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Posts posted by Jageera

  1. 2/33/11 can be fun for PVP, though it's weaker than a full spec in most situations. I'm a huge fan of Zealous Leap, especially in Huttball and in combating Snipers. Momentum and Swift Slash also translate well with Vig's core talents.


    That being said, Zen Strike is the cornerstone to Vigilance and you'd be drastically affecting an already poor RNG situation by skipping Plasma Brand. You'd also be forced to miss a couple talent choices in Vig that affect important things like focus generation, accuracy, or dots.


    There is absolutely no viable way to make a hybrid spec with Focus as the primary tree whatsoever.

  2. 1. How do you think your Guardian spec is perceived by other classes?
    I'm Focus and well geared. Nobody is happy with 6k Sweep crits. People think it's OP, but don't consider health pools in War Hero gear. We have no Unremitting, so we don't make people absolutely abhor us in Huttball, even with Guardian Leap.

    2. How do you perceive your own spec?
    It can be clunky at times. All the focus on Slash is ridiculous and makes me scoff at the decision to remove Zephyr. I still don't use Slash at all... ever. Focus Sentinels do our job better, minus the taunts.... it's aggravating.
  3. Okay, I'd like a little clarification here. I just rolled a Vigilance Guardian because I wanted a 1v1 PvP spec specifically designed to kill healers (and I'm NOT rolling a Sentinel - :D).


    WIth that in mind, would I be better off taking Plasma Brand, Warding Call, or Zealous Leap? And if you guys could provide your reasons, I would greatly appreciate your time.


    Thanks in advance!

    If it's specifically designed to 1v1 healers, then take Warding Call out of the question. The other two will win by far. If you're thinking more realistically, taking on a healer isn't 1v1 very often.


    If you're looking for straight out DPS, not thinking of Guard or tanking outside of taunts during matches, then it's your preference between Plasma Brand and Zealous Leap. Both have their pros and their cons. Ultimately it's your decision. I'd choose Zealous Leap, myself. Plasma Brand burns through armor.... however the only healer that benefits from any degree of armor is Mercenary/Commando. It's also considered a Force Attack and thus gets no benefit from Single Saber Mastery. Zealous Leap gives a third leap and comes with all benefits, sans the 30m range. It's also 3 focus.


    Losing Plasma Brand, allows you to drop Sunder Throw, giving you 3 spare talent points. The hard part is that getting to Zealous Leap, you can only afford two points into Defense. This makes you give you up Momentum... or Victory Rush, if Momentum's that important to you. Insight and Swelling Winds will make your free Force Sweeps better and faster.


    There are plenty of other posts in this thread explaining the viability of Plasma Brand.


    Picking up Warding Call will make you the best ball carrier in the game for Huttball. But you'll have to be prepared to act like a tank in the other three warzones. Else you won't be getting the full benefit from your spec.

  4. I've never been a fan, myself. Though, to be truthful, I've always been a fan of Hybrid tank over pure DPS Vig for PVP.


    5 Focus required for an attack that doesn't hit hard at all. The only way to get the full benefit from that five focus is to let the dot tick through its duration.

    No talents augment PB, aside from its CD.

    The talents that make it augment other attacks are shared with Overhead Smash, which has the same CD as PB.

    Vig is a melee DPS spec and without augmenting talents (like Blade Storm has), PB just doesn't fit in with the spec.


    Really, if Blade Rush and Zen Strike didn't include OHS, then Plasma Brand would be necessary but still bad. In my experience playing Vig and Hybrid throughout 1.2, I seemed to have more Zen Strike procs without Plasma Brand than I did with it. A guildy who respecs very often had the same experience. The only real pro regarding PB is that it's unmitigated by armor.


    Personally, I'd take Zealous Leap over Plasma Brand. At least SSM affects it in Shien Form and it allows you to leap to Snipers in cover.

  5. By what? A hundred forum posts? I can understand that you personally favor sentinels and marauders but don't let that fool you into thinking they are a much more attractive class. They are a much more attractive class than a Guardian if you prefer to have three damage specializations, that much is true.
    It's three specs that are all very good in a PVP environment, which cannot be said for the Guardian. One of the Guardian's trees has been garbage since the class was programmed. DPS Vig wasn't viable until 1.2; just before 1.2, PVP Guardians were pigeon-holed into Focus or Hyrbid tank. Now, DPS Vig is catching up (but still behind), Hyrbid Tank isn't as good (but still very viable), and Defense is even worse than it was.


    Compare that three very, very, very good trees that all DPS like crazy and are not broken in the least in the Sentinel. (And yeah, Combat was bugged and broken pre-1.2, but not garbage) Oh yeah, and they have 3 AC-wide defensive CDs to the Guardian's 1. Transcendence and Inspiration easily make up for tanking mechanics and friendly leap, imo, but that's subjective.


    However, nothing beats a Guardian in Huttball. Especially if said Guardian has Unremitting. :t_wink:

  6. You said your smashs went up by 500-1000 damage on average. That is plainly impossible just by changing from Str to Power augs per the math I showed you.
    The Strength coefficient is .2, not .21. Either way, the bonus damage increase is still insignificant. Beside that, if you get Perseverance, the difference is even smaller. We have more than enough power from mods. Substituting main stat, which isn't subject to diminishing returns for bonus damage (Power isn't either), for a secondary stat is silly.


    It's best to go strength for augments.

  7. Both the Vigilance and Focus trees can be fun in their own right. Vigilance is a little better at single-target DPS, it's inherently more "tanky" than Focus, and it has better focus management. It won't do near the DPS numbers of Focus in PVP, due to big sweep crits. Unremitting is one of the best talents in the game, accessible at 12 points into the Vigilance tree.


    If you're just wanting DPS numbers, go Focus.

  8. Actually the burst is closer together, you can do a full singularity stack sweep every 12 seconds, where as pre 1.2 you would run into gaps between your x4 singularity sweeps, not to mention post 1.2 offers an instant 4 stack which basically enables you to do 2 full stack sweeps in a 12 second period


    I'm willing to bet that people weren't even sweeping nearly as often as they are now because of this


    As far as swelling winds getting nerfed by 10%, you have to also remember that it was moved into the focus tree which gave us extra talent points, they also gave cyclone slash 20% boost which helps make up for a little bit of the damage, and they've now put a 6% force damage bonus into the vig tree, there was also a boost to expertise


    Also post 1.2 offers the ability of viable focus hybrid builds where you can pick up tier 3 talents and still do max damage sweeps, and up until 1.3 you could actually pick up purifying sweep and do even more damage


    That doesn't include the buffs we were given along with these so called "nerfs"


    I also agree that zeph slash is kinda redundant it would be a lot nicer if they removed the stance restriction from it

    Yeah, it was a buff for the long term. 1.2 also came with Expertise redesign, where DPS across the board became glass. Long fights aren't nearly as frequent as they were pre-1.2, these days. So for the short term, it was a hard hit. But the worst part came that it also affected any force ability's cooldown. That's Sweep, Stasis (by 13!!!!!! seconds), Blade Storm, Exhaustion, and Force Push that all became that much less accessible. Focused Defense, which is a garbage PVE CD unless you spec Vig (though it's still mediocre as Vig), didn't answer the survivability problem that they said they were addressing.


    I understand there were a few neat new things they did to help our QoL, but I can't possibly think that it was a buff in any way. All things considered, with the gear that's available now, Focus would be way OP if they didn't nerf Focus.

  9. so basically not only were we not "nerfed into the ground" but actually got buffed
    That's not a buff. They made it more manageable, but made the burst a little further apart. Beside that, we lost 10% in Sweep damage from talents, lots 3-13 seconds increases in CDs other than Sweep, and had shit talents replace the ones that were moved out of the tree or cut. Though, I suppose the Inner Focus change makes up for the Zephyrean Slash and Through Peace garbage.
  10. Care to elaborate a bit more? To my knowledge for Focus you don't need any acc or crit on your gear. You only stack power/surge as much as possible. Crit is useless since you get get 100% crit after force/zealous leap and accuracy isn't needed for force attacks (that are your only damage) since it's over 100% with 0 accuracy on your gear.
    Exhaustion and Master Strike contribute significantly more to our DPS now than they did before all this extra bonus damage and the change to Master Focus was added in 1.3. A couple parses will show it.

    As for Vigilance, I'm trying to switch to it but since my gear being Focus oriented it has proven very VERY underwhelming. I need to revert some mods/ench (to reach 25% crit unbuffed) and definitively switch all my overkill augs into might so I can hit the 1900 strength mark (1600ish currently).


    What baffles me is why with my current gear (620 power / 79%surge / 18% crit / 1100max damage). Vigilance feels terrible and under-performs to a point I feel like I'm in recruit (I'm full WL modded with 61mods/ench).

    Yeah, all that power is great, but Vigilance revolves around melee DPS. Force attacks have more crit built into it (an additional one inherently and Willpower), especially in the Focus tree where you have an additional 6% from a tier 1 talent. You can get away with stacking power in Focus because of it, since Blade Storm and Exhaustion don't pull from the melee crit chance.

    It's either my very low crit, poor accuracy, wrong build or wrong rotation although I don't think so. Any input is appreciated.
    It's a combination of the crit and the accuracy. Melee requires more than Force on both counts.

    EDIT: You say " you want 30% crit, 75% crit modifier, and 98-100% melee accuracy". Are those stats realistic in PvP armor with power being at acceptable levels? Those stats mean you need to change every single mod/ench into crit/acc which leaves no room for power at all. How are you going to compensate?
    Nah, it's pretty easily attainable in War Hero. Remember, mods come crit/acc-power/acc and crit/surge-power/surge. If you've got all might augs, that's another 1.76% to crit. To have to be clever with mods swapping and you'll be able to fit reasonable amounts of Power in there. Just remember that Surge raises drastically in diminishing returns beyond 75%, so balancing the Accuracy between Power and Crit will be easy. It'll be easy for you to replace all the extra surge you have into Accuracy.
  11. Or, may it be possible, that Guardians are fine and people need to stop QQing and learn their class/the game? Ever consider that option?
    Guardians are fine. The only part of Guardian that hasn't been fine is the Defense tree. I'm not QQing and know the game well enough. Doesn't keep me from being realistic about this particular dueling scenario. Sent's just got the edge in this battle.
  12. I hear that alot but wouldn't strength be better because you can replace some crit mods with power and + wouldn't you get a bigger bonus because of the strength talent
    No, you wouldn't get a bigger bonus. It's only a difference of about 4 bonus damage after all 14 augment slots, but Power gives you more even with the strength talent. The crit benefit from 14 slots amounts to somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.76% crit from Strength. So it'd be a safe bet to forgo that 4 bonus damage for the extra dollar and three quarters crit.
  13. I don't understand how people are losing 1v1 so much. On my Guardian, I only know of one sentinel that I can't beat in a duel 1v1 on a consistent basis (I still beat him about 30% of the time.)


    Edit: This is out of WZs, so in WZs, I would have the benefit of having a WZ medpac which heals based on a percentage. So, with enure activate, it heals me for about 7.5k. This is much better than the rakata medpac, and would probably allow me to beat the said sentinel consistently. This is evidenced by the fact that I win the vast majority of my fights against sents/maruaders in WZs.

    In other words, there's one decent Sentinel on your server. We've said it all over that most Sents are garbage.
  14. All Guardian specs are late bloomers. Things start coming together for Focus around 29-31, when you get Singularity and Felling Blow. It further gets better at 37 when you max out Focused Resonance, and finds it own finally when you hit 40 with Exhaustion.
  15. If ur talking about a duel, again we can agree to disagree.
    That's a different Twilek.
    But if you're talking raw damage output in a WZ. You sir are dead wrong. Focus Guardians will always beat sents / mara's on meters in WZs given similar gear / skill. Simply due to the type of damage they deal. When every 12 secs i can AoE crit 5 people for 5-7k sents / mara's just cant match that kind of damage. Unless we're talking huttball.
    You do realize that Sentinels can spec Focus, right? In fact, most good Sents go Focus for Rated. The difference in damage is their offhand damage on melee hits and our 10% bonus for a couple seconds after Leap from PVP gear. Otherwise, it's exactly the same.


    Oh, and another thing about Focus Guardians vs. Focus Sentinels: as I've mentioned several times before, all good Sentinels pick up Defensive Roll. This gives good Sentinels autowin vs. Focus Guardians.

  16. It's the last part of them set that I need. I need to know what enemies drop it. I'm struggling to find the information online. Ideally, I want to know which mobs drop it and where they are, rather than just telling me which planets to look for it on.


    Thanks for any help you can provide!

    They drop from any 40-48 blue lockbox or randomly off of 41-50 world mobs at a rather lousy rate. There's no specific mobs or zone. It's a world drop and, thusly, rare. Get Kira to max affection and send her out on Mission Level 41-49 Rich, Bountiful, or Wealthy Yield Treasure Hunting Lockbox missions. Check the GTN every day. Pray for luck.
  17. As a Focus Guardian, optimal gear is nothing but Power/Accuracy and Power/Surge mods. Might Augments are necessary to help abate the gross lack of crit.


    As a Vigilance Guardian, you want 30% crit, 75% crit modifier, and 98-100% melee accuracy. When you reach these unbuffed, the only stat the really counts is Power. I would replace any Might Augments with Overkill Augments until you get to 30% flat crit unbuffed.

  18. There will be times a good Guardian will beat a good, geared Sentinel, but they will be few and far between. The trick, really, is finding a good, geared Sentinel. Most Sentinels just don't get as much out of the class as the select few do. And when you run into those select few, you remember them and you wonder why you picked Guardian at level 10.


    For example, if the Sentinel doesn't have Defense Roll, he's doing it wrong. A Focus Guardian saying Sentinels are squishy is a Focus Guardian who hasn't fought a halfway decent Sentinel, much less a good Sentinel. The skill curve is a lot larger than a Guardian's, so you'll find more good Guardians than you'll find good Sentinels.

  19. I've heard conflicting reports. On the one hand, people say DPS Guardians are maybe half a step behind Sentinels. On the other, people say DPS Guardians are maybe a step above not hitting the target at all.


    I think the consensus is that Guardians can put out some burst, but it's really only worthwhile burst once you're a 50 and in top-end gear; prior to that, it sounds like quite a struggle. That about right?

    All melee classes in every game will be gear dependent, unfortunately. Vigilance spec is one of only two trees in the entire game that doesn't have a surge talent, it's 90% melee damage (meaning mitigated not only by armor, but by defense and shield chance as well), and it just doesn't stack up to any Sentinel tree. Focus is terribly predictable and the Sentinel version does it better. Defense is and always has been a garbage tree.


    Sentinels, on the other hand, have the rare gift of having three amazing specs that all kick *** and have their own niche.

    Bonus question: Guardian versus Marauder, one on one, equal skill, equal gear. Who wins?
    Straight up, Sentinels have the highest skill curve in the game. Equal gear, low skill: Guardian wins. Equal gear, high skill: Sentinel. High gear, low skill guardian vs. Low gear, high skill Sentinel: Sentinel wins.


    One of the greatest things about the Seninel is it's skill curve. If you learn your way around the class and play it well, you're immensely powerful. 85% of the population's Sentinels can't handle the class, however.

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