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Posts posted by Skili

  1. All my characters are female and my great beard tend to say i'm a men.


    Why do i play female toons ? Many reasons.


    • Eye candy : this is very rare for me to be able to make a male character looking "okay". They always look ugly to me. Maybe it's because i find mens ugly in real life too (myslef included). So, when i do not want to look at an ugly character all the time, i play female ones (and no, i don't talk about the rear side of the characters, even if it counts).
    • Old habit : When i was playing "console" games where you do not create a character but have the possibility to choose one between others, like Street Fighter for instance, i was always looking for speed built characters. And males tend to be slow and powerful characters when womens tend to be the light hitting but fast ones. So i was almost always playing girls characters because it was fitting with my play style. Nothing less, nothing more. And after few years, i was'nt thinking anymore. Choose a character : girl. Even if there is no differences with males.
    • Roleplay perspective : I'm a man 100% of the time. Why should i be a male in games too ? For the romance stuff ? Lesbianism is the answer. :D

  2. The relaxed Jumpsuit is a very cool outfit, i must admit.


    But for me, the very best new item is the Toothpick. My smuggler LOOOOOVEs it. Really. Very nice thing. Small, discreet but still very cool. But i guess every smuggler oriented stuff will always be good for me. :D

  3. We won't have wookies. Never. Like or not, it's a fact.


    They already stated on two things about why whe can't have more "exotic" playable races : "basic speakers" and "non-clipping-thru-stuff-thingies".


    For instance, i really wanted a Togruta character. But given the fact that they already cannot handle the twi-leks lekkus properly, i guess i understand why they did not give us the Togrutas and their gigantic head tentacles. And the problem is even greater with wookies and armors : They can probably do the same thing dome with Bowdaar : the armors just does not show up but damn, a very big part of an mmo is stuffing your character. What's the point if the equipped armors are invisible ?


    So it's already narrowing down the possibilities. Then whe have the "basic" thing. Someone said that Chewie wasn't boring us with his gibberish in the movies. Yes. But first, he did not "speak" very much and all his "phrases" where different. In the game, they have just a few huttese or Wookie generic phrases played randomly. Asking a non basic speaking character means that they will have to record more of those and "dump" all the wonderfull work done by the voice actors for these races. Losing all emotions in the dialogues in the process. And given that the dialogues are one of the key features of the game, they won't let us play non basic speaking characters.


    Taking in consideration the dialogue problem, it leads to another restriction for available races : animations. It may be not the case for all classes but on the smuggler one, the character use a lot of facial animations designed specifically to fit in the dialogues. Sometimes even responding just with a grin. Those animations won't work on more exotic faces (think Keldor, Wookie or Rodian for instance). So either whe play those storylines without the cool facial animations, or they have to do specific new animations for thoses races. Wich is not cheap to do. So they won't.


    Finally, whe have a tiny specific problem not everyone will be interested in : the romances. Im may not have a lot of imagination but i have difficulties to portay a Keldor kissing the poor Kira. :D


    In substance. Yes, the races we have for now are not very inspiring. But given the restrictions of the game. We can't ask for much more. The Cathar, if they are released some day, will already give us a bit more variety.

  4. The worst planets for me are easy : Taris (as everyone else) and Voss.


    I may be the only one but i HATE Voss with a passion... I dislike the scenery, i dislike the quests, i HATE the awfully long time it take to complete this awful planet quest lines... Voss is my Nemesis. I have 4 characters stuck just before Voss because i do not have the strength to go trough... In fact i think it's because when entering Voss, i'm leaving Star Wars to go to World of Worstcraft. Going from a scy-fy mmo to a Fantasy one. In my opinion, this planet have nothing to do in here. But that's my opinion.



    For my favorites planets well... It harder to tell... I really like the forests parts of Belsavis but hated the snow parts so... Well... Special case. I really like Balmora, imp or rep equally. Ord Mantell is also a very good one. But... Well... Tatooine is probably the best planet for my taste i'd say. Don't really know why though....

  5. Well... Yes, GS need a heavy use of cover. We are essentially turrets.


    But as we level up, we get tools and buffs making the use of cover much more smooth and quick. It will never be as quick and dynamic than a Sentinel for instance but it is a very enjoyable gameplay, very tactic.


    But yes, we are essentially turrets. I think the Dirty Fighting spec is less cover based but it's more a PvP spec : applying dots while running around.

  6. Well, all i want for high end armors is subtility.


    Less bulky pointy things and more simple and elegant outfits with detailed textures, carvings, embroidery, those kind of stuff.


    The only one MMo i know who did right with the high-end armors (at least when i was still playing it last year) was Age Of Conan. The armors were very detailed but a bit neutral, looking really nice and cool but blend easily in the rest of the game.


    The fact is, the 50 purple armors of SWTOR are every thing but "subtle" or "refined". Sure, when we see someone in rakata gear, whe KNOW he is wearing a Rakata set. But did he fits visually in the universe ? Not so sure...



    Being a smuggler, i can only speak for myself but all i want is to have a Han Solo feel in my look, not a Lando Calrissian look or cowboy look (moreover, the cowboy dusters clips through my Lekkus, think a little bit more of the Twi'leks please !). So, less capes, less dusters and more... Well...


    This or this.


    Simple, functionnal, cool looking and "neutral". That's all i want...


    To be honest, i saw a little bit of improvement in the smuggler 1.2 sets. But it's still not what i want... And the Jedi sets are just well... I don't want to play my jedi characters anymore because of those... Jedi should be jedis, not clowns... But that's just my opinion...

  7. Si tu choisis Franc-tireur, tu auras le choix pour te spécialiser en "dégâts longue distance avec flingues" ou "dégâts longue distance avec explosifs". Dans tous les cas un franc-tireur seras là pour faire un max de dégâts en restant en couverture assez loin du combat.


    Si tu choisis Malfrat, tu auras la choix pour te spécialiser en "dégâts courte distance avec furtivité" ou "soins". Donc là, tu as plus de choix sur ce que tu peux faire.


    Voilà en gros ce que tu peux faire avec un contrebandier.


    Après, je dirais que le malfrat est probablement le plus adapté au pvp puisque plus flexible et moins statique. Cela dit, un franc-tireur restant normalement assez loin de la mêlée, il est tout a fait probable que les joueurs adverses l'ignorent et donc le laissent les zigouiller tranquillement.



    Niveau retours d'expérience, j'ai juste un Franc-tireur spé flingues avec lequel je m'amuse comme un fou. Les attaques sont bien bourrines et le fait de devoir toujours chercher une couverture a exploiter rend les combat assez tactiques je trouve. Certains n'aimeront probablement pas mais moi j'adore. Après, je n'ai pas comparé avec l'autre spé ou avec le malfrat donc bon... Et je ne fait pas de encore pvp.


    J'espère que j'aurais pu au moins un peu t'éclairer.

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