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Posts posted by Sporticus

  1. Having just returned to the game to join some guildies who picked it back up as well, what exactly is the difference between ranked and unranked? I think the ranked Warzones had just been introduced when we left. Obviously there are reward differences and competitive differences, but it's the rewards/gear that I'm most curious about, as my Warmaster gear is 100% obsolete and I am sure we will be que'ing a 3 or 4 man (the other guys already are).
  2. If pyro is able to use strafe buttons and flame burst with auto slow to kite a marauder, PT always win. From my experience 90% of powertechs do not use strafe to kite mele they just stay in front trying to outdps marauder in 4 meter range and they loose. If marauder and PT played on skilled level PT win 90% of time.


    You are, I believe, basing your heavily flawed opinion on sub 50 play. On top of that, you are throwing out imaginary percentages that you have no basis in statistics to prove accurate. Sure, in theory it seems that kiting on a PT/VG would be easy. I assure you that in end game PvP the reality is much different.

  3. Im pretty terrible at being a gladiator in WoW 7 times on 3 different classes, more if i had played every season. Was considered the best PvPer on my SWG server and have been called out as being the best Assassin on my server in SWTOR. Im pretty sure i know more about PvP in MMOs then you ever will thanks. Id be amazed if you could break 1600 rating. When a Powertech drops my vig Guardians alts health to 50% in the first 3-4 seconds from range, and then proceeds to drop the rest in another 4-6 seconds before i can drop him below 70% that is when i know, not just think powertech is overpowered.


    You should work on your guardian play. Decent Juggs can own it up on a VG/PT with equal gear.


    I'd like to see some video of the people making the false claim that VG/PT can 'kite with ease'. With our 2 pathetic CC's and our insulting self heal, if a melee really wants to stay on top of us, it's not that difficult.


    The biggest problem with this thread is that every poster without a top level VG/PT is simply posting perceptions and situational opinions. Being able to read the skill descriptions does not make you an expert. Hell, playing their class up to warhero doesn't seem to make alot of people experts.

  4. But "PvPers" only like Open World PvP because they wail on people 20 levels below them. The fact that every single duel challenge I ever issued in Open World was rejected is enough proof that people don't want a fair fight.


    That, or you were only 'challenging' people who you knew you had no chance to lose to. Not saying that is what you were doing, but it is just as fair an assumption as yours. In my experience, the one guy going around randomly challenging people to duels has found an unbeatable class/build and is just trying to *** his epeen.


    To the OP, Warhammer had a version of this and it worked very well. I wouldn't want to see the chicken mechanic we had in the RvR lakes there implemented on the planets, but I don't see them doing that anyway because it would close off alot of the 'world' by sort of reverse gating. Of course, in War you also got rewarded with valor and loot drops open world kills. Rather than preventing you from attacking someone significantly lower than you, they just scaled the reward for the kill appropriately, so if you killed someone 6 or so levels or more below you, you got zilch for valor.


    Level brackets for Warzones would only work with huge, highly populated servers.

  5. This is what PvE only players don't understand... Open world PvP such as described above is part of the game on PvP Servers. It's usually not meant to be mean either or to keep a person from experiencing the game but to bring about a retaliation by the opposing side.


    Your first point is dead on. Many people roll on PvP servers because it's more exciting to have to constantly pan your camera while you quest. Your second point is pretty inaccurate. While the event mentioned in the OP did result in a sizeable force of 50s coming out to move the Imps away (I'm assuming if 20 republics showed up and failed that there had to be quite a few more Imps), the behaviour that started everything (camping a lowbie base) is almost always done to 'grief' lowbies. The 'we want to promote pvp by getting high levels to come out' excuse is just that... an excuse.


    That said, if you roll on a PvP server then you WILL get camped by higher level players at some point. That's what's nice about this game pretty much giving you two destinations for each stage of your class quests. If you can't get out of the base on Hoth, then go somewhere else. The people who file a ticket for this sort of thing on a PvP server are the same ones who are convinced that high level players don't want new 50s to have equal gear because we're afraid of competition...


    As for the meat of the OP... yeah I think I would've let the GM have it. Temporary bans in MMO's are more than worth tearing into some pasty skin GM who is drunk with imagined power.

  6. Active Open World PvP makes levelling more exciting because you actually HAVE to continuously pan your camera. Other than that, the poster a few above me that posted about Warhammer/Lotro keep seige/defense hit the nail on the head for me. Nothing much more fun than being slowly backed into a Keep Lord's room with 5-6 of us against facerolling freep players in LOTRO and managing to wipe them.
  7. This is somewhat good idea, but I rly missed the old times when PvP was over resources and teritory literally (crafting, drop from rare monsters). I liked when you had to fight elite mobs and other players just to get inside the raid dungeon.


    Today's gamers won't let a mechanic like that succeed. All it would result in would be massive amounts of QQ and people asking for whatever resource is being denied to them to be handed over on a silver platter, which the gaming company will do.


    Rewards aren't for the 'hardcore' pvpers, they're to provide the hardcore pvpers with more targets.

  8. Just a couple of comments from the first 4 or so pages.


    Guard. Yes it's good if you are guarding someone and you drop it if they are out of range...say on the other side of the map. It should be noted, however, that the guarded target can remove guard as well by simply right clicking the buff.


    Taunt. I saw this mentioned but didn't read in detail. All I'd say is try to taunt someone who is not anywhere near you in the fight. I generally will aoe taunt a sorc ball from behind as I run to a different node.


    Capping. It's been mentioned that you don't need more than 1 person to cap. If you are wondering if you should be that person, look at your cooldowns. Do you have CC available to cast? If so you are NOT the person who should cap.


    Capping part b. If you are a smuggler or operative, you can cap from cover. While this won't help with most folks, it will keep the Warrior/Knight who's first impulse is to leap to you and then aoe the door from being able to do just that.


    Huttball. If the other team has just scored and someone from your team is fighting the 1-3 that scored the touchdown, leave your team mate to his/her fate and avoid that fight. If there are 2-3 of them at the goal, then that means 2-3 less between your team and a score.

  9. God forbid you PvP for fun and enjoyment instead.


    This is the classic response and completely ignores the nature of games and gamers. The masses need incentive to remain paid subscribers. Counting on everyone to PvP for enjoyment with no reward or 'carrot' (for lack of a better term) leads to dead games.


    The incentives aren't there for people who only PvP for enjoyment. They're there to give that minority a more target rich environment.:eek:

  10. I personally geared and used all companions as I got them up until Akaavi. Since then all I've used is Akaavi. Guss is all geared up and waiting in my Cargo Hold for when I need him, but so far he's out of luck :).


    Stuff just dies so fast with Akaavi. I'm sure that at some point I'm going to need Guss to keep me up, but so far that hasn't happened.


    This. I'm not sure how she's going to feel about me making her wear the dancer's outfit though.

  11. On a populated server, I'd agree.


    I don't have a single character with full BM gear though (one is reasonably close). Why? Because waiting for 4 warzones over 3 hours is simply unacceptable.


    This becomes a population issue, not a reward system issue. It is a prevelant issue for sure.



    For the poster above, if you really get that people don't want PvPers to get rewarded for PvP out of this thread, then you should really go back and start over on the first page. Both sides of the debate agree that rewards should be there, just not on when or on how easily they should be handed out.

  12. Ha ha ha... Really? What I consider gamers asking for rewards to be handed out for free is the reward of doing well in PvP without needing any skill and only your gear gap to fall back on.


    Where did I ask for any of that? Oh right, I didn't. The attitude that everyone is entitled to equal footing as soon as they enter a given tier of PvP is about as ridiculous as thinking everyone on a sports team deserves a trophy just for playing. It is, admittedly, a dilemma that will likely never be solved in MMO's. Go back and read the parts of my post that you were too dense to take in. I do want fun PvP, and lopsided wins/losses aren't it. However, everything in an MMO needs incentive attached to it in order to keep people interested, and what is being discussed here is removing said incentive. Sure I PvP for fun, but if you remove the incentive then more people will leave than already are out of boredom.


    Dear devs I cannot PvP on equal footing... so please let me get free wins if I sit there a play non-stop for x period of time. And lets name that no skill over and over again a grind, then pretend that grinding is "hard work"


    This is the perfect example of what I was talking about. Nothing in this game is hard work. Nothing. The OLD gear grind to BM sucked, and IT wasn't hard work. The new path to BM gear is so quick that the only grind that anyone could name that was shorter was for a game that HAD NO GRIND. This attitude is what I was talking about because at the tiniest, most miniscule taste of adversity we start hearing people wanting things made even easier for them.

    • Mindless playing that does not require any skill but simply requires time (for you) = SKILL
    • Beating someone on equal footing as you (for me) = SKILL


    The only thing I see you being is a hypocrite... please devs give me free kills that I did not earn by my skill, but will get by mindless doing grinding that any monkey can do or even BUY from an online powerlevel seller over and over again.

    Try looking that word up, I don't think you have the definition figured out. That or you're making the usual inane hyperbolic assumptions about me because I don't happen to be 100% behind the OP in his quest to avoid putting effort into warzones. There have been some great suggestions in this thread of things that would ease folks closer to where they want to be without shoveling a pile of commendations their way and saying 'Go get'em Tiger!' as soon as they hit 50. Also, you don't know me, have never played with/against me, and therefore have absolutely no clue (obviously from your post) what I do or don't consider skill in an MMO.


    I'm sorry you're so mad, but you should come up with some original (and accurate) material.

  13. Easiest gear grind ever? No GW is easiest. There is no grind. Everyone is the same gear-wise. "Skill" actually can play a part in that scenario.

    No much call for any "huge personal issues" here, so no one cares. The entire mmo system is based "farming" to buy better stuff, so what is your quibble again?

    As far as "fresh 50's" and "your opinion".....well.....yours is no more valid/invalid than the original posters. So your "opinion" is useless when citing it as a logical reason to not allow for the OP's request.

    Gear should be for vanity only anyways. Expertise is not a fun mechanic for anyone trying to climb that hill except for those who were the first ones up the hill to reach the top. Alot harder climb when those on top are shoving you back down every step of the way.....


    /agree with OP.


    Since English is obviously not your primary language, I'm going to assume you mis-interpreted some of my post. When I said 'arguably' the easiest grind in MMO's I meant just that, arguably. My proposal was simply a counter proposal addressing some of the OP's grievances without handing out gear like candy to people without the stomach to work even the tiniest amount to earn it. You are absolutely right about the entire MMO system and how it is set up, and the OP is asking for a 100% workaround to avoid it. I also never intended to imply that anyone's opinion was invalid, only that the OP didn't have a valid case for making the gear even easier to obtain.


    As for expertise, you are preaching to the choir. I fought my way up the expertise hill against players who were miles ahead of me in the gear gap, and probably did a full 75% of my grinding while solo que'd. Having done that, I know it is not only possible but not 'that' hard to achieve, especially now that the gear is almost handed to you as a congratulations for hitting 50. Imagine how some of these new 50s would have reacted if they had been in my boat and had hit almost 75 before they got their last BM piece!!!:mad:


    To the poster above you, I do actually enjoy fun and competitive PvP. What I don't enjoy is seeing gamers these days resort to asking for rewards to be handed out for free (be it PvP gear, cosmetic gear, whatever) at the very first sign of adversity.


    If BW suddenly adopted a GW approach to PvP and there was no gear grind whatsoever, guess what I'd do? I'd adapt and soldier on. I DO understand the frustration, but I wish people would be willing to put out the effort instead of just asking for things to be made easier and easier. However, I maintain that allowing players to farm level 50 rewards with no limitations in the sub 50 bracket is not the answer.


    edit : The idea about a legacy unlock is brilliant.

  14. In a word, no. Endgame in this game is already dumbed down so much as to be insulting. The current method for getting endgame PvP gear is in place because so many people were astounded that they had to grind to get gear for PvP prior to 1.2, and the current method is arguably the easiest gear grind ever in an mmo.


    I would personally not have a huge issue if they upped the cap on commendations or if they allowed purchase of BM gear at, say, valor rank 49, but a system which rewards players for farming commendations in the 1-49 bracket in order to buy the better level 50 PvP gear effectively without ever setting foot in a level 50 warzone is inherently flawed. Fresh 50s, in my opinion, should not be able to suit up in more than 3 pieces of BM gear right out of the gate.

  15. um, no. a marauder with half a brain would be able to kill anyone, regardless of skill level. marauders posses one of the highest offensive outputs, and 3 of the best defensive cooldowns in the game. they can continue beating your brains out while they take significantly mitigated damage.


    This. Against the really good marauders on my server, I can usually have them down to around 20% by the time I die in full Assault spec. Maybe Tactics is better for dealing with them though (Hold The Line for kiting I assume). We just don't have the necessary defensive cd's/CC to create and maintain separation.

  16. Add an additional affect when using your CC breaker that grants immunity for the next X amount of seconds. Not a total solution to chain CC but a viable fix that wouldn't greatly change the resolve mechanic.
  17. We can all joke about it all we want but even bads deserve to be bad in MMO PvP games.


    The only reasonable and respectful way to exclude bads from our PvP matches should be a premade.


    No way should anyone have the power to kick another from public pug PvP minigames.


    I'd put this oversight right up there with treasure chests guarded by friendly faction mobs on Ilum that a lvl 10 can farm in reguards to the level of cluelessness when it comes to developing a mmo.


    You have to be AFK flagged to get votekicked...

  18. I find it astounding how few people seem to be able to recognize this thread for what it is... a response to the anti-premade threads in order to make the point of how ridiculous it is to ask that either group be alienated.
  19. Is there a server in this game that doesn't have guilds who trade wins? I'm past tired of being in a warzone and my team just sits there and chats with the other side or just stands around to let the other side win.


    We give nothing on Shadowtown, and nothing is given in return.

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