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Posts posted by DarthNorik

  1. Yea, this game doesn't need arenas. But it does need better gear between a high ranked rated pvp team and a low ranked one. Cosmetic change is a joke. Needs gear with better stats for those that perform better. This patch made pvp even less competitive with removing rank requirements for battlemaster making it a grind fest.
  2. Everything you said there either applies to pretty much every class or is just flat out not true. Name one class that cannot spec into a rotation that does decent DPS but does not deplete their resource. Sorcerers/Sages cannot indefinitely spam their best abilities; they can only do that for a good ability that is not their best DPS, just like Tracer Missile/Grav Round for Mercenaries/Commandos. In both cases, the "spammed" ability must be mixed in with others in order to achieve optimum DPS. Sorcs and Sages have a bigger pool because they are the casting classes and they have a slower resource regen rate. They do have a simpler resource to manage, but it is also less flexible.


    As others have mentioned, it's not so much that certain classes are significantly overpowered, it's that they are less complicated to play. A certain portion of players lean toward greater challenge and will play whatever can potentially dominate though it requires enormous effort to play expertly. Another portion just wants to get easy kills and will lean toward classes that don't take as much effort but can get good results. The latter demographic is bigger than the former.



  3. So you use Maul when it's not on EW, I don't think we need to hear your opinion on the class abilities anymore. I have no idea why you'd even want a single target knockback for PvE.


    Have you done any Ops or even Flashpoints? You ever run into groups of multiple silvers and golds?



  4. LOL ???????


    From Sorcs, Mercs and Scoundrels .... Sorcs are by FAR the most stable and hardest to kill healing class!!

    AoE knockback, long+short time hard CC, SEVERAL CC if someone uses his get-free-skill, sprint, bubble.


    And while Mercs can do great DPS they can only do it, if they gimp healing (sero point healing). Sorcs ALLWAYS have bubble to offer instant no CD which absorbs 5k+ damage.


    When you talk about squishy play Scoundrel/OPs.

    Yes, they can vanish ... but NO out of stelth CC at all ... not even a damn slow!

    Once they are attacked they ... DIE!



    Oh, didn't read the rest.


    When he talks about squishy he should play a non tank assassin. Same armor as a sorc but has to get in melee range and no bubble.

  5. OP goes at it the wrong way but he is correct. I leveled an assassin to 50. Did all the easy mode OPS and had no complaints. Then when trying to do HM's I was constantly ignored when whispering someone my class. My guild finally caught up to my gear level so I was able to do HM's. But I am the only melee. And I'm sure if another range was as geared as me I wouldn't be going even with them and I completely understand. Lets go over a few examples.


    1st boss EV. During his missle barrage range can still DPS, because healers can heal them while they still hide. Eventually once you get a geared enough healer that its easy mode everyone can stay out. Its also easier for range to get behind a pillar since they are already near them anyway while dpsing.


    2nd boss EV. Garg is about to pounce, nuff said. Garg is in a frenzy. Melee has to leave island immediately. Range can stay and do some extra dps till the last second.


    3rd and 4th easy mode.


    SOA. Beside for mind traps during phase 3 sometimes leaving you way too far from SOA during phase 3, pretty balanced.


    1st boss KP. Soo much easier if all ranged. Everyone can stand far and spread out. Melee has to watch out for his constant turning around, and his amazing 380 degree(exaggeration) swipe.


    2nd boss KP. Pretty balanced. Guy flies in the air, which is pretty irritating. I know theres some extra damage melee takes though once both bosses are in the middle of room.


    3rd boss KP. Balanced only because its soo simple. Tank and spank with frenzy and adds.


    4th boss KP. OMG. If you have more than 1 melee on this fight its pretty much GG for the raid. Have fun having one melee run from boss to puzzle every 30 secs through those retarded pulse mines then back to boss to dps for about 10 secs, then back to platform almost dying on every trip. Only time I have done this as the second melee is with a sorc healer(best healer in game didn't ya know) using pull on me to get me up these asap.


    Karagga is decent though.


    The problem with this game is that melee brings almost no utility to the table, while also being squishier and in some cases lower dps. What utility does an assassin bring over a sorcerer dps? What about a concealment OP? The only melee that should ever be brought to a OP is a marauder/sentinel. Since they have inspiration/bloodthirst. And I'm not even sure about that because I only think the spell works on like the 4 people near the marauder. So he would have to back up to the range DPSers just to do it.


    Melee needs a buff. All abilities that scale from weapon damage needs to have their weapon damage scale % increased. Pretty simple and effective way to buff melee.

  6. You have never actually used this skill have you?


    On trash, shock + tumult. - Shock + Any attack will finish off trash


    On silver elites, wait for duplicity, electrocute, tumult, maul, assassinate. Better off getting 2 mauls off during that electrocute. Personally I dont use elec on the strongs, but Spike is rather nice out of stealth.


    Any other attack costs force, meaning I will have less once I attack the main mob.

  7. -Nevermind just noticed you are another sin, thx for the bump. Here's a hint for you sin bubbles are constant, a Jug damage mitigation last for 10-14 secs depending on spec or gear, and all a sin have to do during this period is to tank or kite and dps, and the Jug is finish, enure is not a permanent heal, 40% damage mitigation is nothing compared to the constant mitigation a sin tanker can proc and the dps and range attacks they can dish out, along with superior CCs, sprint and stealth thrown in, a Sin have to be nerfed i do not even support a pure buff on the weaker chars especially melee, a Sin have to be nerfed to be in line with the rest of the other classes period.


    Sin's have a bubble?

  8. My rakata gloves have accuracy power, so I put the original enhancement in them after removing the crit/surge, lost like maybe .30% surge and gained 10 more bonus damage and 1% accuracy. I will continue doing this until I have 98% melee accuracy. My crit is now 32% with 74.4% crit multiplier. Was at 83% before nerf.
  9. On Ajunta, I've been finding they get pretty effectively countered out by Republic teams.


    It's excellent - we win everything.


    (Forcibly removing the Sorcerer from pull range to the carrier is a good thing to do)


    I just think it needs to be affected by the resolve meter. Pretty simple. Any move that affects loss of control of character needs to be affected by resolve. I've seen some teams use sorcs to stop a brave soul from scoring a 6th time to prolong the game.

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