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Posts posted by kyoseki

  1. They really need to rebalance this fight, you shouldn't have to resort to what is basically an exploit (hiding behind pillars from a target too stupid to understand what you're doing) in order to complete the battle.


    This guy is so far above the ability curve for just about everyone it's pretty ridiculous and it's coupled with the fact that he's not a HEROIC so it's not a shareable quest and so it's difficult to get someone to help you.


    At the very least, his stun shouldn't take out both you and your companion, that's honestly been the toughest part of this fight - why does my stun have a 90s cooldown but he can use his every 30s AND have it hit two targets, one standing next to him and another standing 30m away?


    Even with my Heroic ability activated, I still never stood a chance, only got him down to about 20% at best and couldn't get any help from anyone else in the zone to take him down.

  2. I would like REing to be less random, right now it has that nasty feeling you got from crafting in Everquest where you didn't know whether or not you'd get a skill increase from making something.


    Given how straightforward the progression for the skills is - yellow and green giving guaranteed advancement, for example - it's odd that REing items, even grey (skillwise) items, is so random.

  3. The Archaeology nodes can be pretty ropey in general it seems.


    At launch, there were a bunch you couldn't harvest, you couldn't even click on them.


    That seems to have been rectified, but I've noticed a few that you can target, but right clicking does nothing whatsoever, they're pretty few and far between however.

  4. I've seen a lot of comments about the critical crafting component. I thought that I'd just let everyone know that C2-N2 (not sure about the sith equivalent's name), that runs my ship, crits on crafting significantly more often than any of my other companions even the ones that I have 8k+ affection with.

    I've noticed that 2V-R8 (the Sith droid) does much the same thing, he's better at investigations than the characters who supposedly specialize in them.


    .. now if only we could make him less annoying.

  5. Anything can/will produce a purple/artifact schematic eventually, it's just a case of continuing to RE the item.


    Basically speaking though, for each base schematic, you can get 2 more levels of it, if the base item is green, you can get blue and purple schematics out of it, if the base schematic was blue from the trainer, you can get purple and deep purple out of it (there's a bunch of variations of each) - once you see [superior] in the schematic name though, you're done, REing it will never produce a higher spec schematic.


    I'm not sure anyone has a good formula for what does or doesn't cause RE to generate a schematic though, obviously the skill itself is important, but beyond that I don't know what matters.


    Huge thread full of more information than you ever wanted to know right here;


  6. Well remember a couple of things;

    1: The ship is different per class - the layout of the Sith Sorceror ship isn't circular

    2: The smuggler class is BASED on Han Solo

    3: Your front door doesn't move


    I personally think it's pretty silly I can't check mail anywhere - I can check my email on my cellphone, you can't tell me that a society capable of lightsabers & spaceflight can't do digital transfers of credits anywhere, even if I have to go to a mailbox to pick up physical attachments.

  7. While they're probably not going to do anything radical, I do think it's pretty silly that it costs an arm and a child to go from 190% to 210% of normal movement speed.


    200, 250 and 300% would make more sense - you could make the speeder respect the terrain, so you only get the super speed when you're above a road.

  8. I don't think there's a hardcoded limit to them, but you will get your *** handed to you unless you can drag around a much higher level player.


    This is also an anecdotal account, but I seem to recall someone telling me that there was an instance used in their class quest that their extra party member couldn't enter, so you may have to do some parts of it solo.

  9. I've managed to do it by accident, right clicking without having the ctrl key all the way down.


    It didn't bankrupt me by any means but it was annoying (accidentally bought a speeder I didn't need).


    It would be handy to have some kind of "sell back" button that you could hit during the vendor session so if you accidentally click on the wrong thing you aren't lumbered with it as long as you realize before you close the window.

  10. I'm generally in agreement with most people here, I find companions to be incredibly useful, the idea is that they let you play solo, but a good human player should always be better than the companion.


    The only real change I would like to see is some way to limit when a companion uses their abilities, Khem Val has an AoE footstomp that plays hell with crowd control abilities - I'd love to be able to tell him to not use that so that he's not constantly taking nearby enemies out of stun.

  11. I'm confused by this paragraph, I always have the mod vendor window open along with my character window so I can compare current mods to what the vendor has.

    That's the problem I'm having - I wasn't aware of anything that would let me see what stats the mod had without ctrl-right clicking the object, which pops up another window and closes the vendor window (and then invariably closes all windows so I have to do it again).


    Evidently there's a tooltip preference that will display the mod information so they can be directly compared, I just wasn't aware of it.

  12. I always find it incredibly fiddly to root through my moddable gear to figure out what mod I have where (this goes for augments in blues/purples as well as the multiple slots in orange).


    This is particularly awkward given that you can only ever have two windows up, so you can't have say comm vendor/char/mod windows up, so you can't compare the mods in any item to the available mods at the vendor.


    Is the idea that you always have the same mods in each item? ie. You always have "resolve armoring 15" in everything so you only have to memorize one set of numbers before clicking on the comm mod vendor.


    I can't help but feel it would be very handy if the details of the mods in an item popped up when the information popup appears - you know when you hover over an item, a window pops up with it's stats and the stats of the clothing you're already wearing, how about having 4 or 5 mini windows pop up to the right of the moddable clothing box that have the details of it's slotted mods?

  13. I believe when you are in the 40's lvl bracket you can use 4, and at 50 you can use 5.

    Yep, you can definitely deploy 4 companions from level 40 onwards, haven't hit 50 yet, but it seems likely - it is NOT dependent on the number of companions you have, it's based on your level.


    When you have Tier 5 missions taking 50+ minutes each, being able to deploy as many as possible is kind of a necessity.

  14. Not sure if there's a more elegant way, but you can sort your schematics by level in the crafting window, which should make it a lot easier to identify whether or not you already know something rather than trawling through the name list.


    ... I wish there were some decent way to sort the schematics in the Galactic Trade Network however - as a Sith, I'm unlikely to use any of the Jedi Knight/Consular crap that seems to comprise a good 2/3rds of the GTN auctions.

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