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Posts posted by Bejita

  1. Whenever i go to him and start the blood hunt fp i get a broken cutscene that is stuck inside a texture and i only get one line from the npc Frod Makora, then i get no option to select storymode, it just puts me in veteran mode and thats it


    Edit - I found the problem, there is a conflict with the veteran repeatable mission quest and the storymode quest, it was breaking the cutscene untill i abandoned the repeatable. Still a bug that should be looked at

  2. Basically i only subbed because FFXIV's next patch wasent out untill late January and i needed something to waste my time...what beter than SWTOR? i left this game 5 years ago and have come back to basically just a few daily planets and some bootleg Kotor storylines, not to mention the buggy/laggy Operations that no new player can experience because "Story Modes" require you to study clear videos and have people guide you....thats not what "Story Mode" is Bioware/EA. SWTOR is the backburner of MMO's you come to to see a badly written and VO'd storyline when you have hit rock bottom and your other MMO's are developing real content for a new patch. Well that time is now and im going to a real MMO, one that gets multiple new raids/dungeons/story/openworld content every 3 months...not every 2 years. Icing on the cake is these new MMO's have better looking content and they run much smoother, enjoy Zero Engine
  3. What is the point of these? they are too hard for the average level 50-70 that is the demographic actually interested in "

    story modes" that offer low end game gear in exchange for easier content


    The problem is its not easy at all, even for a full group of 70s who are going in blind if you dont watch a vid you are basically just wasting your time, story modes should not require you to have half the raid guiding the other half through the mechanics or for all the players to have studied a clear video before hand.


    Id like to see them nerfed so you can entice more people to actually sub to see the story of these OPs


    Its scary to see that the shift of content development is going away from story and more into compansions/raids, this is not something the majority of your players want or will pay subs for, especially when 90% of the players will not step foot in these raids unless they are long time dedicated players (most are not)

  4. Bioware/EA knew what they were geting into when they made SWTOR, they wanted a MMO with great RPG storyline in them, except 7 years later they are only delivering on the MMO part and not the great storyline part anymore, and the MMO part is weak and stale compared to other MMO's


    SWTOR is just a incredibly weak version of FFXIV and WoW now, FFXIV having the superior story and great raids, and WoW having the best raids and acceptable story. What does SWTOR have? Cartel packs...

  5. sounds like the personal defense cooldowns of non tank classes needs to be rebalanced, guard is working as intended but no dps should be able to tank even with guard on them
  6. Its funny to see the obvious sith players squirm to find faults with the jedi order, no you are not allowed to romance droids in the jedi order sorry. I cant turn this civilization into slaves the jedi are controlling me! Even though you can just leave the order anytime you want even if you are a scumbag and should be put down or imprisoned instead, where as trying to leave the Sith is just signing your death warrant. You sound as laughable as your are pathetic, Imp dogs


    Seriously being Sith is like living in a labor camp, you are living in the presence of slaves and prisoners your whole life and only amount to a selfish person only fighting for selfish pursuit of power, the Sith are not your family they are your captors

  7. It is canon that sith fall back to the light side and become jedi once more, please watch more star wars before posting hyperbole, you can be a light sided sith in SWTOR


    even if it wasent canon that you can have light sided sith its better for balance reasons because SWTOR's pvp is rubbish even since launch thanks to more player balancing on biowares part

  8. There's no such thing as a pure dps class sorry, this is a WoW copy paste, each AC has 3 specs, you might have more variety as a dps, but you are still a 3 spec class just like a guardian is, the guardian cant tank and dps at the same time so he shouldnt be punished with lower dps
  9. try to kill a sorc, he runs away with force speed and CC, no assassin medal


    try to kill a sorc, he puts up bubble, no damage done, no 300k damage medal


    try to kill a sorc, he heals to full in bubble, pads his own healing and his team kills you


    sorry what? sorc is one of the class you DONT want to face when trying to medal farm


    jugg = ez 300k damage

  10. bioware thinks its ok that you have should have to grind in huttball 500000 times to get enough commendations for gear against premades, you can no longer just do a daily and have a chance for gear/get gear stedaly


    i advise have fun geting your gear whill you can because when this change goes live you can expect VERY long queues because people are seriously SICK of grinding huttball, id rather get 30 amaments a day instead of do another huttball match, and once bioware deems to take that away i will stop pvping for good in this game

  11. melee are a novelty class in this game, have fun twirling around your sabers then get back to the serious classes, i knew melee would be big stinkers in this game when i read that ranged classes can do amazing healing and have a crap ton of CC and instant attacks/damage all wraped up into one little neat package during beta


    its a concious decision that bioware needed to make so the game wouldnt be 95% darth tards and luke skywankers, believe me sith sorcs are no where as popular as darth maul and the like people only play sorcs because they are overpowered

  12. lots of of lying sorcs in this thread, tracer missle does kinetic damage and does 55% armor ignore when fully stacked after 5 casts of it, on caster classes this means your armor is only absorbing about 7-10% of a tracer missle damage from armor, so no it does NOT ignore armor, learn to use your Overpowered bubble more


    if a sorc lose to a merc you are terribad

  13. you do realize guarding the ball carrier and taunting groups of enemies is how you get massive amounts of medals as a assassin? if you are going around trying to get 1v1 medals as a assassin and wanting to farm medals you are doing it VERY wrong


    you are not special, any downer baby tank can get top medals by simply applying guard to a random person geting focused fired, and its EASIER doing it whill trying to WIN

  14. if you dont like leavers dont play with them! get in a premade if you are so serious about pvp, if you join pvp solo you really dont have any idea what to expect, it could be a faceroll for you or the other team, it is very rare that the two sides in pvp are balanced. Most everytime one side gets owned hardcore


    untill they add seperate pre made queues and rated wz's leaving is a legitimate and neccessary feature!

  15. its true, they are playing the game the way its meant to be played, stacking sorcs and takingg 1 jugg for guard is the sure fire way to win in competetive and casual pvp


    thats why sith sorcs need a big stinking smelly doo doo of a nerf patch to fly all over them and bring them in line with everyone else

  16. Without the kill trading, republic would have no chance to ever get their illum dailies and weeklies done on most servers do to the server imbalances, most repbulic do not waste time on level 50 wz's because of how many of my fellow empire players exploited illum on release whill republic just played the game normally, this is the only way for them to keep the game competetive


    Go ahead "fix" trading so we can go back to the nascar race in the middle fighting each other over boxes and crates in this amazing visionary pvp from bioware

  17. oh boy another sorc who thinks the complaints are about damage only and not the fact a sorc has bubble friendly pull and most CC in the game and most survivabilty in the game whill also doing most damage and healing in the game
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