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Posts posted by Delro

  1. I actually recently moved my saber attacks to the right hotbar and bound them to "Q" and "E," so if anything gets up in my face (or for PVP) I have them easily accessible yet they are not wasting main hotbar space. I love it so far, makes the game feel even more "action-y."
  2. Let me clarify this more.


    Xugos, who was a weekend beta tester for the november weekend made a review. The review has lies in it, e.g. saying he was 50 and downed the first 2 bosses of E.V. The TOR community were able to see his deceit in his posts.


    The reason why I bring it is because every part of his so called "review" was comparisons to WoW and why TOR should copy WoW.


    See for yourself.


    Therefore he wants this game to be "exactly like WoW".


    Also, he just recently posted a link (which is hardly proof if any) saying thats the reason why TOR is failing on his main post. He uses words that Trolls use, "resuscitate" for one. He also has multiple accounts here and at mmo-champ to boost/bump his thread.


    I think I provided enough proof that anything Xugos has said should be taken with a grain of salt.


    I don't give a **** who said it or what they said in the past, the OP list at the top of this thread heavily aligns with my own desires/interests and I fully support most of the ideas there. Yes, I want this game to play more like WoW in terms of ease-of-use, and if it doesn't I'll play something else. Judging by the controversy on this thread, I am willing to bet there are many others in the same boat (at least a 50-50 split between haters and fanbois, looks like.) What's half of 1.5 million? 750,000? Think that's enough subs to justify the amount of $$ this game takes to support?

  3. 2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


    As far as I know if you are rezzed before looting the boss you can get loot. I haven't had anybody not do this for me if I had died at a boss (its an old holdover from the days of WoW when you indeed could not get loot while dead) but I would imagine if you don't get loot when dead in a FP it is a bug that will be fixed.

  4. Funny how randoms become game devs on forums. EA said the game took less than 100 million to make. You are spouting random nonsense, with zero credible sources.


    We all can make stuff up. Nice use of color though.


    Not sure where you got that, Game Informer's cover story on the game about a year ago cited nearly $200m (and that was over a year ago)

  5. Sometimes you will get a choice of mods or enhancements as a quest reward.


    If you open your character screen and then Ctrl-right click on a piece of orange gear to see what your present mods do, the quest reward window disappears.


    Just hit CTRL-U TWICE to bring the window back so you can select your reward. (after writing down or memorizing your current mod's attributes.)


    This works if the quest reward window accidentally gets closed for whatever reason.


    Closing a quest reward window also causes a little "Pending Rewards" pop-up somewhere on screen, I think near the top-right?

  6. Ctrl+RIGHT click to mod items (someone earlier said ctrl+Left click, which is to preview the look of an item on your toon)


    There is an option in the preferences to adjust the width and height of the health bars under nameplates (useful for healers who want to really see those bars!)


    Keybind your bottom center bar to ALT+1, ALT+2 etc etc to make it more like WoW :D


    I re-bound "E" to Stealth on my Scoundrel, and "Q" to Swap Focus Target. Since strafing is easily accomplished by holding right click and using "A" and "D"


    Your recover ability charges your companions health as well as yours.

  7. I think it does, actually. Only time will tell.


    But for the same reason Obama won the last election. Lots of people liked Obama, because he was a decent candidate to them. However, lots of people were tired of Bush (see: WoW) after 8 years, and then the GOP gave them its newest, fanciest, coolest expansion - John McCain (see: MoP). In the end, people flocked away from voting for the GOP and to the new guy because, while he wasn't really super amazing, he was good enough, and they were tired of the old thing. And in the end, the old thing really effed itself over by introducing something so ridiculously stupid (Sarah Palin) that even some of the hardcore fanboys of the couldn't even find it in their hearts to stick with their favorite (as with a percentage of GOP voters refused to vote for McCain because they really, really couldn't stand Palin).




    p.s. Don't take this as a political post or argue with it. I don't care what your opinion is, and I think all of the aforementioned people suck at life.


    Best analogy ever!! In keeping with your excellent metaphor, look at Obama now; most people seem to think he didn't do anything like what he promised to do (expectations/hype for TOR) and aren't committing to voting for him in a second term. Things are looking up for Romney (Guild Wars 2?) Though if given the choice many Republicans would just go back to a Bush-like candidate (WoW expansions and/or Diablo 3)


    I definitely don't want TOR to be a "one-term game" but we'll see in a couple months.


    Kudos again for making such a crazy-good anaology!

  8. Allow me to share a little anecdote.


    I got my girlfriend to play this game after she toyed around with a character on my Beta account. She liked it so much she unconditionally pre-ordered and subbed for 3 months right out of the gate.


    Now, she has never played an MMO before. Never played WoW, never played EQ, nothing. She does play games, but mostly Sims, Plants Vs. Zombies, and a little Civ. She did play Left 4 Dead and Portal with me too, but FPS isn't her thing. She's the ideal "Casual Market." She's what WoW hits in its 11 million subs. She's the Farmville demographic. And she's exactly what this game needs to attract to be successful in the long run.


    Now, we're around level 18 on our mains, she a Gunslinger and I a Jedi Seer. We've been questing the whole way together, working through Heroics, Flashpoints, and class quests and having a generally good time doing it. Last night, however, we were attempting to run Hammer Station. I'm already a healer, so we thought it'd be pretty quick to get a group.


    "1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


    10 minutes later...


    "1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


    Another 10 minutes...


    "1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


    An hour later, we've finally got a tank and are ready to go. So we get in the instance, start working through, suddenly the tank goes linkdead. Maybe he'll come back, we think. Half hour later, no tank, and I'm back spamming General chat.


    So my girlfriend is tired of this at this point, and suggests we just give up. "Why isn't there an easier way to get a group? This seems really bad," she says. I agree, but have to explain to her that other games do this WAY better and for some reason or another this game is really behind the times when it comes to grouping. "If its like this for all the end of the game stuff," she says, "I don't think I'll be playing very much after hitting 50."

  9. I know absolutely nobody IRL that is planning on doing that. The people who are going to post on the forums about it over and over again. That, in no way, makes them a majority.


    Really, cause I know at least eight. And these are the hardcore MMO-nerds that play every one that comes out. They don't go on forums, they speak with their wallets. And they are already done with this game.

  10. But shouldn't people have a bit more respect for the people they group with?


    So they want to roll greed on an item to sell it at a vendor for probably 2K, that is fine, but at some point, where does the respect come into play? I could have rolled greed on many items to sell, but out of courtesy to my group, I click pass and allow it to go to someone who actually deserves it and will make better use of it for their character.


    I'm sorry, but if you Passed and they Greeded, they're just going to vend it.


    Pass is only if you're in a group with friends/guildies and you really really don't need credits.

  11. I think OP is looking for features in another game. Target of Target? Why? Can't you just look at the boss and see who he's hitting? USE YOUR EYES.


    I've been trying to do this as best I can on my healer, but no, with all the ability effects going off, people moving around, and damage/heal numbers popping I can never really tell who the boss is targeting. I have to rely on watching health bars drop, which even then doesn't always work when there is multiple enemies or an AoE effect happening. Seriously how much work could it POSSIBLY take BW to show me who someone is targeting?


    Also, target of target works the other way around too. In Heroic mode FPs you want to focus targets; its way easier to see who your Main Assist is hitting with Target of Target rather than just trying to guess and accidentally pulling an Elite mob onto your squishy Smuggler ***.

  12. Resiscitate? LMAo that implies the game even eneds it? The game sold truck loads and sales keep growing....


    love how the chicken littles come here make like the sky is falling with ZERO fact.


    This is a game thats easy to run on a wide range of hardware, because a few bozo's dont know how to maintain a PC they need to optimize more? This is a BS point. This game is a piece of cake to run.


    Come back in two months, I GUARANTEE the subs for this game will be under 750,000. Its sad, too, cause I f*cking LOVE Star Wars and am really enjoying this game, but without any sort of love for people who want to tank/heal/customize their UI to do those things better, the playerbase WILL taper off toward endgame (if not sooner!)

  13. I came into this thread expecting a whiny wishlist of ******** unrealistic things, but for the most part I have been complaining about/desiring much of the same changes. Particularly the Threat meter (or something similar,) better healing UI options, target of target, and better game optimization. I don't think the first three are asking too much, and the optimization can wait as long as they let us know they are working on it.


    I'd like to add one more thing to the list; I'm not exactly sure what its called but in some games (CoX and RIFT are two I can remember) when you have an ENEMY targeted and use a healing spell, it will cast on the enemy's target, & when you have an ALLY targeted and use an ATTACK spell, it casts on the ally's target. This is EXTREMELY useful for healing and I would love support for this feature.

  14. Why allow one more avenue for griefing when you can just disable cross faction talk? Seriously no one EVER is going to need to talk to their friends on the other faction. You have no friends on the other faction. They are the enemy. You want to play with your friends? Join the same side. Still not enough? Its called Ventrilo. Seriously, your weird desire to talk to people on the opposing side is less important than every players right not to have to hear the 12-year-old level 50 in the starting zone shouting "Yeah you pansy NOOB I OWNED YOUR ***** LOLOLOLLERCOPTERWTFBBQ"
  15. My server is full yet when I go to a city it seems lifeless , we need more people in the cities, get rid of the stupid instancing it feels like a one player game , I want a large community this is a mmorpg.


    In the video below, lead writer Daniel Erickson explains a little bit of why that is early on. It makes sense; basically he's saying that right now since there are so many people in the same zone, the zones are almost "over-instanced" to ensure stability.



  16. The ALT thing is less a bug and more a feature request... one that I'd rather they didn't implement. Using F1 works just fine, and I bind CTL-# and ALT-# to the left and right side-bars, respectively, so this would impact my own customization.


    My healing/buff abilities automatically cast on myself if I don't have an ally targeted; so I don't see the need for a self-cast key. However, if they were to add "Target's target" then it might be useful. On that note I would love the option to make my heals automatically cast on my enemy's target, or my attacks automatically target my selected ally's (usually the tank's) target, so I don't have to keep switching back and forth between targets. If you have ever played City of Heroes or Villains you know what I am talking about.

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