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Posts posted by smore

  1. i see some problems for bh heavy groups in this fp. They need some kind of interrupt.

    We tried it with

    Vanguard tank

    Sage healer (me)

    and 2 Gunnery commandos.


    I say tried because we couldn't complete it. Having rDPS is an advantage but the tank alone couldn't keep up with interrupting everything that needs be (i was too bogged down in healing, between my new UI and class changes) and got overwhelmed by the damage coming from missed interrupts.


    It seems interrupts are everything here, mDPS could/should be manageable as long as they interrupt and get the positioning right.

  2. I find myself using Benevolence instead of Deliverance now, with the new crit mechanic it heals for 3400(ish) for me, that seems decent enough.


    Still, i will probably rely on Salvation a little bit more than before the patch, simply because it's the most effective one if the group can afford to stay in its range.


    Testing the new setup in Ops has to wait because we everyone was too busy yesterday with their new shinies...

  3. Every time we've tried to use it, it has bugged out a loot item here and there. The master looter tries to send an item to the person who won the /roll, but it just permanently stays on the corpse or in the chest. This has happened to us both before and after they supposedly 'fixed' master looter. We have lost important Rakata drops that people needed thanks to this broken master looter system. And the CS were unwilling or unable to help.

    We had this a few times...with a very simple solution: we went closer to the ML and on second attempt the loot got delivered just fine. Or maybe we're talking about different problems. If it's 2 different issues, i've never encountered the one you describe.

  4. So you're saying the legacy is a mandatory feature?

    I thought it was optional, might have read wrong then.


    BTW I don't want to write down a legacy name that won't fit my character even if hidden because it's still there and has no ties at all with my character ; even less if I'm going to get stuck with it. Now, how about they implement new species/classes and then you find your non changeable legacy name not fitting at all?


    This mandatory system in its actual state is being thrown into our throats. The popup is a pain.

    This would have never passed the QA in LotRo, Rift, WoW.

    Another thing that would have been avoided in the above games is you could not have 2 male characters linked as spouse... (I find it kind of funny though).


    I'm just asking for 2 very simple things

    1. Do not oblige us to write down a legacy name to get rid of the popup
    2. Allow players to have different last names for their characters

    It's not even hard nor costly to implement.

    If you see it from that perspective, yes, it apparently is a mandatory feature. BUT then if you accept it as such (whether or not you do is another discussion), the popup makes absolute sense. I guess it's a matter of perception.

    As for passing QA/testing*...if something complies to the design document, it will pass QA, regardless if the player (in this case, you and others who may feel the same way) likes it or not.


    To the bullets in the list:

    - i guess under the assumption of Legacy being 'mandatory', they have every right to oblige you to choose a legacy name. I know this is probably an insufficient answer to you, however.

    - the last name thing may be harder than you think, all sorts of questions can pop up with it's implementation:

    • Would it be mandatory or optional?
    • Do you allow players to add/change the last name after the character has been created?
    • How do you handle first and last names on the database level from the perspective of uniqueness of names?
    • possibly others that don't come to my mind - i'm no MMO dev :)


    The answers to the above questions may seem easy - admittedly even i can come up with some - but their implementation can be more complicated than we think, especially considering that we don't know how the underlying database is set up. In that light, adding different surnames it's probably a whole lot more complicated than, say, the legacy race unlocks.


    While we are at it, are there any other MMOs out there that even have full-blown last names implemented? I've played LoTRO and Rift and i'm sure none of the two has last names - or didn't when i last logged in/created a character.


    As with almost every game system in almost every game, Legacy and its implementation can not and will not please everyone. That does not mean that the implementation is perfect but it doesn't mean that there's a way of handling it which would be better for everyone. The developers make a decision (right or wrong) and the players have to find a way to handle it.


    *Please note that i'm using testing and QA as interchangeable terms here since i understand most everyone in the US does the same. If we tread testing and QA as two different things then i may even agree with you that an overly obtrusive popup might not be considered "quality".

  5. @Couch_Goblin: there's no predetermined 'healer' or 'DPS' gear drops in ops, at least none that would be worth a forum post - "real" gear comes in form of tokens which you can trade in for your flavour of choice at the appropriate trader.


    @BlackMink: what's the problem with Master Looter? We've never had any issue with it, ever. Have we just gotten lucky or...?

    Your suggestion could work but it seems a wee bit too complicated to me (plus it's really just a glorified interface for Master Looter). Why don't just use ML and have the potentially interested people /roll on individual pieces?

    For us it works like this:

    - roll for Need (only the classes that can actually use the piece)

    - if no one wants, roll for companions/mod extraction (anyone)

    - if there's still no one interested, assign to random Ops member


    But then again, that's under the assumption that ML works (which it does, in our runs). So, what's the issue with ML? :)

    • Do not want to be bothered with the enter your legacy name popup anymore.

    Enter a damn legacy name and forget about it.

    • Do not want to have a legacy name.

    Hide it under social options and none's the wiser.

    • Do not want all characters to be linked.

    Do not link them in the family tree.


    There, problem solved and it's still only 8.30am.


    The Legacy system is an arbitrary game system, which is by no means perfect but it's in the game for people who like such things. If you don't, it's very easy to ignore it and go about your business. I wouldn't expect the developers to allow players to "turn off" features if so they please because they "do not want".

  6. Yet another opinion from the "there's enough" crowd:


    - i don't PvP. At all.

    - have skipped about half the flashpoints during leveling my first character (skipped all of them on the second so far)

    - am doing the space dailies

    - now the fun part: on my "main" i skipped (during leveling, i did some of these afterwards):

    > the Nar Shaddaa bonus series

    > all heroic quests after Tatooine

    > the whole Alderaan, except the first zone and the class chain

    > the whole Balmorra, except the first two quest hubs and the class chain

    > Hoth bonus series

    > Voss bonus series

    - hit 50 when i was less than halfway done on Corellia


    On my second (actively leveled) character i did more space missions and skipped

    - all of Taris, after the first quest hub

    - Nar Shaddaa bonus series

    - Tatooine, save for the first quest hub and class chain

    - Alderaan, save for the first quest hub and class chain


    I'm currently lvl36 on Balmorra, based on the map i think i'm about 65-70% done.


    You seem to be doing something wrong, OP.

  7. How often do you find yourself spamming that one big heal? That's the only situation in which alacrity is any real benefit. One you start mixing in your other heals, the value of alacrity drops off significantly, especially in any encounter that stresses resource management over throughput.

    The whole idea that there are resource management problems with higher alacrity is just ridiculous. People should realize that the overall 'required healing' doesn't change based on the healer's alacrity. If one's not overhealing, with higher alacrity (s)he can provide the same amount of healing as without it, except do it faster.

    Then, there's more time to regen, add a 'cycle' for Noble Sacrifice or whatever one wants to do. Resource management problems don't exist for a lvl50 Sage, no matter how fast (s)he can fire off those heals.

  8. Wow, it seems we've found a set that isn't in any of the databases. There's a blue version floating around too, which means it might be the Sund teech aristocrats shirt. Thanks for the help!


    Btw, is this an orange robe?


    All "Aristocrat's" pieces share the same model, they are pretty common on the AH. Unfortunately, i haven't been able to find any that is moddable, even though a set of "Aristocrat's" moddable items seems to be in the game client (the icons don't match with those of the unmoddable items currently in live):






    From the looks of the icons, these seem to be the same as the Muse vestments pieces, except with inverted colour scheme. Am confused.

  9. I recommend letting people know you're about to do them if you're engaging in conversation because you lose the chat window while in space (nobody can hear you scream) and it's easy for messages to get buried in exp spam if you use the general settings for your chat tab.


    It is possible to have the chat window while on the space missions, just hover your mouse over the area the chat normally is and you'll see it's frame. In the upper left corner there is a triangle which toggles the chat. You may need to click it a few times but it will work.


    Fair warning: if you have chat toggled on, you cannot target enemies through it (it "steals" focus if you go over it with your cursor).

  10. A little update: checking the GTN every day, it seems this model is fairly common.

    All "Aristocrat's" pieces have the same looks, most of them with green ornaments instead of the blue in the screenshots. Some "demicot" pieces fit our needs as well.


    The bad news: no custom version of these could be found so far. If anyone sees/has it, please post so we know what to look for. Thanks!


    @NiteFlyer: while you'd be the most stylish Trooper there is, i'm afraid you'd suffer on the armour side of things - this is light armour.

  11. It's funny that you feel you get to say whether people should receive a tool that allows them to quickly and easily organise a flashpoint. :)


    If you play on a server where every general chat request for a flashpoint is followed by instantaneous plea's for invites then congratulations.


    For me, despite being on a server that is full most of the day, people's requests for groups tend to be greeted with, "can you please stop that *********** spam, nobody wants to play with you". (I hasten to add this is not aimed at me, but have seen it often enough.)


    By the way, not only WoW operates an LFG, it is fairly common place.


    I don't PvP, so should I campaign for PvP to be removed from the game as it doesn't agree with my playstyle?

    You misunderstand. :)

    Unlike the poster i responded to, i did *not* state that my opinion is the universal truth. I merely wrote that the systems in place can be used and with success, while centering the post around one of those systems - the chat. I did *not* say anything if players should or should not receive whatever tool they desire. As i *did* say in an earlier post in this thread, i'm all for options, as long as they don't lead to the symptoms myself and some others have described in relation to an LFG system.

    For all i'm concerned, what we have currently can and does work.


    Unlike you, i did *not* mention WoW. I had no reason to, i never played it and i never compared any other game to it.


    If you happen to play on a server which is occupied by a lot of players whose main perception of fun is to insult each other in chat, i'm sorry to hear that and i sincerely recommend that you change servers once they activate server transfers.

    If you happen to play on the EU side, you may want to give Hydian Way a go, i get an overall good vibe of the community here. Not saying that its absolutely free of idiots but they seem to be in the minority - or hiding well.

  12. ..

    We need a better way to find groups, this is not open to debate.


    It's funny you feel you get to say what is or isn't open to debate. :)


    Automated tools throwing people together based on Yoda-knows-what criteria are. not. the. norm.


    I keep hearing that people remind each other of the meaning of the "MM" part of MMORPG.

    Said "MM" aka Massively Multiplayer, for all purposes and intentions, does *not* equal having an automated LFG feature, getting ported to an instance, running through it without a word then dropping out. Now i know this wouldn't necessarily happen but i can absolutely identify with how it is now, and have experienced no problems whatsoever while trying to find the groups for whatever content.


    The ultimate tool to find groups is...to look for them. Like, talking to people. Old concept i know but it totally works.

  13. The moment people require external evidence proving that they

    broke CC/didn't interrupt/did get heals/took avoidable damage/what have you, is the moment you know the group is doomed and you might as well give up.


    If you require external evidence to prove a point, not being able to do it without, you are doing it wrong.


    I'd like a combat log, and a good parser to it, but not at the cost of people starting to argue over it in my groups. Learn to communicate with people. If someone can't admit to his/her fault - if there's any - without demanding cold hard numbers, that's not a person i'd like to see in my party/operation/guild.


    Also, can we please cut the references of WoW and whatever addons it has? Not having played that game, i'm getting sick of actually having to learn about it - and its addons! - on the TOR official forums.


    We are not in Azeroth any more. :p

  14. Yes i got a white chestpiece on Nar Shaddaa, the same model but different texture and completely sans those blue ornaments.

    So far there's been no matching lower robe or gloves and the chestpiece seems to clip a bit with lower robes from other sets.


    In any case, thanks for the input, i understand it would definitely be helpful for someone going after the "general looks" of this armour model.


    Still looking; if anyone has information, please do share! :)


    Edit: definitely not the Elegant set, either. Much to my sadness, i might add. It'd have been nice and easy. :(

  15. Honestly expected this to be a rage thread and...got surprised. Props to you OP :)


    Will try to chime in on the point(s) i don't get/disagree with, if you don't mind.

    1. Where are your customer relations people!? Tons of questions are asked on the forums daily and I never see any GM/DEV/CR/anything answering these questions. Look at some of the games out there that have a good customer to developer communication, and you will see that communication is the key to having a good player base relationship/forgiving relationship.

    I think this is slightly unfair. It is the launch week, emerging bugs get hammered back to order, account issues are being worked on. The fact that they don't post an acknowledgment in every thread doesn't mean that they are not listening. The issues brought up are being addressed in patch etc. Give it a little time...there's only so many hours a day, and i'm sure some of the devs/live team members have slept less in the last few days than their players. :)


    4. Flashpoint loot problems. Some FPs have loot that is auto-looted by one of the members and nobody else can have a crack at it, any plans on fixing this?

    I'm not aware of this problem...would you care to link to a thread where it's discussed? Done every flashpoint up level 30 (i know, i'm slow! :D) and haven't encountered this issue.

    5. When and with what are you going to be updating the CE/Security vendors with? A lot of people are upset with the VIP lounge after you hyped it up so much... what are the plans exactly for implementing new content to these areas.

    I don't own the CE so only saw the vendor's offer in screenshots. Still, i disagree with the demand of getting more stuff on them too often, and especially with that of getting to know the plans. No, we do not need to know the exact plans, we need to get a notification line in patch notes, at best. CE owners get all their goodies, plus area for their own in the game. In my opinion, that's a reward by itself.

    Why not be content with the amount of special things you are given and let them roll out stuff for everyone?

    6. Chat Bug. Are you aware of it? Randomly people will not be able to read/talk in group chat, or general chat etc unless they relog. This is extremely annoying, is there a fix planned?

    Again, something i have not experienced, not in beta, nor in EGA/live. I'm not in the know! :)


    7. UI tweaking. There is some decent options available now, but a pretty legitimate complaint is that the text size is not adjustable on anything but the general chat box. For those on certain monitors/TVs, it makes reading quest logs, tool tips, anything else really ahrd to read. Also the ability to have better placement/manual placement of the hotkey bars.

    While we are at it, throw in more hotbars, adaptive target-of-target casting, the ability to actually view the target's target (the UI feels very "stiff") and keybinds for target marking. Then i'll be an even happier Miraluka. ;)

    8. A easier way to find groups. Having to spam in /1 is quite annoying to everyone in the zone, let alone those looking for a group. And noobdy seems to use that actual "Flag yourself for group" option because it's not very successful. I would like to do flashpoints, but I'm not going to waste 30 minutes sitting in the fleet spamming /1 that I am looking for a group. Some kind of way to have a global search/group finder would be nice.

    Personally i enjoy the group-finding "minigame" and literally always got enough people in 3 minutes tops. I understand that i might be minority, just hope they manage to come up with something which keeps the "looking for group" thing close and personal. It's nice to be interacting with people.


    Hope you don't mind my points, OP :)

  16. Hello fellow Consulars!

    the title says it all, i'm trying to hunt down the lovely outfit the Mirialan Consular wears in the Launch Documentary.


    If you don't know which one i'm talking about, please see the pictures here:





    It really seems to be a complete set of upper/lower robe and matching gloves. Looked on all vendors on Carrick station as well as on planets up till Tatooine, so far to no avail. I'm pretty sure they are not quest rewards (not from quests below lvl30ish) but nothing's 100%, i just hope my assumption's correct.



    Any and all help would result in +150 Light Side points as well as +46 Affliction points with Qyzen who'd like his Herald to have this outfit. He keeps bothering me about it all day... I can't take it any more!


    Please save me! Thanks a lot!

  17. I'm only lvl32 right now so obviously have no ieda how it goes at 50 but in my experience the beginning of healing as a Sage begins pretty rough, then from about lvl24-25 upwards it gets gradually easier.


    I didn't play the other game everyone keeps referencing but i've got a feeling that if it's even easier to heal over there, it must be a sub-par "training ground".


    Edit: combat feels responsive enough (to me, anyway), thank you. :)


    Edit 2: while i consider the guide linked earlier a great write-up, i disagree with the idea of spending the first 5 points in Telekinetics. Did that in beta and my early healing performance felt greatly gimped, one of the reasons (among others) being getting Rejuvenate later. In my preference, the Telekinetics points get assigned after Rejuvenate and the associated talents are locked down.

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