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Posts posted by KingHenryXXi

  1. Sorry if asked before, but are there plans to up the resolution of certain UI elements, like the character tab and inspect tab? When viewing the character screen, the graphics are very low quality and jagged.


    Secondly, are there going to be further improvements to the client to reduce lag in Ilum or high PVP action? Right now with a very modern built rig of mine, I'm getting 15fps in Ilum, in about 30v30 action.

  2. You guys need to take a step back and ask WHY people are going to the Empire side.


    Simply redoing the story MIGHT make some make an alt. But I know many players want to have empire character because they like the darkside of the force (lightning) and the baddies.


    I personally hope they do not change the rep side, I do NOT want them give a jedi force lightning and the ability to use the dark side.


    Every single person I know (and every major Guild I know) plays Horde in WoW. Blizzard still has faction balancing issues.

    Seriously, everybody I ask says that the rep side is too "goody goody".....which Jedi's are supposed to be the good guys.


    You cannot force people to play good guys if they want to play evil ones!


    And that sample size of people you know represents the entire WoW population how? WoW is probably the MOST balanced MMO with split factions and both sides have professional guilds that are neck and neck in progression. SWTOR is horribly unbalanced population-wise and on top of that, certain "coincidental" bugs and gameplay imbalances favor Empire.

  3. Not going to read everything but bumping this post, because it IS a gamebreaking issue no matter WHAT you do in this game, whether its PvP, PvE, or collect Pokemon pets to battle. Its something that should be fixed or addressed immediately.


    Anyone who says this is a problem for PvP 'elitists' only is horribly misinformed.

  4. At this point I think its wayyyy too early to name a server a 'solid' choice or 'THE' place to be for PvP (like in the fatman thread). If anyone here was a PvPer in WoW, so far if Fatman is the Blackrock for pvp, then hopefully Dark Reaper can become the Cho'gall. Either way,we aren't trying to claim Dark Reaper as the best of anything, more so just trying to get any potential pvpers to come to Dark Reaper so we can build a great community.
  5. I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


    Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



    No thanks!









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