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Posts posted by gamafarr

  1. Actuall the title is just that .


    In game you will get and mail giving you the title . When you finish the class quest you get new titles you can put in front of your name .


    Don't worry about it . You should think more about the names you will be using for your avatars .


    You will not be able to change the name unless you make a new character . Your 40 , you spent several weeks doing all the quest, then you look are you name and it look's lame . You get a major surprise .


    Also one more thing , depending on your game experience , try to get into a guild . The bigger the guild the more help you will get when playing . Small guilds tend to be hard core .

  2. I just chose the wrong one confusing the names for the descriptions. Stupid me. Will a GM ticket help?


    You got 2 choices




    Start a new avatar . Not as bad as it sound just 10 level so 1 days or 2 . You know the story and all the quest .




    Keep it and try to enjoy it .



    If I made this type of mistake and I was sure I would not enjoy . I would start a new one . You have all the time in the world , so do one you will like .

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