree that our DPS was fine it was just that the healing capability of some of DCDs needed to be less. I do not support these DPS changes.

  19. I am expecting a minor nerf on the spike dps, possibly (target lock)...and yes the DCDs. Playing against 4 mercs/mandos is like playing against 8 players. Mainly because some pvp players are too daft to realise when its up you do not hit the commando, then it's an easy kill. But for 6s, you are invulnerable. It is even being used to a large extent in HM/Nim ops, because of how effective it is. I play a mando/merc...we don't need deterrence. Just an absorb shield thing like GS. That would have been fine. This one turned on God Mode. But now that its there, taking it away would be bad press. So BW have really dropped themselves in it here, by not thinking about this.


    I hope Sab/Eng get a nerf as well, the slow in the AOE and dmg is way to effective, you can solo kill 3 mdps very easily.

    Corr/Seer - No idea what they are doing here....but I would say they are the strongest healer in PvP. Ser/Hat, long overdue dps increase needed. Inno. O/Assault Van and Commando...much needed increase changes to action, spike and over all damage. Merc/mando...tbh...too easy to dps high in PvE and too easy to kill ppl in PvP. Not sure what they are going to change here, but be prepared :o


    I also find it funny when people are still attacking me when the shields are up. I think adjustment to the healing numbers of the DCDs or perhaps increasing the cooldowns recovery time would be the best route. Arsenal/Gunnery dps has always been in a good place and I would hate to see that messed with. IO has never been a effective spec in my opinion, the rotation is very clunky with very little pay off dps number wise. But again, my recommendation would be to adjust the cooldown recovery/healing numbers of the DCDs, leave the dps alone for now.

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