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Posts posted by Ballindaroch

  1. Xwing vs. Tie Fighter 2 with a new and original story.


    Setting doesn't matter.


    Single Player

    -Squad based combat for your wing men.

    -RPG elements like being able to improve your fighter, wingman skills.

    -A story line that is effected by the choices you make in battle, kill or capture, inspections, recovering cargo vs. destroying it, escort missions etc. If you fail you don't go back, it just branches the content.



    Multi player

    32 or 64 player team or deathmatch style.

    AND 5-8 person flashpoint style missions

    User creatable content with triggers for events.


    And don't dumb it down for console controls.

  2. Sure it's your choice to click.


    It's also your choice to drive 10 km under the speed limit, no on will force you to do the limit, but should you choose to you will arrive at your destination more quickly.


    It's your choice to drink water over gatorade, and both will hydrate you; but only one replaces lost salts and electrolytes.




    Honestly, the downsides to clicking are:


    -cursor travel time between icons means you activation time between abilities is longer, also it means you can't button mash until the GCD is done. Which means your likely waiting to see the GCD finish.


    -If your looking at your cursor and the icon, your not looking at the game screen, you could miss something!


    -Your likely using your keyboard to turn, which is substantially slower then using your mouse.


    -If your using your mouse your likely to be tab targeting which means your essentially scrolling through target rather then selecting them directly.



    These are all real disadvantages to clicking; you may be a great player clicking, you'd be a god keybinding. It's simply faster, more accurate, and allows you to multi-task better.


    Become a better player, don't just defend the status quo without realizing you really are performing sub-optimally. Name one advantage of clicking?


    Name one advantage of clicking?

  3. There's a sticky at the top of the page.


    Read it.


    Alacrity really only helps in "Oh %$" Moments. Otherwise your spacing your heals anyway to maintain 3/4 ammo. And really SCC and trinkets / adrenals are more effective for those situations anyway.


    I prioritize aim and power. IMO bigger heals is key; alacrity only helps if your free chain casting, and since you have to stand still to do so that's really not realistic in PvP.

  4. I think I just settled that I don't. It's hilarious that people are take GL's word for it when it's plain as day that other characters in the EU are blatantly more powerful than Sidious on virtually every level.




    Sidous is easily the most powerful Sith vis a vis the force, even considering the EU.


    He can summon force storms un-aided, unlike other sith who required relics to accomplish the same feat.


    He can mind wipe some 8 million people in a single instance.


    He hid the presence of the Sith from the entire jedi order, including Yoda. Then pre-cog enough of the future to insure his plans came to fruition, often laying the foundation for a plan decades prior to conclusion.


    He could prevent his spirit from dissolving into the force long enough to transfer his essence into another host.


    He could devour planets.


    While many other sith could perform one of these feats, (often times aided by relics) Palps is afaik the only sith lord able to perform all these feats un-aided.




    Back on topic, I see malgus as an armored vader level Sith lord in terms of fighting power; without the pre-cognition and deep understanding of saber forms (vader was known to have mastered 3 forms prior to adapting his personal style to his suit; and that style incorporated all 7 forms).

  5. Lucas is also an inconsistent hack of a writer with a love for mary sues. Add to that the fact that the movies and the EU exist in separate continuities and nobody cares.


    Maul was a pushover with interpretative dancing as a hobby. He would've done better at ballet than lightsaber combat.


    Also, saying that Darth Sidious is the strongest Sith Lord ever, when we have someone like Lord Vitiate right in front of us.. haha, oh wow.


    Actually is pretty well established that Sidous is the most powerful Sith ever. (If you take GL's word)

  6. That whooshing sound is you not getting the point of this thread.


    Once the match ACTUALLY STARTS, the other team is crushing you and scoring points (either touchdowns in huttball, blowing doors in voidstar, or quickly capped turrets and knocking your ship down). If you allow this 4 v 8 for a whole minute, YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY RECOVER AND WIN THE MATCH NO MATTER HOW MANY PEOPLE QUEUE.


    I would prefer that it be 0 seconds (not enough people, warzone instantly ends) but I am willing to SETTLE For 10 seconds. 60 is moronic and absolutely unacceptable. 120 is just retarded.


    Evidently your server has good pvp queues. On low pop servers many would rather play outmatched then not all; as there aren't many people in Ilum and there's no other way to gain valor.


    I think the best bet would to hold the start of match until there's at least 7 on each side.

  7. It's even more frustrating in a rep vs. rep huttball where the other team has 8 and you have 6... it could've been 7v7...


    But yeah, some method to balance teams when this happens would be great. I'm not sure I like the solution presented because the impact on low pop servers would be un-desirable. If you only got a game every 3 hours, I'd rather play 6v8 then not at all.

  8. I used Jorgan until Vic. When I got Vic I geared him with DPS gear rather then tank gear, used his DPS stance and left his taunts on.


    Worked okay I guess.


    Generally I'd focus on getting 30 charges with hammershot (usually DPS, keep you companion alive as need be), activating supercharge and unload 1 ammo cost charged bolts. Since your gearing as a healer you should end up with some decent alacrity (and first responder) allowing you to spam charged bolts pretty quickly.


    Generally I found levling as healing to be 25% slower then as DPS. Healing took me ~4hrs/level and Gunnery ~3hrs/level.

  9. I enjoy space combat. Why is that some sort of problem for some people here?...




    It's not a problem it's just space combat could've been soooo much more...


    ...X-wing vs. Tie-Fighter - I'm sure the graphics would look terribad today. They couldn't just bust it out and use it. People who whine about the graphics. Once you fix all that, I'm sure the A.I. would have to be reworked. Once you've done that, you've got to build new missions.


    Isn't that what they just did whith Star Fox 64? :rolleyes:


    After all that, you've got a much larger game than the original and I can see that being a problem. I know that, in the past, game developes have had to cut content just to fit it on a DVD...


    It's an MMO.....

  10. Oh please stop this nonsense. Just because WoW has addons doesn't mean that this game will make it JUST like that. Go away troll.


    At least give us a way to manipulate the UI. I run Surround and have NO way to move things on the screen. We do need more bars. Addons are a great thing....because you don't HAVE to use them if you don't want to.


    I would personally like to rearrange my bars, in a grid like my n52e.


    This... so many times this.




    The default raid frames... where you can barely see negative debuffs without actually clicking on them and looking at the target frame.


    I'm sick of re-building bars everytime I respec.


    I hate how the companion bar only expands OVER MY LOWER QUICKBAR thus stopping me from using anything bound there... EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE DIFFERENT BINDS.


    It's silly that companions are such a critical part of the game, yet if I enable Raid frames in Parties option I cannot see them to heal them.


    The UI is freaking horrible. HORRIBLE for healing. Without addressing at least these issues inside the game client Addons will be required.

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