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Posts posted by Gvaz

  1. It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


    Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


    We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


    That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


    - Gabe


    However with your change, this is the problem:


    1. It is easier to get t1 geared than before.

    2. It is harder to get t2 geared than before.

    3. This is a fix that should have been done in the first week or two, because the effect now is that fresh 50s will have a harder time gearing up for pvp to a suitable level as everyone before them.


    A better fix would have been the current commendation change, but slightly increase the chance for a token from what it currently is on both. Battlemaster bags should also have a change at t2 tokens, as a "booby prize" for those who aren't getting lucky with battlemaster drops.

  2. Correct.


    The speeder issue is a separate problem (the cast bar is client anticipated and therefore not reflecting the state of the server) that will be handled as a separate fix in the near future.


    It would be easy enough to give the client the "benefit of the doubt" on certain things in order to keep things like that from happening in the future.

    This would also help with things like the MGGS issues.

  3. The game does have a systems for acquiring your target's target in key bindings. I swear I've seen it there, but I could be wrong.



    Alt+T with someone selected auto targets their target. Howver this does NOT allow you to "keep tabs" on the target, which is the whole freaking point of it.

  4. There's no community on our server to speak of, and even the guilds on the other faction aren't someone i want a community with anyways. They're pvp poopsockers.


    The guilds other than ours on our faction (republic) are all pve guilds on a pvp server and dumb as rocks.

  5. Indeed, the people who did WoW hardmode on a regular basis have already "finished" this game.




    main at 50, only things left to buy are the security key mount, voss mount, pvp mounts, one more daily comm mount, 2 companions at 10k the rest at 8k+, done all HM flashpoints, done all Ops on normal and hard, 4pc rakata/columi/tionese set, valor rank 40

  6. I noticed that they're working on scaling the UI later on and calling that "modding the UI"


    That's not enough. I want to RESKIN the ui. I want to scale and control how individual elements LOOK.


    Things I want:

    -3 small hotbars on the bottom with the ability to have all the bars on the bottom if I wanted (I wont)

    - removal of the portrait

    - scaling of the other UI elements

    - removal of guild/friends/zone or minimization of such

    - being able to have credits on the main ui

    - removal or ability to fade windows not in use, like the minimap until you hover over it or something

    - ability to have all windows opened at once, and ability to scale them in a way that allows you to have many windows open at once.

    - missions are auto pending when you have the GTN open or other windows or in combat or in space missions or pvp

    - Highlight abilities that will be used next in the ability queue

    - numerical countdown over abilities on the hotbar


    Other mods I want:


    - When you get a PM, have it open a new "aim" window like WIM for WoW to keep track of people you're whispering

    - combat log, for everyone. We want to min/max, we want to theorycraft, we want to KNOW WHAT THE **** KILLED ME AND MY BUDDY BOBBY AND HOW TO AVOID IT IN THE FUTURE IF POSSIBLE. I also what to know what that one retard in our group keeps dying to so we can tell him to stop. I want to know if I'm the one holding everyone back, or the one carrying everyone.

  7. With the diminishing returns, you don't even get valor after the first kill or two. We all left the base because there was absolutely nothing of value to be had there.


    What diminishing returns? I was getting 7000 valor an hour just sitting around in my republic base tagging imperials while we launched aoes at each other until the other side died.

  8. All I have to say as a LEGIT valor rank 61er, I will be unsubbing if servers aren't rolled back or these exploiters valor removed.


    This is either a rumor or only for Imperials.

    It doesn't work for us.

    We get legacy experience, and a

    blue drop but nothing else.

  9. No it doesn't fix the fundamental flaws with ilum.


    Problems with ilum:


    1. base switching

    ->Bases/points once fixed or capped should be perma capped for a length of time

    2. benefits of keeping

    ->holding the whole map should give a buff kept through death to the people who captured it for a length of time

    3. server balance

    ->to prevent server imbalances and "zerg" rushes, they should limit the amount of one side into the zone, or bolster the side that is not as populated

    4. reason to stay in the zone

    ->add valuable nodes to get like slicing or bioanalysis or whatever. this gives an incentive to stay in the zone instead of just doing your dailies and leaving.


    Until these are addressed, ilum will forever be useless, and soon empire will come crying that there's no republic to kill because republic gave up trying to do ilum.

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